Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 210 Great increase in population

This group of musketeers is indeed a restless thorn. When faced with a large number of people who are addicted to cannibalism, they still rush forward without hesitation. The muzzle of the gun almost hits the opponent's head and fires. Even in such a short period of time, No matter how many shortcomings the civilian musket in charge had, it would not fall off the chain at this time. The round and hot bullets filled with gunpowder smoke directly poured into the opponent's head, shattering half of the head.

Then this group of musketeers simply threw away their muskets, picked up the tomahawks issued to them, and rushed forward to cut down anyone in sight. They were so tough that they were a mess.

These are not musketeers, they are clearly Vikings.

He killed more than half of the mob by shooting in the face, and the rest were surrounded by musketeers and chopped like blood gourds. There was no resistance, so the battle was over quickly, but Charlie deliberately left one mob behind, which was for Keira. Small gifts prepared.

Both Charlie and Monk will take care of the girl, but will not be overly protective and let the other person have no access to anything, and this is exactly what Curranth wants.

Since his daughter has chosen this path, as a father, he can only silently support her. Otherwise, as an official baron and mayor of the town, how could he take the opportunity of delivering food to give Charlie and Monk a good horse each? With adequate supplies.

Both parties understand this clearly. Since you want to break through, you must have the belief to bear all this. This is the common thought of the three men.

Facing the trembling captive, Keira's hand holding the gun was steady, but her eyes were a little dazed.

Although she had told herself over and over again since she was a child that this was the only way to go, and at the same time she firmly believed that she would act decisively and show results to her father, but when things came to a close, she realized that she was not as strong and decisive as she had imagined.

However, Charlie and Monk are both veterans, and the guy who was specially selected to leave this little girl was carefully selected. Not only was he ugly, but the surrounding environment also matched the atmosphere.

This is the camp of a group of random people. There are no fences to prevent wild beasts, no tents to protect against the cold, only simple animal skins and campfires, as well as stolen iron pots and overcooked meat stewed in them.

You can see what kind of meat a group of poor clangers can eat. The unlucky guy who lost his limbs has just been freed with a convenient axe.

Begging The gangsters with buck teeth, gaping mouths, small eyes and flat noses knew very well that their only chance of survival lay in the beautiful girl in front of them, so they begged for mercy without hesitation, instead of jumping on them like wild beasts like before, but Keira was more decisive than he thought. As soon as he uttered a word, the bullet blew out his head.

The headless bodies of the rebels fell limply to the ground, and the hidden dry food fell out of the other party's arms.

Seeing this scene, Keira's somewhat rapid breathing and trembling hands suddenly calmed down. She calmly reloaded the ammunition, held the gun on her back, and stood behind Charlie, waiting for orders.

Charlie nodded secretly. Not to mention his strength, his character alone surpassed many nobles he had met. It seemed that he had underestimated this girl.

After all, there were more rogues with a bottom line, and cannibals and non-cannibals were wary of each other and never mixed together, so Charlie and the others' actions went smoothly, and they arrested hundreds of people one after another.

These rebels were sent to Mara Town, and then escorted to Akita Town by Bella's nomadic cavalry, allowing the territory to gain a large population in a short period of time.

When they arrived in Akita Town, most of the rebels found out that they only needed to work hard for half a year to divide the fields. They did not hesitate to swear allegiance to the Hydera family and become the most loyal citizens.

Some of the rebels who were accustomed to a life of knife-edge licking blood and wanted to give it a try were trained into the second and third batches of military camps, led by Monk and Keira respectively. They continued to speed up the pace of gathering the rebels. In a short period of time, the population of the territory was reduced. Breaking through 10,000, it can be seen that the number of rioters pouring into the Northland is huge.

It's a pity that no lord except Owen dares to attract outsiders like this, especially restless people.

In fact, if the assimilation effect of the urban center was not really strong and the territorial policies were not deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it would not be possible to double the population in a short period of time without causing chaos.

In addition, the contribution of the internal affairs system is also considerable.

Today's Department of the Interior is no longer just two or three kittens. In addition to Maya's overview, there are also system nobles serving as middle-level managers, and a large number of grassroots managers who have transferred from citizens to work in the corners of the territory. Therefore, despite the rapid increase in population, But still in control.

However, for easier management, the territory needs to be reorganized and prepared for the population to continue to increase.

First, outside the city, farmers built wooden forts with hundreds of households as one, trained militiamen, and distributed muskets and other weapons.

With such preparations, even if faced with regular troops, the stronghold can withstand for a while until reinforcements arrive, not to mention the possible chaos.

Next is Akita Town, which is the focus. In addition to being prepared for expansion, the army must also be upgraded, otherwise it will not be effective in the coming wave.

Previously used as the basis, all units worth one progress value were eliminated.

These arms account for a large proportion of the army but have never played a sufficient role. Now they are even more useless. For example, if you encounter the current musket militia, as long as you hit it, one shot can wipe out one of them.

Of course, if you miss and get close, it will cost you a few lives.

All in all, units worth one progress value are not as cost-effective as musketeers for city defense, and they are of little use in field operations. Therefore, Owen gave an order to train all of them into musketeers.

As for the worries before, I still worry about it. A group of predators in the empire are about to come to dinner. If they don't grow a little bit, I'm afraid they won't even be able to survive the first round.

With a relatively sufficient population, Owen expanded the number of soldiers to 2,000 in one breath. Howard was in charge of the main regiment of 1,000 people, Hogg was in charge of the city defense army of 500 people, the escort of 100 people and 400 people. Maya is in charge of the levies.

The main force is responsible for going out to fight, so it must be fast and powerful enough. Therefore, in addition to being large in number, it is also divided into cavalry and infantry.

Main force: 1,000 men, commanded by Howard

30 scouts, 300 musketeers, and 200 swordsmen.

50 scouts, 200 lancers, 100 archers, 100 cuirassiers, and 20 knights.

In terms of military types, we have never considered the issue of attacking fortresses and focus on field battles.

In fact, in the entire Northland, except for the towns of the two earls near the border of the empire, there are no decent buildings that need to be attacked, so artillery and other equipment are not needed at all. The main focus is interception warfare and quick victory.

The city defense army is different. Because it needs to be stationed in Akita Town, it is equipped with a large number of firearms.

City defense army: 500 people, led by Hogg

100 musketeers, 200 artillery, 100 swordsmen, and 100 pikemen.

20 for the three-pounder and 12 for the eight-pounder.

As for why there are so few musketeers suitable for defense, it is mainly because of the existence of escorts and levies.

Guard 100: 50 swordsmen and 50 musketeers, responsible for guarding the town center.

400 levies: 200 conflict soldiers and 200 musketeers, responsible for patrolling and security work inside and outside the town.

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