Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 209 The military camp that sells dog meat as sheep’s head

It seems that the military camp plan will be carried out as soon as possible. Owen rubbed his temples that had been beating due to overthinking, and sighed and said to Maya.

I will mobilize a batch of supplies from the warehouse and send them, and then arrange for Howard to train the second batch of military personnel. Maya nodded and said.

Owen thought for a moment and found an option in the center of town.

There are sub-bases in the town center, and there are four quotas at level four. Greenyin Town and Mara Town are two of them. Now in order to speed up development, the remaining ones must be used as soon as possible.

Prepare to move the barbarian tribe to the Buffalo Territory, give them totem poles, and change their name to the Buffalo Tribe. In addition, Bella will be notified and asked to take away the marching tent and equipment. Owen decided to use the remaining two quotas here. .

A barbarian tribe, a nomadic tribe, may be able to work wonders in the future.

While Owen and Maya were busy with their territory development plans, Keira came to class wearing a silver scale breastplate and carrying a musket.

When Howard saw the girl who was following the lecture, he rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, sighed and continued the lecture.

He is no stranger to Keira. After all, he and Baron Currens had a common topic in the entire territory, so it was common for them to visit each other as guests. He even intended to help his son create opportunities and wanted to make Keira his own. Daughter-in-law, it's a pity that the stupid son didn't understand, so the matter fell into place.

Even so, Howard was not angry because of this. Instead, he regarded Kayla as his descendant, so he did not want her to participate in this matter. But Ms. Maya's agreement was equivalent to the Lord's agreement, and he had no objection even if he wanted to. We can only let Charlie and Monk take care of it, and send Keira safely to Mara Town first, so that her biological father will have a headache.

Musketeers actually don't have much to train, loading, shooting, maintenance, and then it's gone. The other training is just to polish the edges of these people and let them know how to obey orders, so the training is over after a week, and they have learned a lot of theory The three knowledgeable people are ready to go.

Carrying bags, kettles, and muskets, the ammunition boxes and bayonets on their waists were all brand new. After receiving a one-handed tomahawk as an auxiliary weapon, these musketeers began their adventure.

First we came to Mara Town. At this time, Mara Town had built a solid wall. Thanks to the Floo Network and the expanded space pockets, a large amount of materials were continuously delivered. Together with the hard-working and capable farmers, civil engineering work It has always been the strength of the territory.

Seeing the tall walls and arrow towers, Charlie and Monk nodded with satisfaction. Although their base is not here, Mara Town is their logistics base. As long as the logistics base is there, even if they lose the battle, they will have a chance to come back again. Otherwise, they will be killed on the run like a lost dog.

At this time, the gate of the town opened, and Curranth came to greet him with ten cavalrymen. Charlie hurried forward.

The two have similar backgrounds, but one has already made his mark while the other is still working hard, so they have a slight affection for each other and have no intention of tit-for-tat.

Corens was not afraid that the other party was here to seize power, and Charlie was not afraid that the other party would secretly plot something. Therefore, after a few test sentences with each other, the atmosphere became very harmonious.

The camp prepared for you is under construction, but the tents have been set up. You can go and rest first. I will have people deliver the prepared food later. Correns did not let the other party enter Mara Town, because now They are not yet a system.

This has two meanings. One is that Corrence is the mayor and he needs to be responsible for the town and will not let more than 200 restless musketeers enter the town. The other reason is that the other party has not been assimilated into the system. Separated by one layer.

Curranth has long been assimilated into the system and his loyalty has become constant. This is why Irving originally asked him to become the mayor of Mara Town.

But assimilation is not brainwashing. Curranth is just more loyal to the lord, more kind to the people, and more prestigious in the town. However, his thinking has not changed. He still wants to stand out as a noble, so whether he is an outsider or not, he will not Detect something wrong.

Charlie and Monk were not surprised that they could not enter the town. They knew who their subordinates were. If they caused trouble, they would shoot one or the other, so it was best to stay away.

Although the military camp is selling dog meat on sheep's heads, there are many things that should be provided. The camp not far from Mara Town has erected fences, set up tents, and built toilets. Only bathhouses, canteens, warehouses, cells, etc. It's not built yet.

What’s interesting is that from the time they came to leaving, the father and daughter of Currens didn’t say a word, and they didn’t even make eye contact, but this didn’t mean that the father and daughter had turned against each other, so Charlie arranged for Kayla’s tent to be Between him and Munch's tent.

Both of them have ambitions, and they are not the kind of women who can't reach them when they see them. What's more, Keira's family and interpersonal relationships are what they need most, so they must not let Keira get into trouble with them, so they let her go. Right under your nose, just in case those daring bastards do anything untoward.

After just one day's rest, Charlie and the other three took the musketeers to the military camp.

To put it bluntly, the so-called military villages are to capture people and bring them back to farm. If the territory does not provide good treatment, they can be regularized, and they are divided into fields and houses, they are doing the work of the slave catching team.

But this job is not easy, because they are not arresting refugees, but rioters.

The refugees will not resist if they are starved to death, but the rioters will not. They prefer to rob by themselves, and even throw people into pots to cook, which makes the ogres know they are experts, so they need to be armed.

However, they were unlucky on the first day. They encountered a group of rioters who were stewing meat, and the ingredients were very fresh. Although they had no limbs, they were still groaning, and they might be able to survive until the next meal.

Facing a group of thugs who were so vicious that their eyes turned red, Charlie and Monk remained calm. Although similar scenes were rare, they were not unheard of.

I really thought that life in the empire was as prosperous as paradise, but in fact the empire was the one that truly ate people without spitting out their bones.

Facing this scene, only Kayla looked pale and ugly, and her hands were shaking. Fortunately, she didn't spit it out. Otherwise, she would have been so embarrassed on the spot that she would have to go home and be a good girl, because no soldier would obey a vomiting person. Female boss.

Not all places belong to Akita Town. Charlie said to Kayla with some emotion. He has been to many places, and Akita Town is the only place where the citizens live the happiest life. This is why he dare not go near to open up land. Because he couldn't guard against the serfs who wanted to escape.

Get ready to fight. We can't take any more of these rioters. All of them will be executed. Monk didn't have as many thoughts as Charlie. He immediately dismounted and picked up the tomahawk and ordered to the musketeers beside him.

These musketeers were very dissatisfied, because they would have no money if they did not arrest the rioters, but who allowed these rioters to eat people? Not many lords liked people who had eaten people in their territories.

Keep all the spoils of this battle for yourself, and there will be a big meal when you get back. Charlie was keenly aware that morale was wrong, so he immediately spoke out.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the Musketeer's expression immediately changed, from dissatisfaction to eagerness to try.

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