Standing at the entrance to the third floor of the ruins, the warm baby on Owen's shoulder was constantly scanning the surroundings. In fact, the various scans had not stopped along the way. A large amount of data had been collected, especially the text and architectural structures here, which made him Not so unfamiliar with the ruins.

However, Owen has always lacked key information in his hands. After all, except for books made of bronze such as the Monster Girl Training Manual, ordinary books cannot be preserved over a long period of time. Therefore, the written records that can be seen are actually very limited, and most of them are on buildings. Depicted.

Thinking about the engraved words that could be seen on the street in his previous life, you can see how much Owen has gained, so he still doesn't know the specific origin of this ruins.

But Owen had a hunch that everything he wanted to know could probably be found on the third floor of the ruins.

Nuanbaobao projects the scanned building structure. Some areas are red. These are load-bearing points and must be avoided during the battle. Otherwise, there is a risk of collapse if something goes wrong.

Although it was not a total collapse, Owen did not want to experience the feeling of being buried dozens of meters deep, so he asked his men to remember this.

What was projected next were the puppets and magic mechanisms responsible for guarding.

There are two types of puppets. One is similar to an iron golem, a very heavy metal block. However, because of its simple structure, even if it is rusty, it can operate again with simple maintenance. The other is covered with metal armor. lizard Man.

These lizardmen are about two meters tall. Because their heads are big and their bodies are tilted forward, they have a thick tail to maintain balance. Their limbs are relatively thick and powerful, and their claws are very sharp. Moreover, these lizardmen have also undergone body modification, with 8% of their bodies Ten is covered with a layer of metal armor, some limbs are directly replaced with mechanical arms, and some use magical equipment similar to firearms. You can tell that they are elite monsters at a glance.

These lizardmen are obviously not underground creatures. In fact, they are the modified original bodies originally stored in the ruins. They have been dormant in the form of eggs at the bottom of the pool in the monster cultivation center. They are densely packed and spectacular.

Fortunately, not many can be hatched over the long years.

In fact, if these lizardmen had not possessed thin dragon blood, no matter how magical the water in the pool was, it would not have been possible for them to survive hundreds or thousands of years safely.

After the defense mechanism was triggered last time, these lizard-man eggs that had been dormant for an unknown period of time were hatched and carefully modified. Eighty percent of their bodies were covered with a layer of bright silver metal of unknown texture. It was obvious at a glance. It has a strong defense, and the fighting method is not just hand-to-hand combat, because some lizardmen also hold weapons similar to firearms in their hands.

After learning this information, the Ultramarines moved forward silently with a bolter in one hand and a chainsword in the other. When they entered the guarded area, the magic mechanism was activated.

The so-called magic mechanism is a mechanism that can release magic. Therefore, it is expensive and has a sophisticated structure. Therefore, not many of them can still be used today. Even if they can barely operate, their power is greatly reduced. Ultramarines wearing composite armor are holding up ice arrows and fireballs. Rush up and use the bolt gun to knock out the magic mechanisms that are still running one by one.

This place is relatively open and the structure is very stable. As long as you don't attack the load-bearing point specifically, there will be no problem. Therefore, the Ultramarines maximize the role of the bolt gun in their hands, firing bolt rounds with astonishing power in a short period of time. Within a short time, all the remaining magic mechanisms were destroyed.

Each bolt shell has the power of an anti-aircraft gun, or even stronger, because the black glue filled inside has been crystallized after alchemy treatment, and will burn completely in a very short time after hitting the target, resulting in When the air expands and generates a strong shock wave, it also releases a terrifying high temperature that can easily melt steel and even cause a layer of glazed glass to appear on the gravel ground. The magic mechanism in a semi-dead state could not withstand such a powerful attack and was blown to pieces. .

Owen, who was standing behind, was very satisfied with the power of the bolt gun. If it hadn't been for mass production, he would have dared to go shopping in the Empire now. Unfortunately, this thing involves the use of alchemy, and even Brian has not yet mastered it.

After clicking off the magic mechanism, the Ultramarine put away the bolt gun. After all, bullets were limited, so use them sparingly.

Putting away the bolter, the Ultramarines activated the chainsword in their hands and rushed towards the modified lizardmen with a harsh roar.

The modified lizardmen moved very quickly, and those holding weapons similar to firearms were the first to attack. However, these weapons were obviously not swords. They could be used as long as they were preserved, so there were not many that could be used, and the charged bullets fired were also of different sizes. , some dispersed halfway, and in the end they had no choice but to rush forward and fight hand-to-hand.

The ultramarine slashed his opponent with an expressionless expression. The chain sword roared and tore apart the metal armor on the lizard man's body, followed by flesh, blood, and bones. The blood plasma brought out by the chain saw could be seen spraying out two to three meters away. It can be seen that the speed was high. He was so tall that he saw the lizard man in two in the blink of an eye. The process was very cruel.

In fact, Irving hesitated to make a chain sword at first because he felt that it was very impractical and far less powerful than traditional cold weapons. However, out of a certain feeling, he still overcame many difficulties and finally made a chain sword. .

Because it does not need to be cut as a whole, the main body of the chain saw sword is made as strong as possible to withstand collisions. Since the chain saw is divided into pieces, some high-strength but low-toughness materials can be used. Materials were finally used to create a frightening weapon that was horribly sharp for flesh and blood. It really cut flesh and blood like tofu, and the wound could not be sutured at all, provided that it was necessary to suture after being hit by a chain sword.

When faced with hard objects such as metal, a chainsaw sword can easily damage the saw blade, but it can sustain a battle without any problem. It is also easy to replace it afterwards. After all, the saw teeth are a chain-like structure, and replacement is no more difficult than changing a chain. In the end, The important thing was that making these didn't require him to use his hands, so Owen had the Fire Queen produce a batch.

After turning all the modified lizardmen into pieces, those iron golem-like puppets had just arrived.

The Ultramarines also knew that the chain swords in their hands were not suitable for cutting such things, so they directly dismantled all these puppets that were swaying when they walked. It was not difficult with their strength.

Owen asked Nuan Baobao to fly over and scan it. After looking at the data, he found that the technical content of this thing was not high. It was not as good as the iron golem in the academy camp. The only valuable thing was the device similar to a radio transmission receiver inside, allowing these puppets to It can remotely accept the magic output from the ruins and use it as its own power.

This thing is very suitable for use by the Fire Queen, because most of the machinery and puppets in the underground city industrial area now use cheap but unstable steam power. Only a few precision instruments use the power provided by steam generators.

If the Flame Queen can master the remote transmission of magic power, it will greatly promote the development of the underground city industrial zone, so Owen asked Nuan Baobao to upload the data.

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