Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 196 The third floor of the ruins

Back off, add water to cool down the power backpack, replace the drum, and replenish water. The Wild Beast General kept issuing orders. As for the remaining black-backed rat men who were still rushing over, leave them to the adventurers who don't know when they will appear.

Facing the tide of black-backed rat-men, adventurers dare not provoke them, because once they appear, they will be swamped by the rats and no bones will be left.

Now that their numbers were greatly reduced, it was unreasonable for them not to take action. After all, those who had accepted the mission showed their skills and swarmed forward with swords, guns and swords dancing.

At this time, after tightening the air intake valve, the bugbears cooperated with each other to add pure water to the power backpack, lower the temperature, then took out a new drum and installed it, and finally picked up the kettle to replenish themselves with water.

Although steam nail guns do not produce violent noise, allowing them to shoot in relatively closed ruins for a long time without deafness, whether it is a powered backpack that provides steam or a steam nail gun or a steam-powered exoskeleton, it is very harmful to the user. It's a kind of torture for me, and I feel like I'm a steamed bun in a pot.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Although the underground ruins are slightly empty, it is a relatively closed space underground after all. The sound and smoke produced by firearm shooting alone are very unfriendly to users.

On the contrary, there is no problem with steam power. The sound of gas injection is almost silent and no smoke is produced. The only problem is high temperature.

Fortunately, bugbears are in good health and are hardworking. If they were humans, they would have suffered from heat stroke.

As the last black-backed ratman fell, the scene suddenly became quiet, but the battle was not over. Both the adventurers and the wild beast generals noticed the boiling pool like boiling water.

The equally cheap Horned Goblins replaced the Black-backed Skaven as cannon fodder and began to enter the battlefield, and behind them were huge thorn spiders.

As for the black glue bugs, which are also underground creatures, their growth cannot be separated from the sap of the magic horn tree, because the flammable and explosive body fluids in the body are secreted by swallowing the sap of the magic horn tree. Even the monster cultivation center cannot skip this point, so The monsters cultivated did not include black glue bugs, but this was surprising enough.

The Bugbears lined up again to shoot, and the Spider Chariot was not idle this time.

The spider chariot does not have only one driver. In fact, in addition to a hobgoblin driver, there are also shooters and loaders.

At this time, the hobgoblin responsible for shooting sat in the shooting position, aimed at the target through the scope, and then pressed the pedal hard. With a dull sound of air explosion, thicker spikes were launched.

Compared with the eight-millimeter caliber nail gun used by bugbears, the caliber of the vehicle-mounted double-mounted heavy-duty nail gun reaches 15 mm, which is almost twice the size. However, the increase in power is not as simple as doubling or doubling, even if the carapace is tough. Even the thorn spider couldn't stop it, it was penetrated through the shell, and weird-colored tissue fluid leaked out.

However, the nail gun alone cannot kill the huge thorn spider in a short period of time. The final word is the 100mm smoothbore cannon on the fire support spider tank.

Because it cannot be loaded with explosives, the shells used by the steam smoothbore cannon are specially made. Under the metal shell, the core is a conical metal thorn that plays an armor-breaking role, and the metal thorns are filled with small steel balls.

This kind of cannonball will instantly shatter when it hits the ground, causing splash damage.

Although it lacks explosives to increase kinetic energy, resulting in low damage, it is safe enough and suitable for special environments. In addition, this thing was not originally prepared to kill infantry. The thorn spider that was shot twitched for a while, and then lay down. .

After the shell touched the thorn spider's carapace, the shell shattered, revealing the metal cone used for armor-breaking inside, causing armor-piercing damage. The small steel balls filled inside were poured into the thorn spider's body with powerful kinetic energy in an instant, causing The irreparable injuries made the Thorn Spider's body a mess. No matter how stubborn he was in life, he couldn't stand such a mess.

To put it bluntly, this kind of shell is specially prepared for large monsters, especially targets that are hard on the outside and tender on the inside. It is extremely lethal, especially those big spider bags that have just climbed out of the pool and their shells have not yet completely hardened. It's really one shot at a time.

It stands to reason that a long time has passed since the capture of the monster training center, but there is still no support coming.

In fact, it is not that there is no support, but that it is all blocked.

The adventurers who entered first were causing trouble everywhere, forcing the defense mechanism to send out a large number of modified puppets, which dispersed the power.

When they discovered that the monster training center was under attack and wanted to mobilize support, they were blocked by adventurers using different means, and they were immediately unable to advance or retreat.

Although the modified puppets are still moving forward, at the current speed, they may not even be able to keep up with cleaning the battlefield.

Therefore, in some aspects, the destructive power of adventurers is still very great. Unfortunately, it is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it can work wonders. If you use it poorly, it will wipe your neck.

Owen did not intervene in this battle, but gave full authority to General Wild Beast.

If it were before, the Wild Beast General was still lacking, because it was brave enough but not cautious enough, so it could only be a warrior general.

But after integrating Liao Hua's template, General Wild Beast dare not say that he can command thousands of troops immediately. The current battle of hundreds of people is really nothing, so Owen can safely follow Roger's team to the third underground floor.

Because Owen personally led the team in this operation, not only Ciel and Emile were brought along, but also ten fully armed Ultramarines followed.

This power is enough for any imperial noble to treat him with courtesy, but Owen still feels that it is not enough. However, thinking about the fact that he still has puppets and shikigami, he can travel through time at any time when in danger, and wears the Saint Aries power armor to strike with thunder. Armed with a power hammer and a heavy bolter, he finally decided to reluctantly take the risk himself.

Roger's team, who was leading the way at this time, now had an unprecedented sense of security. After all, there was a legendary warrior, a master witch, and ten half-giant warriors beside them. This strength was enough to slay a dragon, let alone explore the ruins. .

But Roger was not careless, and still spread out in formation according to the habit of the team, not only to be alert to the surroundings, but also to support each other. This is why their team is not very strong, but they can always successfully escape from danger.

The group soon arrived at the entrance to the third floor of the ruins.

The entrance to the third floor of the ruins is not very secretive. In fact, many adventurers know that, after all, it is difficult to ignore the passage that is large enough for several carriages to circle down side by side.

The only difficulty is that there are a large number of puppets here, and with the magic mechanism, ordinary adventurers dare not approach it at all.

Roger and the others were also lucky last time. Because there was a problem with the defense mechanism, they found a loophole and sneaked in. As a result, they almost died inside, and they are still scared to this day.

If it weren't for the extremely generous reward for this mission, Roger wouldn't be willing to take such a big risk.

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