Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 168 Hell Corps and Steel Golem

The devil, wearing a set of legendary equipment that releases various colors of light, sits on the throne at the top of this hell, just like the devil who controls the entire hell.

In fact, the devil doesn't know what the devil's throne looks like, and he has never even seen the devil. Because hell is strictly hierarchical, not everyone can see the devil, and this devil is obviously not qualified, so he can only Using imagination, he built this throne made of hell-forged iron. This was the limit of the devil's imagination. Then he built various hell monsters and soldiers.

Because they are close to the abyss, the monsters in hell are affected. Their appearance is indescribable. Unlike the devil soldiers in hell, although they are all lower-level devils, most of them are in human form. They just have a pair of horns, so they can use equipment and follow them. arms.

Moreover, the structure of Hell Soldiers is very rigorous, including shield soldiers, spearmen, archers, cavalry, and spell casters. They can adapt to various types of enemies. Their best thing is to use magic to wash the ground. After all, devils are natural spell casters.

Owen, who originally wanted to build an army in the Age of Empire, frowned. If he followed the previous plan, he obviously had no chance of winning.

What the devil built was not the main legion in hell. Because he did not have this authority, and without sufficient contact and understanding, he could not build it out of thin air even in this magical space. Therefore, he could only build a lower-level ordinary hell legion.

Even so, every soldier in the Hell Corps is the elite of the elite. The combat experience and skills accumulated over the long years are beyond the imagination of ordinary humans. They cannot be said to be comparable to the legendary warriors, and they have reached the limit that humans can achieve. In addition, the devil has surpassed With human physique, it can be said that every devil soldier is at the level of a hundred enemies of a human being, and is simply not something that a mortal corps can fight against, no matter how fierce and unafraid of death the imperial-era troops built by Owen are.

It seems we need to be more serious. Owen whispered to himself, and then showed an excited expression.

Fantasy construction must be familiar and mastered by oneself, so the devil cannot build a higher-level devil than himself, nor can he build equipment that he has not been exposed to.

Irving should be the same, but he has a system, and this space does not need to be real, it only needs corresponding data to be transformed into reality. So the question is, what step can Irving do in this strange space? Even he himself was very curious.

Let's use the academy's troops as an appetizer, but try to build a warm baby first, otherwise it will be a bit difficult. Owen still has some knowledge about his intelligence attributes, so he started his own operation.

The structure of Nuanbaobao is not complicated. What is complicated is the internal program. However, all the data of the Flame Queen were copied by Owen. Although the data was too large afterwards, he could not recall it at all. But in this special space, every The symbols all appeared clearly in his mind, so the construction process went very smoothly.

Nuan Bao Bao, turn on mental synchronization, turn on thinking acceleration, turn on paste and copy. The completed Nuan Bao Bao was suspended above Owen's head. After he used the puppet technique to achieve spiritual resonance, the whole person's thinking speed was incredibly fast. To such an extent, he was able to find the knowledge about the Golem in his memory in a very short period of time.

After obtaining the alchemist profession, Owen has the alchemy knowledge of the entire academy, even the top alchemy creation Titan, but how much he can use it depends entirely on himself. After all, even if you are given a complete set of blueprints for the launch vehicle, besides selling scrap paper, you can teach yourself What is the possibility of Chengcai directly launching satellites?

But now Irving doesn't need to understand or master it, he just needs to recall it in his mind, and the construction is completed, which is so exciting.

The first thing to complete the construction is the iron golem of the regular arms in the Heroes and Invincible Academy. This golem made of large pieces of cast iron is thick and bulky, but it has to be said that it is very cost-effective, especially when the quantity reaches a certain level, the torrent of steel formed is not at all Human power can stop it. At the peak of the academy, every foundry was continuously producing such golems, crushing any enemy who dared to approach the academy.

And this was just the beginning, Owen soon upgraded and replaced the Iron Golem with a more advanced Steel Golem.

The Steel Golem is lighter, stronger, more lethal, and faster than the Iron Golem. It is a very efficient killing machine.

What's even more frightening is that with the help of Nuan Baobao, the steel golems seemed to be really copying and pasting. First they appeared one by one, and then they appeared in rows, and soon formed a steel corps.

When Owen was conceiving the new unit, the Golem Corps had already collided with the monsters from hell.

Hell monsters are ugly and powerful enough, but their appearance and crazy momentum are enough to scare humans. But facing these steel creations, it is meaningless. The steel golems holding thick double-edged swords are waving the sharp blades in their hands uniformly, like an assembly line. The knife blade used to cut fruits turns the hell monsters that rush over into uglier corpses. Even if they face all kinds of weird methods of the hell monsters, they still won't flinch at all.

Acid, sound waves, poisonous blood, sharp claws, fangs, and all kinds of unexpected methods were all endured by the steel golem, and it launched a counterattack immediately.

Golem? It's really a tough opponent. In addition to tempting intelligent creatures to fall, the devil is also good at creating fear. Otherwise, it would be difficult to build a hellish monster that is not cost-effective. It is just to arouse fear in the opponent, but he never expected that, Not only was the opponent very calm, but he also created the most annoying opponent, the golem.

Okay, let me teach you a lesson and let you understand that nothing can be the opponent of the Hell Soldiers. The devil is very aware of the strength of the Hell Soldiers. It is a powerful combat force that can sweep across the material world, even if it is only the second echelon of Hell. The Hell Corps is not easy to provoke, so the legendary magic sword in the hands of the senior allows the Hell Corps to launch an attack.

The coordination of the Hell Corps is almost perfect. All the soldiers are like a cog in this war machine. Even when faced with the steel golem that makes people unable to attack, they still do not stop moving forward. Even the method of dealing with it is so simple and direct that it surprises Owen. Degree.

The heavy infantry in the back row put their shields against the backs of the heavy infantry in the front row, and used their collective strength to push the steel golem to the ground, and then stabbed the dagger into the joints, causing the steel golem to make only a squeaking sound. , but couldn't move at all.

Fortunately, Owen's newly constructed troops have been completed and scaled up, interrupting the advance of the Hell Corps in time.

The newly added gargoyles are not a powerful unit, but being able to fly is a huge advantage, especially when these solid stone statues swoop down from the sky, even without the use of sharp claws, they are enough to knock a fully armed soldier into pieces. Minced meat, even if the hell soldiers are physically stronger than humans, they will inevitably end up with broken bones and tendons.

But what surprised Owen again was that the devil's heavy infantry overlapped their shields to disperse the impact of the gargoyles. The gargoyles hit the fish-scale shield wall, and while the gravel flew around, The shield wall undulated, but it was never able to break through the shield wall's defense.

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