Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 167 The Game of Reality and Illusion

Let me see, a young man with excellent talent, noble and mysterious, with ancient and powerful bloodline, really has an enviable life. The devil's voice was not hoarse, nor did it appear high, but gave people a sense of envy. Gentle and gentlemanly.

This is not surprising, because it is a compulsory course for the devil to say what he says to whomever he meets.

Facing gamblers with unsatisfied desires, a low and seductive voice is the first choice.

Facing malicious robbers, the high and hoarse voice will make them know how to be in awe.

Facing nobles who are good at hiding their inner feelings, gentle words are more likely to gain recognition.

Owen's appearance, behavior and temperament are undoubtedly in line with the nobility, so the devil shows his elegant side.

Unfortunately, although it was his first time dealing with the devil, Owen knew that he could not believe any word of the devil, even if he signed a devil's contract, because the nature of the devil is greed and evil, a combination of sin and evil, and abiding by The contract is just restricted by the laws of hell.

Believe in the devil? Making friends with the devil? You'll know what regret is when your soul falls into the hands of the devil, so Owen didn't mean to respond, but asked Nuan Baobao to start scanning the black magic book.

Puppet? Golem? What a strange creature, just as mysterious as you. The devil tried to continue to stir up the topic, because Owen's eyes reminded the devil of some unpleasant memories.

Owen still had no reaction to the devil's words, because he was simultaneously sorting out the contents scanned by Nuan Baobao.

It's very interesting that witches, wizards, wizards, and alchemists are all contained in a black magic book. If Owen hadn't also had many professions, he would have easily fallen into a dead end and couldn't get out.

Owen stretched out his hand, used his mental power to construct a rune on his fingertips, and then slowly pressed it against the black magic book.

The devil's face made of water mist on the black magic book shook, because the devil knew that he was in big trouble, because the person in front of him was the kind of person that the devil hated the most, and he also saw the role of this rune, which was to make up for the black magic. The loopholes in the magic book are sealed.

As long as this rune is filled, it is equivalent to the other party controlling the switch of the seal. If the devil wants to take a breath, it depends on whether the other party is willing to open a hole.

It is true that the devil is very patient, but he has been sealed for hundreds of years, and the hope of escape was interrupted again. He met the kind of person he least expected to meet. Even the devil couldn't help but want to flip the table.

Because the devil is too weak now, once there is a problem with this part of the origin, the body in hell will most likely lose its level and lose its only chance, especially the latter, which makes the devil make a risky decision.

Human, let's play a fair game. The devil suddenly said the moment Owen's finger fell, and then before Owen could react, a dreamlike light spot touched his finger.

Owen's consciousness instantly broke away from the shackles of the physical body and entered a world full of colorful bubbles. Here he experienced the feeling of flying freely for the first time. It was more refreshing than standing on the terrace of the castle wearing only a nightgown and doing morning exercises. But he quickly realized that the consciousness that had let himself go suddenly turned into a human form, exactly like his physical body.

In fact, Owen just faced two choices, one was the image of Yan Xu in his previous life, and the other was the image of Owen in this life. In the end, he chose the current life because there are many women in this life and there will be more in the future, so it is not difficult to choose. Isn't it?

As soon as Owen condensed his body, the surrounding scene changed, turning into the castle he was most familiar with, and opposite him was a scene of hell.

If you look further away, you can see that this is a strange space. Except for the castle and hell, which are solid entities, the rest of the space is a twisted space composed of colorful bubbles and ribbons, like chaos.

Is this the devil's game? Owen said with a serious look on his face, obviously he underestimated the devil's methods.

But Owen is not very panicked in his heart, because even if he is only conscious, he can still clearly feel the existence of the system. With the system's father around, he has nothing to fear.

However, as the rules of this space were injected into Owen's consciousness, he realized that this was not the devil's ability, but that the other party was lucky enough, or he was lucky enough.

This space does not really exist, because it is the fragment of the authority of the God of Reality and Illusion.

The devil got this fragment a long time ago, but the devil, which is only partially original, cannot bring it back to hell. He can only hope to absorb it in the material world, thereby getting rid of the shackles of hell and becoming an independent god. For this reason, he does not hesitate to be killed by a Powerful witch sealed into a dark magic book.

But the devil underestimated the God of reality and illusion. Even if it is just a small fragment of authority, its essence is still far superior to the devil's origin. The devil's origin is like water mist attached to a crystal fragment. , wanting to absorb the crystal is not a miracle, but a miracle.

But it's too late to regret. Sometimes the devil is blinded by the benefits, and sometimes it's hard to get off the tiger.

But the devil's opportunity has come. As long as Owen's body and soul are captured, this part of the origin can get rid of the shackles of the hell body and gain the basis for its own existence in the material world.

With the knowledge possessed by the devil, he may not be able to embark on the road to becoming a god in the future. When the time comes, he will absorb the fragments of authority and become a god in one step. Therefore, in this game, the devil is bound to win.

After reading the rules of the space, Owen didn't panic anymore, because this was not the devil's method. In fact, the devil was just like him, they were just players in this space. The other party's only advantage was to play longer and understand the rules. Understand better, but this does not mean that the devil will definitely win.

It's like two people playing a game console together. The other person took out the game console. Can you say that you won without playing the other person's game?

Obviously not. Even if the opponent takes out a game console, the outcome must be decided through a fair game.

What's interesting is that the devil actually paid the price and exchanged his origin and real name for Owen's body and soul.

This is not because the devil has lost his mind, but because the devil has not expected that the quality of Owen's blood and soul is so high. If he does not give everything, the fragment of authority will not recognize it at all. If he does not recognize it, the game cannot start. The helpless devil can only act like a lost man. Like a wise devil, he risks everything.

Irving retracted his scattered thoughts and concentrated on preparing for this game.

The game is simple yet complex at the same time.

The authority of the God of Reality and Illusion breaks the boundary between reality and illusion, at least in this space, so both parties need to use fantasy to form reality.

Let's start with the simplest method: fantasy and build a sword. This sword is real in this world and can be used to kill the opponent to win.

However, if the opponent builds a musket, victory belongs to the opponent.

If you go one step further and build a Cyclops that obeys orders, let alone a musket, it will be useless even if you build a cannon.

Therefore, the core test of this game is fantasy and construction. You must have enough fantasy and at the same time fully understand the creation of your imagination. Therefore, Owen unconsciously built a castle, while the devil built a hell, because this is the relationship between both sides. The most familiar place.

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