How could Maya not notice that Ciel had changed so much, but she was smart enough not to ask, and she had no intention of prying. As a senior maid, she knew very well that you can only know if the master lets you know, and not if you are. You know, even if you know, you still don’t know.

Otherwise, so what if the maid is famous for her loyalty. Not one or two maids have been dealt with by her. When the master feels that he can only rest assured if you die, then you can only die.

Eighty percent of the serving maids died of unnatural deaths. The rest either swore to serve the church and practice penance for the rest of their lives, or became cripples who could not hear, speak, or write. This was already the kindness of the master. .

The reason for all this is that they are loyal enough, so the master will let them deal with some extremely secret matters, but a small amount adds up to a big problem. When too many of their secrets are known, they will inevitably feel uneasy, so they can only let them Go to hell.

Maya is luckier than other maids in that she has an unusual relationship with the countess she is loyal to. In addition to the master-servant relationship, they are also lovers. Therefore, she can master more secrets and rights, even to the extent that even the daughter who has just succeeded to the throne can The earl's son didn't dare to attack her easily, otherwise how could she survive until now.

In fact, just as Owen guessed, her rich life experience and her own experiences have made Maya no longer a pure maid.

Of course, she still abides by the bottom line of serving as a maid and must not harm her master in any way, but on this basis, she can make her life better and happier. What's wrong with that?

Owen didn't know what Maya was thinking, he was busy studying the system.

After breaking through the limit, the upper limit of the progress value reached 20 points, and initially involved the extraordinary field, giving him more choices.

However, after some research, Owen discovered that the upper limit of twenty-point progress value was useless. All the better extraordinary goals exceeded the upper limit, or the price/performance ratio was too low, which made him suffer from difficulty in making a choice. He could only choose first. Keep your eyes on the present.

With the breakthrough of the upper limit, the speed of recovery of progress value has increased a lot.

After Owen's observation, the recovery speed from zero to three is the fastest, and it slows down obviously when it reaches five. The recovery speed after ten is getting slower and slower. If you want to restore to twenty, the time consumed is equivalent to starting from zero. to three or four times ten.

Therefore, the most efficient way is to exchange units with a progress value of three to five points, so that you have the conditions to form cavalry.

Although swordsmen and infantry archers are useful, cavalry is the most intimidating weapon.

The only cavalry worth three progress points are scout cavalry and light cavalry. The former is more focused on reconnaissance, while the latter's combat effectiveness is too weak. It can only bully long-range units and light infantry without formations. In a head-on battle, the casualty rate is too high and it is not cost-effective. It is better to Directly exchange for a more cost-effective cuirassier.

Although the exchange of cuirassiers worth five progress points is slower, cuirassiers equipped with spears and shields have the ability to attack enemy formations head-on. They are not as fragile as light cavalry, and their defense against bows and arrows has also been strengthened, so they can be used front-on. The battlefield deterrence is not low.

As long as there is a small group of cuirassiers filling the scene, those who want to provoke Owen will carefully consider the consequences. After all, even knights cannot fight against a small group of charging cuirassiers.

In order to keep it secret, Irving did not choose to exchange money in the castle this time. He took his soldiers to the Devil's Horn Forest to hunt. This is a noble tradition to prevent beasts that lack food from running out of the forest before winter. Even if you don't know how to hunt. , but also to show off and watch the soldiers do it, after all, it is tradition.

But all Owen did was to hide from Maya. To put it bluntly, he couldn't play with her and he didn't know what he was doing, so he wanted to hide some secrets, just like men who automatically learn to hide their private money after getting married. It is the survival instinct of male animals.

Owen didn't hide his distrust of Maya too much, because at his level, he couldn't hide it from the other party, so he might as well just put on an attitude of You haven't gained my trust yet.

This is normal. He is the master and a noble. He is naturally suspicious of everything and will not trust anyone easily, so even Maya didn't feel anything was wrong.

In fact, Owen's inner thoughts are more complicated. As a time traveler, he has a strong sense of loneliness and relies on Maya, both physically and emotionally, but he also does not completely trust her.

The reason is also very simple, experience.

Too much life experience has created a complicated heart. This is why Owen is willing to trust Ciel but can never let go of Maya.

In the previous life, the price of trust would have been heartbreak and loss of money at most, but in this world, the price of trust is often more direct, because killing is too simple, and who knows what kind of torture he will suffer in order to dig out his secrets, and even more so There are too many unknowns about what means he will use to control him.

The unknown and fear make it difficult for Owen to trust someone, even Ciel can only be regarded as half.

As for completely gaining his trust, Owen felt it was impossible, even if he died for him. This was a world with magic, anything could happen, and death was not irreversible, so he couldn't be too careful. .

Therefore, although the two parties had some in-depth exchanges that exceeded the boundaries, and they enjoyed and were obsessed with each other, Owen is not a young boy who is easily carried away by love. He will easily throw away everything for so-called love or lust. The training of life makes it easier for him to calm down and not be easily impulsive, because he often cannot afford the price of impulsiveness.

Based on various concerns, Owen instinctively wanted to keep a few hands. The Devil's Horn Forest was just the first step, and it would not be the best. If it could be used, it would not be in vain for him to spend all his efforts.

As for why we chose the Devil's Horn Forest, firstly, it is relatively close to the castle, and secondly, because it is very dangerous and no one usually comes close.

Not to mention the poisonous horned trees and the cunning and ferocious horned goblins, the beasts living here alone are enough to take away the lives of most people, so except for desperate bandits, few people are willing to set foot here. It's secretive enough once you get there.

However, although the periphery of the Devil's Horn Forest is relatively safe, it is only relatively safe. Therefore, in addition to exchanging some farmers, Owen also needs to exchange for some additional troops, some powerful troops, otherwise he may not see any living people next time he comes.

It stands to reason that Owen should not waste precious labor here when the city wall has not yet been rebuilt, but who told him that he did not act completely rationally, and he was a stupid novice. Many times, the plans he racked his brains to write were not implemented at all. It has been put to use, which makes the efficiency of his use of Golden Finger pitifully low. Otherwise, he would not have given Maya a lot of work despite clearly not trusting her. It was not to improve efficiency and avoid waste.

Moreover, the arrangement in the Devil's Horn Forest was not so much a backup plan, but a way for Owen to calm his inner anxiety, so he invested a lot of energy.

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