Although the scale of this battle was very small and the results achieved were not worth mentioning, it unexpectedly met the conditions for a system progress value breakthrough. Owen didn't know whether it was fighting or killing. Anyway, it was a good thing to break through, so he also obtained additional rewards.

Soldiers, professions, skills, and buildings, a total of four items, are completely randomly selected. However, tonight he needs warm embraces and white love to wash away the blood in his memory, so let's wait until later.

After a night of hard work, Owen, who had entered a state of continuous sage, had no fluctuations in his heart. He lay lazily on the recliner in the study and chose to draw rewards.

Ninja team, Templar profession, Iron Shirt skills, blacksmith shop building.

The Ninja Squad is also a unit. It comes from a certain Japanese-style game. It was ignored by Owen because it was not suitable for this world. After some research, I found that at least the Ninja unit does have merit.

These ninjas are not from Konoha, so they don't know chakra, let alone shouting anything with their hands.

Due to the pursuit of stealth and agility, these ninjas are thin and lack large muscles, so their frontal combat effectiveness is not very good, but in terms of stealth and sneak attacks, they are indeed good.

In a Western-style castle like this, ninjas have too many ways to sneak in, and there are too many ways to sneak attack and assassinate. At least it is easy to go up against the shit and make the target die.

It's a pity that Owen has no target for the ninja to display his skills, so he lets the ninja lurk in the castle and take charge of secret guarding, especially at night.

Because of the special nature of the ninjas, Owen did not let them live in the longhouse with the soldiers. He did not even intend to let too many people know about the existence of these ninjas, so he placed them in the cellar.

The castle is not the only building on the ground. In fact, the underground building area is also not small, but it is not used at all. It was opened once during the reign of Hydra I and then closed to this day.

There are not only cellars underground, but also wine cellars, dungeons and torture chambers, which perfectly meet the needs of these ninjas.

There was no need for Owen to open the cellar door himself. These ninjas quietly disappeared into the castle. If he hadn't appeared when he greeted them, he would have thought he had remembered it wrong.

Owen, a professional Templar, saw it and found that although the enhancement was considerable, if he used it himself, he would not be able to exert any power at all because he lacked a fighting heart.

The same goes for the Iron Shirt skill, because this skill is amplified on its own basis, and it is even more wasteful for him to use it.

However, there are people in the castle who meet these requirements, and Owen also plans to use this to test the system's impact on the indigenous people of this world.

Owen called Ciel in. Although there was no deeper contact between the two parties, he trusted the other maid more among the two maids.

Not because he is the first master of Ciel, but because of experience.

Ciel's special preferences made her a maverick in serving the church. In addition, her height and muscles had grown wildly since adolescence. She had been rejected for three consecutive years, which made her even more lonely. Until the arrival of the Hairui Chamber of Commerce who was not qualified to be selected. , had the opportunity to step out of serving the church and start her career as a maid.

So when facing her first master, she was more proactive and more willing to dedicate herself. Even if Owen made some excessive demands, she would do it without hesitation. This is what Owen liked about her, otherwise it would be He will easily allow the other party to possess weapons and equipment, and he will not be afraid of the other party blowing his head off.

In comparison, Maya's ability is stronger, and it is simply inferior to the Hydera family. After just a brief understanding, Owen felt that regardless of ability or intelligence, the opponent would surpass him for more than 18 years. If there is no golden finger, his subordinates Most of the soldiers came from the system, so Owen would have to worry about when he would be left out.

Therefore, Owen will not try Maya easily, because he can't guess the other person's thoughts and reactions at all. If he has evil thoughts while riding, he will definitely die miserably, such as being uprooted or something like that. .

Following Owen's orders, Ciel remained motionless and showed no sense of resistance, and successfully integrated into the Templar profession.

Although he succeeded, Owen was a little disappointed, because the conditions for people other than him to accept system enhancement were too harsh. They had to not resist and have no sense of resistance. Except for his subordinates who could do this completely There is only Ciel among the system soldiers. Whether he will encounter such a person again in the future, even Owen dare not say, because the human heart is really unpredictable.

This made Ciel even more precious, and the Iron Cloth Shirt skill that she was originally reluctant to part with was also given to her.

After fusing the Templar profession with the Iron Shirt skills, Ciel became taller and stronger. The oversized maid uniform was torn directly, and the muscles all over his body bulged unbridled. He was completely a devilish muscular man who could kill a brown bear. The kind that makes you cry.

Owen couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. It was not that he had no idea about Ciel, but it was a bit difficult in practice. Now it was better. Originally it was just a matter of bruises, but now that he has become a Hydraulic Queen, the difficulty has been directly raised to the level of hell.

While Owen was thinking wildly, Ciel, who was extremely talented, was already familiar with the enhanced abilities. Through the control of the muscles by the Iron Shirt, he calmed down the over-developed muscles. Although it still looked scary, at least it would not scare people to death easily.

Although Ciel was curious about the changes in her body, Owen told her not to ask or tell, so Ciel put the matter down, then turned to look at a dark corner of the study, and reached for the one-handed hammer on his waist.

That's the secret guard of the castle. Owen knew where it was, but he was still a little surprised that Ciel could detect the hidden ninja. It seemed that the ninja was not as powerful as he thought. After reaching a certain level of strength, he could Perceived, in this way, ordinary tasks can be handed over to ninjas, and special goals should be forgotten.

The emergence of the blacksmith shop has solved Owen's urgent need. After all, iron is an important part of the progress of civilization. Before the territory, let alone blacksmiths, there was no carpenter. Moreover, farmers can become craftsmen, but not blacksmiths. Now that there is a blacksmith shop, Owen Many plans can be implemented.

Owen's second phase plan involves developing craftsmen in the territory, such as craftsmen, which are the basis of the economy.

Unfortunately, craftsmen can make a living anywhere, and few come to the North. As a result, the Hydra family has to find carpenters, not to mention blacksmiths, from outside.

Now that there is a blacksmith shop, it is a good start.

Owen immediately arranged for craftsmen to build a blacksmith shop. Although it could be realized directly, it would cost extra progress points. It was better to build it with real materials and then use the system to grant attributes.

Because the blacksmith shop can be equated with the military industry, it was not built in the village, but in the castle, so that it could also be convenient for repairing the damaged equipment of the soldiers.

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