Dashudong Tavern is divided into two parts, the upper and lower parts. The lower part is the largest. In order to expand the area, it is a semi-underground structure, making full use of the space supported by the huge root system underground. Therefore, after entering, you can still see the thick roots that are like pillars and the surrounding walls. There are densely packed fine roots like a grid.

Because the layout is reasonable, it does not seem depressing. Even the dim environment has been solved by lanterns. There are dozens of small round tables, private booths, and a bar facing the door. It looks like It looks very distinctive.

The upper part is not a hollowed-out internal space. After all, the strength of the giant tree itself must be considered. Don't break it. Therefore, it is a small room connected by a vine corridor surrounding the tree. Some are like squirrel holes, and some are like The bird's nest is more like a tree house, just like the style of the entire town, blending into nature.

Designed in this way, the entire Dashudong Tavern is enough to accommodate two to three hundred people for drinking, entertainment and living. It is not an exaggeration to call it a treehouse, and it is enough to meet the needs of most people from the inside out.

Unfortunately, except for some resting goblins who leisurely ordered a glass of ale, there were no other customers. I didn't see the goblin bartender wiping the wine glass in boredom, and the slime maid was mopping the floor and blowing bubbles. Even the horned goblin security guard was dozing off little by little. If he opened the store, he would probably die.

After walking out of the Big Tree Hole Tavern, Owen refused to follow the Goblin General and came to the Witch School alone.

The witch school cast a Muggle expulsion spell. Of course, this alone may not be safe enough for adventurous adventurers. Therefore, in addition to the Muggle expulsion spell, there are other methods, such as the plants and zombies in Plants vs. Zombies, and There are ingenious traps set by goblins, various curses cast by witches, and finally the witch hunters who are responsible for the garrison. If you really break in, nine lives may not be enough.

When Owen walked into the school area, the first thing he felt was tranquility, because what these persecuted witches longed for most was a peaceful life, so they took life seriously. Not only were all places cleaned spotlessly, but they were also planted everywhere. But she is a witch after all, and many plants are quite dangerous. The last time she ate them was the mushroom that made her see villains.

In addition, there are many magical animals here, such as bowtruckles, velvet feathers, and evil birds. These are all bred in Dell's greenhouse and given to the witch school for the little witches to take care of and give them a soul. Trust us and expand the population of these magical animals.

It was now class time. As the principal of the witch school, Owen was preparing to inspect the school with his hands behind his back. He also met the five teaching assistants on the way.

These assistant teachers are older. Although their bodies have been recast, their mentality cannot be adjusted. Therefore, they are responsible for maintaining the operation of the witch school and are not responsible for fighting.

But it’s really hard to do without them, because they serve as janitors, cooks, librarians, sanitation, and dormitory managers. If one of them is missing, everything will be messed up. Therefore, when Owen meets them, he nods and encourages them, asking them to fulfill their duties.

He skillfully walked to the window at the back of the classroom and had a panoramic view of the entire classroom through the glass.

There are a total of sixty-five little witches and eighteen little sorceresses. They will be the core of the entire territory's magic system in the future, so Owen really did not treat them badly.

In addition to basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation, he never relaxed in his studies. Not only did he have Hogwarts textbooks, but also some systems of Puppet Master and Onmyoji. It can be said that Owen used most of the extraordinary knowledge he had in his hands to piece together an extraordinary The background of the magic school comes out.

The only problem is that now only Emile and Dale take turns teaching, so in addition to basic spells and transformations, the overall teaching is more focused on herbs and potions.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Owen was busy converting the rapidly increasing population, so he had no time to accumulate progress points to exchange for professors at Hogwarts.

Fortunately, these four courses alone are enough to learn, not to mention that Owen also added a swordsmanship class, allowing witch hunters to teach the little witches and sorceresses close combat. After all, having a wand in one hand and a long sword in one hand is also a romance that belongs exclusively to the mage. , who said you can’t kill someone without a magic wand.

Very good, he studied very seriously. Owen was very satisfied after seeing Emile's teaching. When he left, he asked the cook to add extra food today.

Everything was going in a good direction, which made Owen very happy and feeling accomplished, but his good mood was soon interrupted.

Where did the Buffalo Territory find traces of the Northland barbarians? What's the situation now? Owen frowned while sitting behind his desk. Although he had been mentally prepared, it was not good news after all, and he felt unhappy.

The scouts deployed by the Buffalo Territory have just sent news that two northern barbarian tribes have been found on the north side of the North Boundary River. Their number is about seven or eight hundred people. The number of adult warriors is two or three hundred. They are now trying to cross the river. Maya calmly reported the news she just received.

Nine times out of ten, the Northland barbarians were attracted by the daughter of the Buffalo Baron. Owen suddenly remembered this, but the problem was not big. Even without this leading party, the Northland barbarians would not have been peaceful for long. After all, the northern barbarians were farther north. Life was not easy in the area, and plundering was the best way to make a fortune, at least for the barbarians in the north.

Does the master need to send troops immediately? Maya also knew about this, but wanting to use the power of the northern barbarians for revenge was simply overthinking, so she asked.

Don't worry, crossing the river won't be so fast. The weather is starting to get warmer now, which is when the water flow rises fastest. The water flow is unclear, and the barbarians dare not cross the river in a big way. The two northern regions with a combined population of less than 1,000 The barbarian tribe was not a formidable enemy for the territory. Whoever caused the territory's soldier-civilian ratio to be seriously imbalanced could not be judged by common sense. Therefore, Owen calmly thought about the pros and cons of this matter.

Let the miners in the Buffalo Territory stop working first so as not to be discovered. At the same time, send additional scouts to keep an eye on the situation of the barbarian tribes in the North. Owen said, touching his chin.

The master wants the northern barbarian tribe to cross the river? Maya guessed Owen's thoughts, but she didn't understand why he did this. Obviously, it would be the easiest to prevent the other party from crossing the river or attack them halfway across the river.

Yes, we just want them to cross the river. The Northland barbarians are in very good physical condition and are good candidates for heavy infantry. The territory needs such coolies. Owen said with a smile.

Maya nodded and understood. After conquering the nomadic tribe, a nomadic cavalry was added to the territory. Apparently the owner was eyeing the northern barbarian tribe this time and planned to add a heavy infantry force to the territory.

To achieve this goal, the two northern barbarian tribes must first be lured across the river and cut off each other's retreat.

As for not getting burned, Maya is very calm about this, they don't have this qualification.

But don't be too careless. Let Bella lead the nomadic cavalry to patrol between the buffalo territory and the territory. If the other party is planning a sneak attack, let her strike first. Owen knocked on the table and said to Maya.

As you command, Master. Maya wrote this down, then walked out of the study to inform Bella.

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