The weather was gradually getting warmer, and Owen turned one year older before he knew it, but he was not in the mood to celebrate his birthday. Although he was only twenty, he had already been around for four years in his previous life. It didn't matter if it was his birthday or not. Anyway, he had no relatives now and was alone. What kind of birthday is it for him, but busying in the town center every day makes him regain the energy to go to work.

Recently, after spending the progress value to convert, Owen was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he carefully reviewed the documents sent by Maya in the study, understood the current situation of the territory, and then thought about how the territory would develop next.

But it was not that easy, because the territory had unknowingly developed into a large force with three towns, a population of 2,000 people and a thousand goblins.

Although this small population is not as large as a primary school, it still gives him a headache when it comes to all aspects of life and future development.

In order to have a more intuitive feeling, Owen decided to build a sandbox.

Someone brought a wooden platform the size of a billiard table, which was piled with dirt, sticks, and branches. Then Owen clapped his hands, and hundreds of figures of various colors appeared out of nowhere, jumped on the wooden platform, and began to dig holes and pile soil. .

These were all created by Owen when he was free, and they were full of memories from his past life, including the Golden Zodiac, Seven Calabash Babies, Transformers, My Little Pony and Sailor Moon, as well as characters such as Night Guard and Demon Fighter. Yes, no one knows about it in another world anyway, and as a lord, a noble, and a man, what's wrong with him? ?

No matter what the role is, they are all coolies now, joining forces to create a new world. It took an entire afternoon to create a decent sandbox.

In fact, if Owen's transformation skills were better, he could complete it with a wave of the wand. Unfortunately, his transformation skills can only be said to be just okay. He can change into a circle, square, triangle, etc., let alone the more complicated ones. .

Owen, who didn't intend to create a cube world, could only choose to let the figures do it themselves. Anyway, he only needed to watch, and these special puppets that connected with his mind would complete it automatically.

After letting the clay monkey-like figure clean himself up, Owen walked to the sand table with his hands behind his back and sighed.

This is the country I have conquered!

Unknowingly, the territory is getting bigger and bigger, and its development is getting better and better. Owen is proud of it.

Unfortunately, the territory is getting bigger, the population is more, and there are a lot of things going on. Nowadays, any action in the territory is very troublesome. Owen opened the attribute column that he had not looked at for a long time.

Name: Owen, Age: 20, Occupation: Puppet Master/Wizard/Onmyoji, Magic Value: 280/280.

Command 28, force 16, intelligence 28, politics 30, charisma 30.

Specialty: Mysticism.

Skills: Mental Meditation, Demon King Aura, Monster Summoning, Hogwarts Fourth Year Spell, Onmyoji, Shikigami Transformation, Shikigami Summoning.

Equipment: Holy Aries power armor, thunder power hammer.

Mount: Heavy Magic Sheep.

Pets: Cats/cubs.

Shikigami: Slime Queen, Minotaur Guard, Grand Miko Emile, Demonic Centaur Bella.

There is still no improvement in attributes, and I am already twenty this year. Time flies so fast. Owen sighed, but his eyes glanced down. There was something wrong with the names Emile and Bella in the attribute column. , but the good deeds I have done have to be done with tears in my eyes.

In fact, this was Emile's idea. For some unknown reason, she never resisted her transformation into a shikigami, so she clearly felt that her life form had gradually undergone some kind of change, which was hard to describe but was developing in a good direction. changes, so Owen suggested that Bella be transformed into a god to change her destiny.

The effect was unexpectedly good. Shikigami changed Bella's life form and gave her an extra switch, and this switch was controlled by Owen. This eliminated the possibility of Bella losing control, and at the same time, she gained more territory. A general, because Owen has already thought of her use, but now the progress value needs to be used to convert the population, so he can only postpone it first.

After admiring the empire he had built, Owen picked up the document sent by Maya and looked at it again, and decided to go to Greenshade Town.

Taking advantage of the lack of human traffic in winter, Emile moved all the little witches on the farm to Green Shade Town. Currently, the farm women in charge of milking the cows and making cheese are the peasant women from the territory. When spring comes, Howard will ask Howard to send all the farmers on the farm to the territory for transformation. Then they were replaced by farmers from the territory. They came and went, not only increasing the population of the territory, but also taking full control of the farm.

These were arranged by Maya. She had already guessed that the territory had some kind of brainwashing method, but instead of telling her, she helped conceal it, which made Owen worry a lot.

Now that things have been arranged, Owen decided to go to Shade Town to see how the witch school was doing.

Walking out of the fireplace, Owen looked at the Big Tree Hole Tavern in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

This is what Owen prepared for adventurers. He didn't think Greenshade Town could hide it for long, nor did he think the ruins could be hidden from outside adventurers, so he decided to do the opposite and make Greenshade Town an adventurer. Paradise, let those adventurers explore the ruins and work for him.

As for whether those adventurers will obtain treasures, power, or even artifacts in the ruins, Owen doesn't care.

With the system in hand, he has nothing to ask for. He only needs to wait patiently, and everything will be available in the future. This is the confidence of the system owner.

Therefore, instead of trying to prevent outside adventurers from entering Greenshade Town to discover the ruins, it is better to just open it up.

Owen forgot where he had read a book. He remembered that it said that a gold mine was discovered somewhere, which attracted many gold diggers. The lucky ones among them made a fortune after finding gold, and they were drunk and dreaming all day long.

But after the gold mines were mined, those lucky ones became impoverished again, and only the businessmen who provided wine, food and women gained huge wealth.

Although it feels a bit like poisonous chicken soup, it suits Owen very well, because he doesn't need adventure, he doesn't need adventure, he doesn't need anything, as long as he has enough time, he will have everything.

Therefore, there is no need for Owen to stand against all foreign adventurers. To a certain extent, they are just Owen's workers and can be regarded as migrant workers.

Next, he only needed to do good logistics work, and Owen could continuously harvest wealth from those adventurers, so he made some improvements to Green Shade Town, such as the Big Tree Hole Tavern.

The big tree hole in the center of the town was originally just a temporary place for Owen to live here. Later, after having new ideas, Owen decided to make it a landmark building of the town, so he not only used the super fertilizer from the super farm , and also watered a large amount of sunflowers in Plants vs. Zombies to produce solar water, a fusion of sunlight and water, making this ancient tree grow suddenly as if it had eaten golden garbage.

During this period, Emiledale, her daughter, and many witches cast a transformation spell to shape it into a tree tower.

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