Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 213 King Realm Inheritance (1/2)

"Forgive me. Although I don't know the exact location, I do know how to get there. There really is a spiritual stone in there. I promise, if it isn't there by then, you won't be too late to kill me."

Zhao Peng said quickly, his face was pale, if he could live, who would want to die.

"Okay, from now on, you will stay with me!" The Emperor thought for a while and said.

He also felt that it would be a pity to kill him directly.

What if what the other person said is true?

Otherwise, I’ll lose my wife and get another discount...

Bah bah bah!

It's a big loss.

"Yes!" Zhao Peng said respectfully, but he already had some guesses in his mind.

Maybe it was the same as what he thought.

Everyone looked strange when they saw this.

This is cured!

Still cured.

Also, the cost of this treatment is a bit high.


"Please help me!"

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, help me, please help me, I have a spiritual stone."

While everyone was still hesitating, some seriously injured patients were desperately walking towards the Emperor of Heaven.

Some climb, some roll.

Some people even jump directly.

There is no way, they have begun to fight desperately in order to survive.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, please heal me. See how many spiritual stones my injury requires."

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, please help me. I only have one hundred thousand medium-grade spiritual stones. See if they are enough."

Everyone saw this and spoke one after another.

Even those with relatively minor injuries began to join.

If it were normal times, there would be no need for immediate treatment, as it would be life-threatening anyway.

But the vibrations in the Black Sea are getting bigger and bigger, and they don't want to miss the opportunity because of a little spiritual stone.

Seeing this, the Emperor of Heaven was excited in his heart, but he was very calm on the outside.

"It's OK to save lives, but in the end, bring enough spirit...bring enough consumed spirit stones, otherwise I won't be able to treat you for a long time." The Emperor of Heaven said righteously: "This is the battlefield of all realms, and I can't absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to recover. I won't Putting yourself in danger for others.”

Everyone just wanted to roll their eyes.

You are so scary, who dares to take action against you.

If you are all in danger, then we are going to be done with it.

"I believe everyone knows that the ruins here are about to be opened." The Emperor of Heaven thought for a while and then said: "This is the legendary inheritance of the King Realm. Naturally, I will not give up the opportunity to heal you all."

If you want to earn the original energy, you must add more firepower.

There is so much movement here, some people may already know what level of inheritance it is.

But many people don’t know what the specific inheritance is.

But if you reveal it yourself.

Tell me that it is the inheritance of King Realm.

For the sake of opportunity, people who originally did not intend to treat him would come to him for treatment.

Being able to become a strong person naturally requires intelligence.

They can still distinguish between inheritance and spiritual stones.


"King Realm inheritance?"

"No wonder there is such a big movement."

"I want treatment too, get out of the way and say I'll treat him first."

"King realm inheritance? It looks like it's really possible!"

"Great, as long as I can get the King Realm inheritance, my Wu family can become the top power in one fell swoop, or even surpass the top power, and become the overlord of the Southern Region or even the Ten Thousand Domain battlefield!"

"King Realm inheritance? No wonder such a powerful being comes here."

Everyone was shocked, this news was really shocking.

Some people speculated that this might be a conspiracy by the other party, and the main purpose was to earn spiritual stones, but in the end they could only believe the news.

But whether it was true or not, they didn't dare to bet.

It doesn't matter if it's fake.

But if it were true, there would be no point in regretting it later.

As this information leaked out, everyone began to make their own calculations in their hearts.

At the same time, everyone began to run towards the Emperor of Heaven, and even had a dispute over this.

If it weren't for the inheritance of the king realm, or maybe he didn't want to affect the treatment, he didn't fight. If it were normal, Mang Buping would have fought to the death at this time.

"King Realm inheritance?" Ye Fan murmured to himself, and his originally dim eyes suddenly brightened.

I originally thought that as long as I worked hard, I might be able to surpass my destiny.

But when he knew that Tianming was just someone else's subordinate, and the other person was extremely terrifying.

Zhao Peng suddenly turned into black light just now. When the unknown thing appeared, he felt great fear, and his face turned pale with fear.

He almost ran away.

But what made him even more desperate was that Destiny was already so powerful, but she was just someone else's subordinate.

Emperor of Heaven!

This name is deeply imprinted in his heart.

The impact on him was really too great.

The unknown power that made him despair was like an ant in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven.

What shocked him the most was that in addition to the terrifying strength of the other party, what was even more terrifying was that the other party could not only destroy, but also give.

This is the scariest thing.

He could clearly see Zhao Peng's changes.

There is no way the other party is cooperating in acting.

For such a strong man, he could no longer bear the desire for revenge.

Maybe it's God's blessing.

The emergence of King Realm inheritance brought him new hope.

King realm!

A legendary existence.

Even if the Emperor of Heaven is strong, it is impossible for him to be stronger than the king.

"Line up and come one by one." The Emperor smiled.

These are all spiritual stones.

It's all original energy.

"Why are you standing there stunned?" Zhao Peng looked at him and said, "Come here and help."

"I don't care for idlers around me."

"Yes!" Zhao Peng said respectfully.

Then he looked at the people who wanted to cut in line and said, "Line up, or don't blame me for being ruthless."

Everyone was so scared that they quickly lined up.

Although the Emperor of Heaven was terrifying, Zhao Peng was more terrifying in their eyes.

The scenes just now, especially the scene where Zhao Peng devoured Zhao Yang and Zhao Lei.

They didn't want to become a pile of bones.

Seeing that everyone lined up, the Emperor of Heaven was very satisfied. After thinking for a while, he said coldly, "Keep your voice down and don't scare them."

One black face, one white face.

He still would.

But his words made everyone and Zhao Peng look even uglier.

Everyone: "Is this human language? You know we are afraid, but you still say it. Don't we have no shame?"

Zhao Peng: "Did I do anything wrong?"

Even Tianming, who was touching the corpse in the distance, couldn't help laughing.

Emperor of Heaven, Emperor of Heaven!

He is majestic and domineering!

But, when it comes to money, he immediately becomes a different person.

I don't know why the Emperor of Heaven cares so much about these.

Everyone needs resources, but no one is like the Emperor of Heaven, who gives up his dignity for money.

Forget it!

Let him like it if he likes it!

Who doesn't have a hobby?

Thinking of this, Tianming quickly cleaned up the scene.

"Your injury?"

The Emperor of Heaven pretended to be deep.

"Add 10,000 middle-grade spirits!" The man gritted his teeth and said.

"Your injury is fine!" The Emperor of Heaven smiled.


The man gritted his teeth.



As one person after another was not cured, the source of energy was also increasing rapidly.

It took only half an hour to earn thousands of source energy.

Time passed until two hours to completely cure everyone.

A total of 112,000 source energy was earned.

"Welcome next time!" The Emperor of Heaven said excitedly.

Everyone suddenly looked painful, looking at him gritting his teeth in hatred, if they could beat him, they would definitely rush up and beat him up.

Especially the last person, who almost fell and got injured again.

"Who is that person?"

As time went by, many people came from behind. Seeing the Emperor of Heaven healing people, they asked curiously.


"The Zhao family was destroyed?"

"Zhao Yang and Zhao Lei are dead?"

"Heaven's destiny? The Emperor of Heaven?"

After some people came later, they were shocked and full of disbelief after knowing the reason.

This information is really shocking.



The Black Sea kept shaking, and the noise was getting louder and louder.

The red light gradually peeled off the Black Sea, as if there was magma flowing out of the Black Sea, and it looked red.

"It's coming out soon!"

Everyone was excited and looked forward.


"It's better to come at the right time than to come early!"

Suddenly, an excited and high-pitched smile came from a distance.

When they heard the sound, they saw more than a dozen people flying over their heads.

"It's the Lei Guang Sect!"

Some people wanted to speak angrily, but found that the identity of the person coming was not ordinary, so they immediately shut their mouths.

The person coming was the Lei Guang Sect, one of the top forces in the Southern Region battlefield.

It is also a sect that cultivates the true meaning of thunder and the true meaning of light.

A strong man of Tianyi Realm sat in the sect.

"That's Lei Dao!"

"I heard that he has completely integrated the sword intent with thunder and has touched the threshold of Tianyi Realm. It won't take long for him to break through."

Someone recognized the leader.

It was an old man, wearing a purple robe, standing above everyone's head.

He was full of vigor and majestic.

"Brother Lei Dao, you came really early."

Not long after, another top force arrived.

A loud and sharp voice sounded.

Just the sound made everyone feel a tingling pain.

"It's Jinyuan Sect!"

"That's Jin Baiwan. It is rumored that he fought with a strong man of Tianyi Realm and survived."

Everyone discussed.

Lei Dao looked and saw several people walking towards him.

The one walking in front was emitting golden light all over his body, very majestic and domineering.

The person who came was Jin Baiwan, the great elder of Jinyuan Sect.

The Emperor of Heaven in the distance looked at the golden light all over his body, and I don't know what he was thinking in his eyes.

"Brother Jin, I didn't expect you to come too." The purple-robed old man smiled.

"With such an opportunity, I must try it." Jinse left, revealing an old man in a golden robe.

"I wonder if Brother Lei knows how long it will take!" Jin Baiwan smiled.

"I just came, but it looks like it will be soon." Lei Dao looked at the black sea in front of him, his eyes full of expectation.

Don't look at them talking and laughing at this time.

But when it comes to the critical moment, one can be stabbed from behind by accident.

"Oh!" Jin Baiwan smiled and said, "It seems that we can only wait slowly."

Then both sides remained silent, but they would say a few words from time to time.

Not long after, a voice full of anger sounded.

"Who killed my Zhao family, come out!"

Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw more than a dozen people approaching quickly.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous blue robe.

He looked around and said, "Zhao Yang!"

"Where are the people?" The middle-aged man looked ugly. Why did the people of the Zhao family disappear?

"Lei Guang Sect?"

"Jin Yuan Sect?"

The middle-aged man looked at the two and frowned, saying, "I wonder if you have met the Zhao family."

"Zhao Yun, what do you mean?" Lei Dao asked.

"Master Zhao, we just arrived. As for the Zhao family, we don't know." Jin Baiwan smiled.

"How is it possible?" Zhao Yun's face was gloomy. How could a large group of people disappear?

Suddenly he had a bad feeling.

Seeing that the people coming were from the Zhao family, everyone changed drastically. When they heard what the other party said, they were slightly stunned and full of curiosity.

Some people knew the reason and showed strange looks.

Some people were very curious and wanted to know what happened.

But soon they learned what happened from some people.

At the moment of knowing, they were all shocked.

They all looked in one direction involuntarily.

"What did you say?" After hearing what was said, Zhao Yun went straight to the man and said angrily: "Tell me everything you know!"

"The matter... is... like this..." The man stammered.

"What?" Zhao Yun roared: "Zhao Peng?"


He spurted out a mouthful of blood.



It's really too unbelievable!

Totally destroyed!

All the people in the Zhao family are dead.

What made him hate the most was that the Zhao family members did not die at the hands of others, but at the hands of their own people.

At this moment, Zhao Yun's eyes were red, full of bloodshot and murderous intent.

How many years have passed!

The Zhao family has never encountered such a thing, but they did not expect that it would not only happen today, but also give him a scene that he would never forget.

"Zhao Peng, get out of here, I want to kill you!" Zhao Yun roared, his voice full of murderous intent and anger.

He roared and looked in one direction.

When he saw Zhao Peng, Zhao Yun roared: "Zhao Peng, why?"

Although he knew what happened from that person, he still wanted to know why.

Obviously they were a family, why did they kill each other.

"Emperor of Heaven!" Zhao Peng heard the other party's voice, thought about it and asked.

"You know how to solve your own problems!" The Emperor of Heaven said: "But it's better to solve it yourself, otherwise you have to spend energy to save you."

"At that time, you have to consume spiritual energy to save you."

The implication is that if you consume spiritual stones to save you, you will have to add another amount of spiritual stones.

"Emperor Tian, ​​rest assured, I will solve it immediately." Zhao Peng said respectfully, and then he turned into a black mist and appeared in front of Zhao Yun.

"Zhao Peng?"

"Who is that man?"

"That man is Emperor Tian, ​​and next to him is his subordinate Tianming."

"Is that the Fire Dragon Scale Armored Beast?"

"I didn't expect that someone could control it?"

The people who came later were full of curiosity.

"Zhao Peng killed Zhao Yang and Zhao Lei?" Lei Dao looked incredulous, but he was very happy in his heart.

Dog bites dog!

Looking at Zhao Yun and Zhao Peng, he really hopes that the two will die together.

But when he looked at the young man, he felt suffocated.

"Is it an illusion?"

"Tianming? Emperor Tian? Really domineering, I really want to try it!"

"Fire Dragon Scale Armored Beast? Demon Lord?" Jin Baiwan naturally knew what happened, but he was more curious about the Fire Dragon Scale Armored Beast.

Of course, he was more curious about the owner of the Fire Dragon Scale Armored Beast.

"Heaven's will?"

"Emperor of Heaven?"

"When did such a terrifying strong man appear?"

"Why?" Zhao Peng sneered: "Of course they all deserve to die."

"And the Zhao family deserves to die even more!"

"Wait until I kill you, then I will destroy the Zhao family!"

"You..." Zhao Yun's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

At this moment, his killing intent reached its peak.

Since the Zhao family became a high-ranking force, this was the most angry he had ever been.


It should be said that this was the most angry he had ever been in his life.

"Go to hell."

BS: I will correct the typos later.

I'm really sorry, I've been very lazy these past few days.

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