Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 212 The Devil's Remnant Soul (1/2)

"God, what was that just now?"

Tianming came to the side of the Emperor and asked in confusion.


"It's a demon!" the Emperor of Heaven said.

"Demon?" Tianming was a little confused. She had never heard of it.

"Don't worry, the one just now was just the remnant soul of a demon king!" said the Emperor of Heaven: "It's not enough evidence at all."

"It has been eliminated by me."

"Demon King?"

"Remnant soul?"

Tian Ming was a little surprised. He didn't expect that such a powerful and strange thing was just a remnant soul.

It seems that Zhao Peng should be taken advantage of by the other party.

Or maybe he did it willingly.


The Emperor of Heaven just said...

It’s just the remnant soul of the Demon King!

Not enough evidence!

Tianming didn't know how to refute for a while.

What domineering words.

The Emperor of Heaven is the Emperor of Heaven.

"Who is that person?"

"Why does it feel so scary!"

"Destiny calls him Emperor of Heaven?"

"Looking at how respectful Tian Ming is, maybe Tian Ming is that person's subordinate."

"It's too powerful. It's easy to suppress and kill, just like killing ants."

"What kind of power did he use just now? It was so terrifying that he destroyed Zhao Peng in one go!"

"What Zhao Peng! It's obviously that thing controlling him."

"No wonder Zhao Peng's venerable inheritance was robbed but he was still able to reach the venerable state. It turned out to be because of that thing."



Everyone around was talking a lot, full of curiosity about the Emperor of Heaven, and at the same time a little worried, fearing that the other party would mess up.

Zhao Peng was controlled by that thing and easily killed Zhao Lei and Zhao Yang who were in the same realm.

But the Emperor of Heaven is like stepping on an ant to death.

You can imagine how terrifying it is.

I feel that he is a powerful person who has surpassed the realm of the Venerable.

Thinking of destiny, even the Zhao family doesn't take it seriously, maybe the other party's realm is even more terrifying.

"Emperor Tian, ​​what you just used was power? That thing said you are a god?" Tianming asked curiously.


Her family has records of ancient wars in which the gods were extremely powerful and terrifying.

Among all races, they all occupy the top ten positions.

It can be said that it is very scary.

And Xianli!

That power that only the immortals can exert.

The Emperor of Heaven can actually control these two powers at the same time.

Could it be that the gods of the Emperor of Heaven are also immortals?

"What are you thinking!" The Emperor glared at him angrily and said, "Of course I am a human being."

He can exert two powers at the same time, and naturally it is a card purchased in the system.

The Gods are just the original power obtained by a certain race by setting foot on the Nine Heavens.

The same is true for Xianli.

It's just that the power of the gods is single.

But the power of the immortal clan is more and different.

Perhaps secretly, it is to deal with the devil.

The so-called immortals and demons are incompatible.

The gods suppressed and the immortals exterminated.

Of course, he can still perform it even without using the system, but he needs to reach the king level.

The origin he cultivated is the real origin power.

Like the God Clan, the power of the Immortal Clan is just a branch of it.

"As for why I can use them at the same time..." The Emperor said seriously: "This is what you can't know. There are some things you will know later, but not now."

"Oh!" Tianming pouted and said nothing if he didn't want to.

"By the way, Emperor Tian, ​​I feel like I can't control my emotions sometimes these days. I just feel like I become very indifferent sometimes!" Tianming thought for a while before asking.

Directly destroy a whole clan.

She had never thought she would do such a horrific thing before.

Even though it was the other party's fault, it still didn't mean destroying the entire other party's clan.

I just feel that while I am controlling my destiny, my destiny is also controlling me.

"Fate is ruthless and has no rules. You just need to keep your heart." The Emperor of Heaven thought for a while and said calmly: "Fate is the supreme rule, and it is normal for it to change. If you want to control your destiny, you must be one with it. Destiny is ruthless. Yes, it will naturally change your personality, but you don’t have to worry, as long as I’m here, there’s nothing to fear about fate.”

Destiny is the supreme rule.

But it is also in the universe.

As long as he achieves the world body, or even the universe body, he can break the rules, transcend the rules, and jump out of the universe.

When the time comes, it will be easy to help the other party solve the problem.

Even now, he can use the system directly.

But he didn't do that.

It is actually a kind of training and test for Tianming.


The doubts in Tianming's heart were cleared up and he immediately relaxed a lot. Even his realm was loosened at this moment. It wouldn't take long for him to break through the true realm.

"I'm not dead?"

Suddenly an extremely weak voice sounded.

"He's not dead?" Tianming looked over with surprise when he heard the sound, but saw that Zhao Peng, who had just fallen to the ground, was not dead.

Zhao Peng was full of various expressions at this time.

Confusion, doubt, puzzlement, relief...etc. emotions.

"Do you know where you met the remnant demon?" the Emperor of Heaven asked.

"I... don't know..." Zhao Peng hesitated: "I only know that when I was robbed in the Venerable Heritage, when I was desperate, a voice kept telling me whether I needed strength."

"Because I was jealous of the Zhao family, they took away his venerable inheritance. I wanted to destroy the Zhao family. After that, my strength inexplicably broke through to the venerable realm."

"After that, I killed all the enemies except Zhao Lei, and planned to destroy the Zhao family after this time, but I didn't expect..."

Having said this, Zhao Peng looked at the Emperor of Heaven with fear in his eyes.

Of course there are also some thanks.

After getting the power, he was very excited, but as time passed, he gradually felt the pain.

His body was gradually invaded by demonic energy, and he gradually lost control of his body. Because his body could not bear the demonic energy, he would experience suffocating pain from time to time.


Zhao Peng spit out a mouthful of black blood as he spoke, and some black energy began to appear in his body.

"He is the Emperor of Heaven?" Tianming said quickly upon seeing this.

Of course, she was not worried, but instinctively felt uncomfortable with the black energy.

"He is about to die. He has been invaded by demonic energy, and his body, soul, and life have been demonized..." The Emperor of Heaven said: "If he fails to enter the demon, he will be wiped out. If the demon king's remnant soul is destroyed, he will naturally fail. Of course, Even if the remaining soul of the Demon King is not destroyed, he will be swallowed up by the incomplete Demon King’s will.”

These secrets are naturally known from the system.

"That means he is completely hopeless?" Tianming said.

"That's not true." said the Emperor of Heaven.

"Emperor of Heaven, can you possibly...?" Tianming said in shock.

Is the Emperor really omnipotent?

"That's right!" The Emperor smiled and said, "I can indeed save him, but..."

"I will not save others in vain unless I can give..."

"Ahem!" The Emperor said with a serious face: "What I mean is that my treatment requires a lot of spiritual energy."

"This is a battlefield of all realms, and spiritual energy cannot be absorbed. I can't put myself in danger just to save others, right?"

"Treatment is not impossible, but the corresponding spiritual energy needs to be replenished."

Tianming: "..."

Believe it or not!

"Do you want to live?"

"I can save you!"

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Zhao Peng and said loudly, his voice was loud and loud, and everyone around him heard it.

They all looked this way angrily.

Seeing that the Emperor of Heaven had no ill intentions, they did not flee immediately.

Of course, if you want to escape, you won't be able to escape for a while.

In the previous battle, all those who could escape were gone.

Those who stayed were all injured.

There were even many who were seriously injured and dying. After hearing the words of the Emperor of Heaven, they all opened their eyes from closing.

"I..." Zhao Peng was silent. To be honest, who would want to die if he could live.

But at this time, he had lost his strength and had no motivation to survive.

"Okay, I'll take it as your promise!" The Emperor said calmly: "Your injury is very serious. It will take at least 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones to save you."

Zhao Peng was stunned. When did he agree?

Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones?

Are you serious?

I want him to hand over 10,000 high-grade spirits, or else I'll kill him...


Don't save him.

Because he simply doesn’t have that much.

Although he is in the Venerable realm, he is not as good as some of the core disciples of the Zhao family.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been forced to snatch away the Venerable’s inheritance on the spot.

Tianming shook his head, this money-grubber.

"However, since you are my first customer, I will give you a discount!" The Emperor said calmly: "As long as 990,000 mid-grade spiritual stones are enough!"

"You..." Zhao Peng opened his eyes wide and was almost angry to death by the other party.

Although he doesn't know what a discount is.

But I understand the meaning.

"Okay, then I'll start!" said the Emperor of Heaven.

Zhao Peng: "..."

Everyone: "..."

At this moment, everyone just felt that the atmosphere was a little weird.

The original tallness of the Emperor of Heaven declined rapidly at this moment.

Tian Ming couldn't stand it from time to time, so he left early with a reason.

Compared to the Emperor of Heaven, she felt like she was just a child.

There is still a long way to go.


As the Emperor of Heaven spoke, a ray of milky white light shot out from his body.

When it landed on Zhao Peng's body, it exploded into a milky white light shield that enveloped the opponent. When it came into contact with the black energy, it immediately made a buzzing sound.

"What method is this?"

"Is that person an alchemist?"

"That's not right. The alchemist doesn't seem to have this ability?"

"What is that spiritual energy? Why does it make me feel impulsive?"

"Me too, I just feel that as long as I get that kind of spiritual energy, I can break through the realm immediately."

"What do you know? That spiritual energy is very pure. It can not only improve the realm. I feel that as long as I get it, my life talent will undergo a huge transformation. By then, I will also be a peerless monster."

Everyone was talking about it, feeling the milky white energy, and they all started to move. If the power that the Emperor of Heaven showed just now was not too terrifying, maybe someone would have rushed forward at this time.

"Changed, changed..."

Suddenly someone spoke in fear.

Zhao Peng, at this time, looked confused and a little confused.

The moment the milky white light enveloped him, he felt that his life was rapidly recovering.

However, what puzzled him was why the black energy in his body was growing rapidly.

Not long after, he was completely enveloped in black energy.

The milky white mask also disappeared.

He was back to his previous condition again.

Also restored the realm.

And he still reached the peak of the Venerable Realm in one step.

Could it be that the Demon King’s remnant soul was resurrected after death?

No, he is completely in control of his own power at this moment.

The influence of the demonic energy on him has completely disappeared.

It's completely different from before.

At this moment, his body and mind were clear and he felt very comfortable.

All the previous desires disappeared.

Instead, he was able to control it at will.

And the pursuit of strength.

It felt like the demonic energy had completely merged with him.

It was as if he had become the will of the remnant soul of the demon king.

"Ah!" Zhao Peng couldn't help but roared, scaring the people around him pale.

Could it be that the demon just now was not dead yet?

"Okay." The Emperor of Heaven spoke lightly, and a pressure fell, almost overwhelming Zhao Peng.

"Give me the spirit stone!"

If it weren't for the spirit stone, he would be too lazy to save people.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Peng said, and quickly took back the black air on his body. In less than a breath, the black air completely disappeared.

The pressure from the Emperor of Heaven was too great.

Even if he completely controlled the black air in his body now, he couldn't fight it.

And the power he had now was all given by the other party.

He could easily kill the remnant soul of the demon king, and give him strength while healing.

This kind of power is impossible for even the top forces to possess.


It should be something he has never heard of.

This has already surpassed the power he knows.

Of course, the power he has now is also beyond this range.

Otherwise, he would not be so afraid of the other party.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that you should pay for the treatment."

"Hurry up, 990,000 middle-grade spirit stones!"

The Emperor of Heaven put down his high and mighty domineering attitude, like a gangster collecting debts.

Everyone just felt a little confused.

Zhao Peng was the same.

He didn't understand what the other party was going to do.

990,000 middle-grade spirit stones were a bit too much for him, but they couldn't be compared with his life.

How could such a powerful person who defied the heavens look at these few spirit stones.

In his opinion, spirit stones were just an excuse.

There must be something wrong with this.

"I really don't have so many spirit stones, I only have 200,000 middle-grade spirit stones!" Zhao Peng thought about it and spoke.

If the other party had any conspiracy, he would definitely show his fangs at this time.

The other party actually used spirit stones as an excuse.

As long as his spirit stones are not enough, the other party will definitely reveal a flaw.

"Two hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones?" The emperor was stunned and said coldly: "Only two hundred thousand? Are you sending away beggars?"

"If you don't give it to me, then give my life back to me!"

As he said that, a terrifying aura instantly overwhelmed Zhao Peng.

He worked hard to treat the other party, in order to save his life, and even in order not to delay, he didn't talk about the price, and he cured the other party.

All of this was for spirit stones.

But in the end, he gave so little.

Naturally, he was unhappy.

"I really don't have that much, but I can think of a way." Zhao Peng sweated profusely. He didn't expect that the other party really wanted to kill him.

Did he guess wrong?

"What way?" The emperor said coldly.

"I know a relic that should have a lot of spirit stones." Zhao Peng explained honestly.

"Tell me the location."

The Emperor of Heaven said: "In that area? I need the exact location."

"I don't know that either, but I remember the location."

"So you don't know?"

The Emperor of Heaven said coldly: "If that's the case, I won't let you stay."

BS: The typos will be corrected later

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