Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 182: Origin Destruction (1/2)

"That's... the Guoshan Sect?" Qin Tian asked in confusion: "Why is it so messy?"

Looking forward, many buildings in the Kuoshan Sect were broken.

You may not be able to tell if you don't look carefully.

"Is it because of the Supreme Elder?" Qin Tian knew from those people that it was because the Supreme Elder joined the battle for the throne of the Eastern Qin Dynasty. Because of his failure, he was attacked by the crown prince and the second prince. In the end, if it weren't for the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, the backing sect would be destroyed.

"I met him unexpectedly. Let me help you." Qin Tian said as a cyan light appeared in his hand.

This is wood-attribute aura, which can heal injuries.

The cyan light shot above the Patron Sect, and just when people showed fear, the cyan light exploded with a bang.



Just when everyone was at a loss, it started to rain.

"What's going on?" Feng Tian said with an ugly face. He was as pale as a sheet because of his injuries. If anyone attacked them at this time, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

"The whole sect is ready to fight." Wu Qi looked ugly. Although he didn't know why the other party attacked them, in his opinion, this attack was related to the life and death of Zhongmen.

"What's going on? My injury is actually healed." One of the disciples ran slowly and was wet by the green rain. Just when he was desperate, he found that his injury was healing quickly.

"mine too."

"My injury is also healed."

All the disciples showed doubts and excitement.

"Is this?" Fengtian hesitated for a while and walked out into the open air. When Qingyu touched the injury, it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Who is it?" Wu Qi guessed: "Is it the World Chamber of Commerce?"

Apart from the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, he couldn't think of anyone else who could help them.

"Let's go." Qin Tian did not go over. This time he helped the patron sect, which was regarded as repaying the cause and effect.

"Senior, I want to ask you something?" Deep in Shiwanda Mountain, Sirius thought for a while before asking.

"What's the matter?" Qin Tian didn't know what Sirius wanted to ask.

"Senior, how did you become a god?" Sirius asked the doubt in his heart.

The blue bird saw this and came over.

But they know that the road to becoming a god has been broken.

It is impossible to break through and become a god in Shenwu Continent.

But the senior in front of them actually broke the rules and became a god, which made them very confused.

Could it be that seniors have found the problem?

"How to break through and become a god?" Qin Tian was a little confused and didn't understand what they meant.

Isn't it a direct breakthrough?

Are they unable to break through and become gods?

At this moment, some of the doubts in Qin Tian's heart were finally solved.

No wonder the most powerful person in the Shenwu Continent is only in the Martial God realm and cannot break through.

This made Qin Tian very curious.

"He broke through immediately!" Qin Tian said calmly.

Sirius: "..."

Blue Bird: "..."

"Senior, please tell me." Sirius gritted his teeth and said sincerely, "As long as senior tells you the reason, I, Sirius, am willing to do anything for senior."

"Senior, me too." Qingniao also said: "Senior, please let me know."

Qin Tian was silent. Seeing their serious expressions, he didn't want them to be fake.

Is there really any secret in this?

"I can't answer your questions." Qin Tian said.

He didn't even know the secret, so how could he answer their questions.

After hearing Qin Tian's words, Sirius and Qingniao fell into silence.

They knew this would be the result.

It's bad to ask such a question in itself, but I'm thankful that my seniors didn't get angry with them.

"Can you tell me something?" Qin Tian asked curiously.

What secrets are hidden in it?

"Senior, what do you want to know?" Sirius asked puzzledly. Although the other party did not tell them the secret of becoming a god, they did not dare to complain.

"Aren't you unable to break through and become a god?"

Qin Tian said: "Did something happen?"

Hearing Qin Tian's words, the two demons were startled. Maybe they heard it wrong just now.

It can be seen that Qin Tian has a curious look on his face. Could it be that the other party really doesn't know.

"Senior, I don't know the specific reason, otherwise I wouldn't ask senior."

"I also know when to start talking about this matter. I only know that there were gods in the Shenwu Continent a long time ago. At that time, the Shenwu Continent was ruled by the gods. I just don't know which day started. The gods disappeared one after another. At that time, some powerful people I realized something was wrong, but I didn’t know the reason.” Tianlang still told him what he knew.

"Hundreds of years later, someone discovered the problem, that is, no one could break through and become a god. At first, people didn't think it was true, thinking that they were not talented enough."

"After several hundred years, no one has made a breakthrough to become a god. People finally began to feel uneasy. It wasn't until a powerful man with incredible talent failed to break through that people had to believe that there was something wrong with the Shenwu Continent."

"So that's it?" Qin Tian said.

He didn't expect that Shenwu Continent had such secrets.

"Senior, you really don't know these things, right?" Sirius asked.

These secrets are really secrets to ordinary people, but they are no secret to the strong ones in the Martial God Realm.

How could it be unclear that the other party has already broken through to become a god?

"If I say I really don't believe it, will you believe it?" Qin Tiandao said.

Tianlang didn't want Qin Tian to lie, thinking that the other party really didn't know.

How did the senior achieve the breakthrough to become a god?

"You guys go down." Qin Tian said, "I will stay at Shiwanda Mountain for a few more days."

"It's senior."

"System, do you know what the reason is?" Qin Tian asked the system after the two monsters left.

"Ding, host, the story is like this. Ten thousand years ago, a human warrior forcibly entered the origin of Shenwu Continent in order to break through the king realm, causing the origin to be broken, and the warrior also fell."

"Is it so awesome?" Qin Tian didn't expect that it was caused by an awesome person.

After the king realm and the extraordinary realm, one needs to comprehend the laws.

Unexpectedly, the other party forcibly entered the origin of Shenwu Continent in order to comprehend the laws.

The end can be imagined.

It's just like a thief forcibly breaking into someone else's house.

Anything can happen.

"The origin is broken?" Qin Tian said in shock. No wonder he couldn't break through to become a god.

The reason why he could break through to become a god was naturally because of the system.

This is also the reason why he couldn't answer the other party.

"System, is it true that as long as the origin of Shenwu Continent is repaired, there will be no restrictions on breaking through to become a god." Qin Tian asked.

"Ding, host, yes, the origin is restored, the world rules will also be restored, and the spiritual energy will also be restored."

After figuring out everything, Qin Tian no longer struggled. Anyway, he had a system, and as long as the origin was enough, he could continue to break through.

The destruction of the origin of the Shenwu Continent did not affect him at all.

A few days later, Qin Tian exchanged more than 800 origins from the two monsters again.

During this period, Qin Tian consumed 500 origins and raised his realm to the peak of the spirit realm.

It takes 800 origins to break through to the true spirit realm, which is just enough to break through.

The transformation from a mortal to an extraordinary person is a qualitative change, and the origin consumed is naturally more.

"The system improves the realm." Qin Tian said.

"Ding, 800 origins are consumed, and the realm is being improved..."

As soon as the system sounded, he immediately felt that his dantian was changing.

I saw a milky white light appear in the dantian out of thin air.

Then it exploded with a bang.

The originally white spiritual energy flowed violently the moment it came into contact with the milky white light.

At this moment, the distance of the spiritual energy suddenly changed. The originally white spiritual energy was rapidly transforming. After a while, only milky white spiritual energy remained in the Dantian space.

The spiritual energy mutated again.


A strong and terrifying aura rose from Qin Tian's body.

After knowing that it was impossible to break through to become a god in the Shenwu Continent, he chose to cover up the aura of breakthrough since the last breakthrough.

So his breakthrough was unknown to others.

"Help me."

"Help me."

"Who?" Qin Tian suddenly opened his eyes, but found that there was no one around.

"What's going on?" Qin Tian was puzzled. Why did this sound appear in his ears during these two breakthroughs?

Before, he thought it was an illusion, but now it seems that there must be something wrong.

"System, who was calling me just now?" If you don't understand, ask the system.

"Ding, it's the origin of the Shenwu Continent calling the host."

"What?" Qin Tian said in surprise: "Why is it calling me?"

"Ding, it wants the host to help it repair it."

"Let me repair it?" Qin Tian was a little puzzled.

"Ding, the host is practicing the origin, which is the same as the Shenwu Continent, or more precisely, the same as the origin of all the worlds."

"I see." Qin Tian did not expect that the origin he was practicing was not ordinary.

"Then what should I do?" Qin Tian asked.

"Ding, the host is not in a good state for the time being, and needs to reach the unity state, which is equivalent to the ninth state of transcendence, to enter the core of the origin of the Shenwu Continent."

"What's the benefit of helping it?" Qin Tian asked another question, he couldn't help others for nothing.

"Ding, entering the core of the origin, ordinary people can comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and the host can fuse the origin of the Shenwu Continent."

Comprehension of the laws of heaven and earth, he probably understood a little.

What the hell is it that can fuse the origin of the Shenwu Continent.

"Ding, the origin of the Shenwu Continent is also the origin of the world. Ordinary people have the qualifications of the master of the realm after fusion, and will not die unless the fused world origin is destroyed.

And the host has the qualifications of the world after fusion without the help of the system, and his life will not be affected by the destruction of the world origin."

No wonder the strong man ten thousand years ago wanted to enter the origin, it turned out that he had such a heaven-defying opportunity.

"Help me."

"Help me."

The urgent voice of the God of War Origin came again.

"Okay, I promise to help you, but my realm is not enough now, it will take some time." Qin Tian said.

"Thank you."

"System, have you noticed that he is very anxious." Qin Tian asked the doubts in his heart.

"Ding, because of the ancient war, although it was finally saved by the evolutionary rules of the Emperor of Heaven, there were still some problems."

After the system explained, he finally understood why the God of War Origin was anxious.

Before the ancient war, all races were prosperous, with rich spiritual energy and abundant resources.

After the war, only one in ten of all races survived.

Although there was the help of the Emperor of Heaven, there were still many problems left.

The evolutionary rules of the Emperor of Heaven only temporarily guaranteed that the universe would not be destroyed.

The spiritual energy and resources were greatly reduced. In order to break through, life and death battles often occurred for resources.

In addition to these, it became more and more difficult to break through.

This is because the origin of the world is declining. If the universe can recover, sooner or later, the origin of the world will wither and the universe will be destroyed.

At normal speed, the Shenwu Continent can at least support more than 100,000 years.

But who knew something would happen ten thousand years ago, and this result directly reduced its life span to less than a thousand years now.

No wonder the other party is anxious.

"System, what will happen if the Shenwu Continent loses its origin?" Qin Tian said with some worry.

"Ding, the Shenwu Continent has lost its origin, the continent will collapse, and all life will end."

"So serious!" Qin Tian fell into silence, not expecting that the matter was more serious than he thought.

It seems that I have to speed up to earn the original energy.

What he did was not only for his mother, he couldn't bear to see so many lives destroyed.

"I am the Emperor of Heaven. If you want to know how to break through and become a god, come to the Tiandu Dynasty Chamber of Commerce. I will tell you how to hold an auction." Qin Tian opened his eyes, thought for a while and said, his voice spread throughout the world. mainland.

He thought carefully and found out that only by attracting strong men in the Martial God Realm could he quickly earn Origin Qi.

At this moment, everyone in every corner of the continent heard this mighty and domineering voice.

"Emperor of Heaven?"

"who is it?"

"Breakthrough to become a god?"

Many people are ignorant and know nothing, but they know God.

Legend has it that a long time ago, there were gods in this world.

Could it be that this Emperor of Heaven is the legendary god?

At this moment, many people looked at the sky respectfully.

The name of the Emperor of Heaven was also remembered by everyone at this moment.

Among them, the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce is remembered by many strong people.

The Patron Sect also heard this voice and immediately understood the miracle of the past few days.

It turns out that it was the gods who helped them.

"No wonder Qin Tian is such a monster." Wu Qi thought of something and said.

Tianxia Chamber of Commerce, Tianling suddenly opened his eyes and said excitedly: "It's Tianzun's voice. Tianzun has finally become a god, and I will work harder."

"It's Tianzun's voice." Tianying murmured to himself.

"Tianying, why does this voice sound a bit like Qin Tian?" Xinyao asked with some confusion.

On a deserted island in the South China Sea, an old man suddenly opened his eyes and said with a horrified look on his face: "Is it that person? Does he have a way to become a god?"

At this moment, the old man believed it. After all, the other party was the first person to become a god in ten thousand years. It would not make sense if there were no secrets in it.

The old man was a little ready to move, but when he looked at the sea, he could only sigh helplessly.

"Old man, let me go, don't you want to know how to become a god?"

A voice came from the sea.

"I know you are afraid that I will come out and do evil, but now that the human race has a god, do you think I dare to do anything random?"

"If you are worried, I swear to God, if I, Tianlong, were born to do evil, I would die a good death and never be able to break through and become a demon god."

A very rapid sound came from the sea.

The old man frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Okay, I'll let you go. If you dare to mess around, I will kill you and crush you to ashes."

"Old man, I've sworn what your mother-in-law did, what are you still worried about? Do you want to know how to become a god?"

The old man didn't say much and disappeared on the desert island in an instant.

"When I become a god, I will kill you first!"

Not long after the old man left, he saw a huge thing rushing out of the sea.

In the far north, a silver-haired woman opened her eyes and said, "Has this day finally come?"

In the wasteland of the Western Desert, a tall and burly middle-aged man said excitedly: "The Emperor of Heaven is really domineering."

On the top of a mountain in Donglin, a young man disappeared.

At this time, the powerful warriors in the Martial God Realm of the three top sects, Shenwu Sect, Taishen Sect, and Rakshasa Palace, all opened their eyes.

I was both excited and shocked.

"Go down with the order and go to the Tiandu Dynasty to find the Tianxia Chamber of Commerce."

BS: Correct typos first and later.

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I have returned to my hometown, which is from a rural area, so...

I heard from them that the people we went drinking with all had colds, and we didn’t know if they were Yang.

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