Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 181 Breakthrough (1/2)

His body began to transform, and a white light enveloped him.

The body is constantly changing and reorganizing.

Every time it is reorganized, the aura it emits becomes more terrifying.

There was a strong wind all around.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth crazily poured into Qin Tian's body.

Qin Tian continued to comprehend the original artistic conception and remained calm in it.

There are countless artistic conceptions in the world.

Every artistic conception is unique.

Only by comprehending the artistic conception can one comprehend the origin of heaven and earth.

Origin is the beginning of everything.

Everything is the source.

The origin is also all things.

The origin evolves the five elements.

The origin evolves the world.


The body is transforming, and the soul and Dantian are also undergoing tremendous transformation.

The originally blurry shadow of the soul became fresh at this moment.

Gradually the outline of Qin Tian appeared.

His appearance is getting fresher and fresher.

It's just that his body shape is just that of a little man.

This is the condensed soul of the soul.

The soul is immortal and the soul is immortal. Even if the body dies, it can still survive.

Perhaps it is for this reason that they are called gods in Shenwu Continent.

The transformation of body and soul also transformed Qin Tian's life level.

Dantian is expanding crazily, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is pouring in crazily.

At this moment, the powerful men at or above the Martial King Realm in the Shenwu Continent felt an extremely terrifying aura.

"How is this going?"

"Why does it feel so depressing?"

"Why is this breath so terrifying?"

"Who is it? Who is making a breakthrough?"

"That direction seems to be the Hundred Thousand Mountains? Is there a Demon Lord breaking through? No, this aura is us humans? But why does it appear in the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

All the powerful people made guesses.

"This aura? Is it the person from three years ago?"

"Didn't he fail to break through? Why did he start breaking through again?"

"No, this aura is too terrifying. That person has already broken through? How is that possible?"

"The divine path is broken, how can he succeed in breaking through?"

"Who is that person?"

"That direction is the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Could it be that he was responsible for the death of the Black Pig Demon Lord before?"

The strong men in the Martial God Realm made speculations.

"This aura is...senior?" Sirius, who was practicing, woke up from the panic. When he found out that it was the senior who made the breakthrough, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't know how to describe the shock in his heart.

It has begun to numb.

At the same time, there are still many doubts.

Qingniao also had a look of horror on his face, this senior was really terrifying.

I don’t know which god the other person was in his previous life.

Is he the supreme among gods?

Maybe this explanation.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the senior is so powerful.


As Qin Tian broke through, the surrounding monsters trembled, and some of the slightly stronger ones quickly fled toward the outside.

Qin Tian also did not expect that his breakthrough would lead to a wave of beasts.

"Sirius, come with me to suppress those bastards." Upon seeing this, Qingniao immediately stopped practicing, looked in one direction and said.

"I know." Sirius disappeared in the cave instantly.

The senior is a human, and based on his personality, he should care about the human race very much.

If the seniors blamed them for the beast tide, it would be the end.

"Tianzun breaks through?" Tianpu said excitedly.

In her heart, Qin Tian was happier than her own breakthrough.

"I don't know what realm Tianzun is in?"

Tiansha said very seriously: "But I will catch up with you sooner or later."

After saying that, he went to kill a white wolf.


Qin Tian completed the breakthrough, opened his eyes, and two white rays of light pierced the sky.

"Is this the transcendent realm?" Qin Tian was excited. At this moment, he felt that he was countless times stronger.

You can communicate with heaven and earth at any time.

If he wants, he can even completely mobilize the power of heaven and earth for my use.

It can be said that there is no difference between him and the gods now.

No wonder it’s called the transcendent realm.

This is completely beyond mere mortals.

Break away from the mortal body.

The level of life is completely different.

Qin Tian opened the system panel.

Name: Qin Tian [original clone (perfect creature)]

Lives: 12

Realm: Spiritual Realm. Peak (Peak of Extraordinary Realm) (+)

Strength: True Artistic Realm. Peak (Peak of the Four Extraordinary Realms)

Physique: Original body [Small success (1%) +]

Spiritual awareness: 6% (+)

True aura: 1% (+)

Lifespan: 15/10,000

Dantian: 12 square miles

Kung Fu: Origin Gong (Introductory), Origin Split Body (+)

Spiritual Dharma: Original Dharma (Introduction)

Artistic conception: original artistic conception (100%)

True Realm: Original True Meaning (1%) (+)

Original energy: 645.3 rays

Origin point: 5.624 billion (50 million alliance coins cannot be converted, 321.032 billion Xia coins cannot be converted)

Origin Store: Level 4 [Level 5 (0/1 Origin Qi)]

Storage space: 100 kilometers (+)

Equipment: Ninth-grade Black Iron Sword (top grade), Ninth-grade White Jade Armor (top grade)

Item: Timetable…

Rule items: none

When life reaches twelve, it is the most complete life in this next stage.

Qin Tian did not expect that he would reach the peak.

The spiritual realm is equivalent to the transcendent realm.

But there was a big jump in strength.

Directly from the peak of the spiritual realm to the true spiritual realm.

Directly passed three levels.

The realms after the spiritual realm are the spiritual realm, the true spiritual realm, the artistic realm, the true artistic realm, and the heaven-reaching realm...

In the spiritual realm, the artistic conception reaches 100%, spiritual power forms spiritual consciousness, and spiritual consciousness communicates with heaven and earth, and the soul, body, and aura all undergo qualitative transformation.

This realm only requires accumulation.

To break through from a mortal to extraordinary, it is impossible to turn a small vat into a big water vat.

Naturally, water needs to be added.

In the spirit realm, continue to refine your spiritual energy.

Although the purity of spiritual energy in this realm is 100% higher than the other's, don't forget that it is equivalent to that of a mortal.

At this moment, I have reached another world.

The purity of spiritual energy naturally needs to continue to be refined.

In the true spiritual realm, spiritual energy is refined and becomes true spiritual energy, which can be transformed into reality.

The artistic conception, understanding the artistic conception is just the beginning. When the artistic conception reaches a certain level, you can initially borrow the power of heaven and earth, and the strength is terrifying.

True artistic conception, understanding the true artistic conception, can completely borrow the power of heaven and earth.

In the Tongtian realm, the strength can reach the sky, and it is already extremely powerful and terrifying.

This realm is equivalent to the five extraordinary realms.

The true artistic conception is equivalent to the four extraordinary realms, and so on.

The physique has been completely built into the original body that is unique among all.

The origin evolves the five elements, evolves all things, and evolves the world.

The origin is the root of all things and has an infinite future.

The original body is divided into Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Perfection and Dzogchen.

When it reaches Xiaocheng, it can evolve all things and accommodate all things.

Achieve the Dacheng Evolvable Rules and Regulations.

Achieve perfect evolvable rules.

Reaching Dzogchen can evolve the world.

It can be said that Qin Tian has the ability to surpass the master.

Spiritual consciousness is the evolved version of divine consciousness.

A complete breakthrough requires reaching a higher realm than Tongtian Realm.

Needless to say, true spiritual energy is the key to becoming a true spiritual state.

The lifespan suddenly broke through from 2,000 to 10,000.

Compared with the life span of mortals, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are gods.

Dantian has also increased from 108 meters to 12 square miles, which is a small space.

And this is still going on, and the level of improvement has not continued to improve at any time.

At this time, Qin Tian's dantian looked strange.

The vast expanse of white was exactly the same as the opponent he saw when he first broke through, except that the area was different.

Qin Tian can feel that as long as he wants to, he can immediately evolve the five elements.

You can control the five elements attributes.

Because I just broke through, I don’t have enough spiritual energy, so I need to evolve and I can’t completely transform yet.

"Hey, what is that?" Qin Tian's spiritual consciousness suddenly felt that there was a faint black door in the Dantian space.

This should be the transformation of the spiritual vein, but it is closed at this time.

"By the way, what about Tianling and connections?" Qin Tian thought of something and quickly checked the soul and heart. As he guessed, there was also a door in them.

What is in the soul is gray.

The one in the heart is red.

Qin Tian was curious so he asked the system and learned that the three doors could be opened.

Every time you open it, there are huge benefits.

This made Qin Tian excited and excited.

He continued to look down at the exercises.

Only when you break through and reach the extraordinary realm can you reach the entry point of the original skill.

You can imagine how difficult it is to practice the Origin Skill. If Qin Tian didn't have the system, he might not be able to practice it successfully.

What excited Qin Tian was the original body.

I have never been able to practice before.

I didn’t expect that I could practice again after breaking through to the extraordinary realm.

This reminded Qin Tian of a terrifying scene.

Is this a plan for infinite matryoshka dolls?

The original method has also changed, and it has separated from martial arts and become a spiritual method.

Spiritual magic is actually the martial arts of the transcendent realm.

The original artistic conception reaches 100%, and the true meaning appears.

True meaning naturally breaks through the conditions of true artistic conception.

The method of cultivation is to comprehend the heaven and earth, and constantly understand the artistic conception until it is perfected and transformed into the true meaning.

Of course, Qin Tian's system only needs original energy to improve.

Qin Tian couldn't help but smile when he talked about the original energy.

After consuming 1,000 strands of source energy and breaking through, there are still more than 600 left.

However, if you need to advance to a higher realm, you also need to continuously earn source energy.

These are not enough.

Qin Tian already has an idea, and he will make a lot of money next.

"The main body finally started to make money." Qin Tian looked at the Xia coins, which were more than 300 billion.

After the New Year, the main body has begun to put the healing pills into auction again.

In addition, there is also cooperation with Muyuan Group.

"Hmm!" Just when Qin Tian was about to leave, he suddenly felt a strange and vague aura.

"What's going on?" Qin Tian frowned. Could it be the sequelae of his breakthrough?

There is still a more terrifying powerhouse in the Shenwu Continent.

"System, is there anyone more powerful than me in Shenwu Continent?" Qin Tian asked the system directly.

If you're not sure, just ask.

"Ding, the host in Shenwu Continent is the strongest and can crush everything!"

The system gave the answer, and Qin Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

"This speed is... awesome!" Qin Tian came to Tianpu's side in a flash without even taking a breath.

What surprised Qin Tian was that Tianpu didn't feel him.

This may be caused by the speed being too fast.

"Hmph." Qin Tian could only snort on purpose.

Tianpu was shocked directly.

"Tianzun, have you made a breakthrough?" Tianpu asked.


"Tianzun, what state are you in?" Tianpu asked curiously: "You are not really the legendary god, are you?"


"Tianzun, you must be a god."

Tianxing said seriously, if the Heavenly Lords are not gods, then there are no gods.

Qin Tian did not deny it, but smiled and encouraged: "As long as you are willing to work hard, you will reach my realm sooner or later."

With him, it is easy to break through to the spiritual realm.

The premise is that the other party must be loyal to him.

"Tianzun." Hearing the movement here, Tianfa and hurriedly flew over.

Looking at Qin Tian's powerful strength, her face was full of excitement and admiration.

Of course, the most burning thing in her heart is determination.

"Where are the white wolves?" Qin Tian saw that there was no monster around and asked with some doubt: "Where did they go?"

"I don't know, but I vaguely heard Tianlang say that it seemed to suppress the beast tide." Tianfa said.

"Suppress the beast tide?" Qin Tian was puzzled and quickly opened his spiritual consciousness. It took him a while to understand what was going on.

On the outskirts of the Ten Thousand Mountains, the beast tide was running wildly at this time.

"Bluebird, have you done it over there? I feel that the senior has completely broken through. Hurry up." Tianlang said to Qingniao.

"Almost." Qingniao said a blue light shot in front of the beast group, and at the same time, the pressure was desperately released.

The running monsters immediately prostrated themselves on the ground.

Seeing that the monsters on several sides were about to rush out of the Ten Thousand Mountains, Qingniao suddenly became a little anxious.

"I'll help you." Tianlang disappeared on the spot after saying this, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived in front of a group of monsters.

Without waiting for the monsters to react, Tianlang directly burst out with a powerful pressure.


The monsters felt the pressure from the superior and immediately prostrated themselves on the ground.

After finishing here, Tianlang disappeared again to the other side.

"Thank you." After Qingniao suppressed the monsters, he came to Tianlang and thanked him.

If it weren't for Tianlang this time, there might really be a big problem.

There is a sect ahead. If the monsters rush out of the Ten Thousand Mountains, I don't know how many humans will be killed or injured.

At that time, the senior will blame it.

"It's okay." Tianlang said: "Helping you is also helping myself. I don't want to be implicated by you."

Qingniao glared at it.

"By the way, if you find a beast tide later, don't tell me the reason." Tianlang thought for a while and said.

"Why don't you tell me the reason?" Suddenly a voice sounded.

"Senior!" Qingniao looked at the three people who suddenly appeared, and almost scared her to death.

"Senior, why are you here!" Tianlang looked bitter, and didn't expect that her words were heard by the senior.

After thinking about it, she told the reason.

"Because of me?" Qin Tian was embarrassed when he knew that it was because of his breakthrough that caused the beast tide. He would not have asked if he had known.

But fortunately, there are Tianlang and Qingniao.

"You did a good job this time. Here are some pills as a thank you." Qin Tian took out a few pills and threw them to them.

"Senior dare not..." The two monsters said quickly, but the pills still had to be taken.

"Is this a state of mind pill?" Tianlang looked at one of the pills and said excitedly.

Humans need to comprehend the state of mind to break through to the spiritual realm, and the same is true for monsters.

Seniors are seniors.

"Is this the bloodline pill?" Qingniao said excitedly. In addition to artistic conception, the most important thing for demon beasts is actually bloodline.

Just like her, she has the bloodline of the demon god Qingniao. As long as she can purify it, she can break through the demon god.

In addition to the artistic conception, the bloodline also has its physique.

The bloodline pill is the pill for purifying bloodline.

The senior is indeed a god.

At this moment, Qingniao is willing to be with Qin Tian.

Even Tianlang is the same.

At this moment, she and Qin Tian are eager to stay by their side.

Qin Tian naturally didn't know what the two demon masters were thinking. He looked in one direction with doubt at this time.

"Why do I feel a little familiar?"

BS: The wrong words will be corrected later.

My head hurts a little, and my throat is uncomfortable. I don't know if it's Yang.

I'll correct the wrong words tomorrow.

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