"Where is this?"

"It hurts..."

"Damn God..."

The middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes and looked at a familiar yet strange place.


A familiar yet strange voice also came to his ears.

"You are...Qin Ming..." When the middle-aged man saw the young man's face clearly, he showed a surprised and puzzled expression on his face.

"It's me, brother." The young man who called Qin Ming said excitedly, his eyes were shrouded in a layer of mist, which could be broken at any time.

"It's really you, I...I'm not dreaming?" The middle-aged man looked incredulous.

"It's me, your brother Qin Ming." Qin Ming said excitedly, as for his brother asking these somewhat strange questions, it seemed very normal at this time.

It's normal for a person who has been resurrected from the dead to say some strange words.

"Is it really Qin Ming?"

"What's going on with me?" Qin Tian was confused at this time.

I was obviously blasted to death by the thunder method, how did I wake up and appear here.

This seems to be a hospital, why am I here.

"Little brother, why am I in the hospital?" Qin Tian asked.

"Brother..." Qin Ming was about to speak, but heard the nurse's voice from behind.

"Doctor, please take a look..." The nurse who ran out called the doctor over.

A bald man, about 50 years old, wearing a white coat, was shocked when he saw the middle-aged man on the bed with his skin quickly turning ruddy.

How could it be possible?

This man was obviously dying, and there was no way to save him, so how could he suddenly get better?

Could it be a last gasp?

"Family members, please make way, I'll take a look."

"Okay, doctor." Qin Ming quickly stepped aside. Although his brother looked much better, he was a little worried in his heart without fully understanding the situation.

"Miracle, it's really a miracle..." The doctor couldn't help but say in shock after a simple examination.

This is a medical miracle.

"Doctor, how is my brother?" Qin Ming saw this and quickly said.

"Your brother..."

The doctor was full of energy for a while before speaking: "It's fine."

"However, to be on the safe side, I suggest that he observe for a few more days and finally do a comprehensive examination."

"Good..." Qin Ming said excitedly.

"Well, doctor, does a comprehensive checkup cost money?" Suddenly, a middle-aged man's voice came from the bed.

Doctor: "..."

Nurse: "..."

Qin Ming: "???"

After leaving the hospital and listening to Qin Ming's words, Qin Tian finally figured out some things.

He had traveled back in time.

If it weren't for the system prompt, he would have doubted whether what he had experienced before was a dream.

"Brother, I think the doctor is right, you should observe it." Qin Ming is 1.7 meters tall and much more handsome than when he was young.

"Isn't it just a comprehensive checkup? It won't cost much."

"Believe me, brother, I know my body well. Don't worry, I'm very healthy now." Qin Tian said. The hospital system prompted that his body was healthy before, so there was no need to spend money in vain.

The reason why he went to the hospital was because he worked hard to make money and was overworked.

"By the way, you didn't tell your parents about this, did you?"

"No, I haven't had time yet."

"Okay, let's go home."

"Okay." Although Qin Ming was puzzled, he didn't think much about it. He thought that his brother wanted to see his parents after experiencing life and death. They really hadn't seen their parents for a long time.

In order to work and make money, they rarely met their parents.

He did what he said.

He bought some clothes, nutritional supplements, and some fruits for his parents, and took the bus home with Qin Ming.

This city is called Yangcheng.

The area is very large, almost 3,000 square kilometers.

It takes five hours to take the bus.

He and Qin Ming work in the central area of ​​Yangcheng, while his parents live in the suburbs, where the air is better and the rent is cheap.

Although they are also from Yangcheng, their hometown is in the mountains, which is farther away than the suburbs.

Because his father is sick, he can only come to the city for treatment.

In order to reduce their burden, their parents insisted on not going to the city center.

Sitting on the bus, looking at the tall buildings outside, Qin Tian was a little dazed.

Until now, he still can't believe it, and he is really afraid that this is just a dream.

"What are you doing? Give me back my things..." Suddenly, a girl's anxious voice came from the front.

"What are you talking about?"

"What, what, your things, what does it have to do with me." A young man roared angrily.

"You stole my things, give them back to me."

The girl said anxiously, and seeing that the young man refused to give them back, she hurriedly said loudly: "Otherwise I will call the police."

"What are you doing? You dare to call the police and try it." The young man saw that the girl was going to call the police, and immediately showed a ferocious expression, snatched the girl's mobile phone with one hand, and took out a dagger.

"What are you doing?" The girl's face changed drastically. She had never seen such a situation before, and she panicked for a while.

She didn't expect to meet such a person on the bus.

Seeing the young man holding a dagger and approaching her, the girl panicked immediately and hurriedly said: "Help, please save me..."

Unfortunately, no one stood up, and some people even spread quickly around, fearing that they would be misled.

"Young man, talk nicely, don't mess around." At this time, the bus driver hurried out to block after parking the car to the side.

Seeing the young man coming, the driver quickly added: "I've opened the door, you leave quickly."

"Hmph." The young man saw that the driver was very sensible, so he didn't say anything more. He looked at the pale-faced girl and snorted coldly as she walked towards the door, feeling very proud.

"Don't go..." At this moment, the girl's voice sounded again, and she quickly grabbed the young man's feet.

"Give my things back to me."

Seeing this, everyone immediately knew that something was wrong.

Thinking to himself, is this girl stupid? Wouldn't it be better to let her go and call the police?

But now...

"Not good..." The driver's face suddenly changed, and sure enough, the young man became ferocious again, stabbing the girl with the dagger in his hand.


"Ah..." The girl's screams echoed in the bus.

Seeing that she was fine, she opened her eyes, but found that it was the driver who took the knife for her. She couldn't help but scream out again out of fear in her heart.


"You're looking for death." The young man saw that he had killed someone and his eyes were red when he looked at the girl. Originally, he just wanted to scare the girl so that she would let go.

As a result…

Thinking of this, the young man’s eyes turned red, and he drew out his dagger and rushed towards the girl.

“Don’t…” the driver shouted, his clothes were stained with blood, but he still wanted to save the girl.

“Don’t kill me…” the girl said desperately.

“Go to hell…” the young man had a ferocious expression and had lost his mind.

He was about to stab the girl’s chest with a knife, but at this moment, the young man’s hand holding the knife suddenly stopped in front of the girl’s heart, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t see a single bit.

“You killed her, do you know the consequences?” A faint middle-aged voice sounded.

BS: The typos will be corrected later

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