Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 135 Where is this

"Okay..." Qin Tian had no regrets at this time.

He looked at the sky and roared: "God thief... come on..."



A black light shot out from the thunder eye at an unparalleled speed, wherever it passed. The space is shattered.



Then it penetrated Qin Tian's soul and nailed him to the ground.

This is a world-destroying thunder arrow, designed to kill souls.

"Ah..." Qin Tian roared. The pain in his soul was ten thousand times worse than the pain in his body. He felt that his soul was crumbling and might dissipate at any time.




Another world-destroying thunder arrow shot from the sky.

"Ah..." Qin Tian's soul began to break.




Seven world-destroying thunder arrows were shot out from the sky one after another.

Qin Tian's soul was completely shattered and turned into points of light dissipating in the heaven and earth.

"Master... Xiaochong will definitely work hard to become stronger. Sooner or later I will find you..."

"Master, if you die, I will destroy everything..."

"Master, Xiaoqing is not afraid..."

This was the last sound Qin Tian heard.

Qin Tian dissipated, and the thunder in the sky stayed for a few minutes before slowly dissipating.

But at this moment, a death attack that destroyed the heaven and earth pierced the space and hit the thunder in the sky.


The sky and the earth shook, and the Blue Star shook. At this moment, everyone on the Blue Star felt the end.

The world-destroying thunder formed by Heavenly Dao was directly blasted.


The sound of a rule resounded throughout the world.


"Why...I don't recognize my old friend anymore!"

A domineering voice sounded in Blue Star.

" you?"

"Impossible... aren't you already dead?"

"I am death, how could I die?"

"Death, what do you want to do?"

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to kill you."

A devastating attack appeared again and disappeared from the sky, so this attack headed towards Blue Star.

"Death, what do you want to do?"

"Stop it."

At this moment, everyone on Blue Star saw a world-destroying attack falling from the sky.

Death was felt by all.

"Death, stop now, you will destroy the entire universe if you do this."

"Huh, it's none of my business whether the universe is destroyed or not."

"Death, you are seeking death."

"Do you really think you can really destroy Blue Star?"

Just when the attack was about to approach Blue Star, a blue light suddenly rose around Blue Star.


The heaven-destroying attack hit the blue light fiercely and was not blocked.

The humans on the Blue Star just breathed a sigh of relief when they saw a cracking sound coming from the sky.

"Impossible, how could this happen?"

"Death, stop now, you can't destroy Blue Star, the universe will really be destroyed..."

"The destruction of the universe has nothing to do with me. If you kill my master, I will destroy you. At worst, you will return to chaos."

"Death, you are crazy, you are a madman..."

"So what if I'm a madman? As long as I can kill you, I won't hesitate to die...Kill me..."

In the distant world of the undead, a white skeleton's whole body was broken at this time. Its body exuded a breath of destruction. Its red eyes penetrated the void and looked at a planet. With its desperate efforts, it finally broke through the planet formation.

It wants to destroy the entire Blue Star, and it will destroy life, even if the universe does not hesitate to do so from the beginning.

"Master, Changsheng, I will accompany you..."

"Changsheng, don't mess around..." At this moment, a voice sounded in its mind.

"You are...master..."

"It's me...I'm back...don't you remember me?"

A golden figure appeared out of thin air in front of the white skeleton. Looking at Changsheng, his face was full of vicissitudes of life. His little hand gently touched Changsheng's body, and the body that was about to be broken instantly recovered as before.

"Master... you, you, you... no wonder..." When he saw the person in front of him clearly, a memory that could only be opened by the soul's resurrection appeared in Changsheng's mind. At this moment, it appeared in front of it alive, and it immediately thought of something.

"Okay, stop attacking."

"Master, it's not good, I can't control it..."

Blue Star, on the top of Tianya Mountain, the young man walked out of the palace and watched the devastating attack without any fear. A black hole suddenly appeared in his hand. Just when the attack was about to hit Blue Star, a black hole suddenly appeared in his hand. With a terrifying attraction, the devastating attack disappeared above the blue star in just an instant.

"Death, you are looking for death..." The roar of heaven came from the sky, and when Death's attack dissipated, it was about to attack Death.

"Noisy..." At this moment, a faint voice sounded, just like the voice of the supreme rule.


"Who are you…"

"It's you…"


A scream sounded.

Time passed, I don’t know how long it took.

"elder brother…"

"Brother, wake up quickly, don't scare me..."

"Brother, brother, wake up, help, come quickly, save my brother..." Qing Qing looked at the middle-aged man who fell to the ground and cried bitterly, his voice full of despair.

"Help, help my brother quickly, someone is coming..."




"Any of you family members of the patient, the patient is dying..."

"Doctor, please save my brother... please..."

"Hey, it's too late to send him here, we can't do anything, and his body is too exhausted, all his organs have withered and can no longer function..."

"How could this happen, doctor, please save my brother..."

"Sorry, we can't do anything, the patient still has his last breath, go and see..."






"Brother, brother..."

A young man beside the bed cried desperately.

"Wake up quickly..."

Looking at his brother on the bed, the despair in his heart continued to grow, his eyes turned red, and his heart was full of anger.

An unnamed emotion grew in his heart.

"Brother, are you going to give me this dress?"

"Of course it's for my cutest brother, who else can I give it to."

"Thank you, brother."

"Xiao Ming is so good."

The picture with his brother rang in his mind.

"Brother, will father get better?"


"Brother, don't tire yourself out anymore. Father is already sick and can't afford it. I don't want you to get sick too..."

"It's okay. Don't worry. It won't be long before my family can get enough money to treat my father."

"Brother, brother..."

The images in his mind kept flowing.

"Come on, help my brother..."

The young man desperately called out to the people around him, but no one came forward.

Despair, deep despair.

This is the struggle of human beings against fate.

"Who are the relatives of the patient? The patient is dying..."

"Hey, it's too late to send him here..."

"We can't do anything about it either. His body is too exhausted. All his organs have withered and can't function anymore..."

The young man looked at his brother who was motionless and lifeless on the bed, and his mind was filled with despair and confusion.

His eyes were red like a beast.

"Do you want to save your brother?"

"Do you want to control your fate?"

"Who..." The young man roared, looking around but didn't see anyone.

Just as he was angry, a voice pulled him back.




"This..." The young man looked at the parallel lines on the electrocardiograph that suddenly rose and fell.



"What's going on?" A nurse in a white coat heard the voice and ran in.

When she saw the changes on the electrocardiograph, her face was full of shock.

How is it possible?

The person is alive!

"Where is this? It hurts..." Suddenly a puzzled voice came from the bed.


BS: The wrong words will be corrected first and then corrected

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