Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 124 The Seventh Floor of the Sealing Heaven Tower

[Welcome the Emperor of Heaven to the seventh floor of Sealing Heaven Tower. 】

[The survival mission begins, and the mission requires killing a seventh-level monarch predator. 】

[There is no limit to the task opening time. 】

[You can get points by killing ferocious beasts...]


Qin Tian didn't want to wait and said directly.

[The survival mission is starting...]


A passage door suddenly opened on the grassland.

The scene on the seventh floor turned into a grassland, stretching as far as the eye could see.

It's like a small world.


A roar came from the passage door, and the sound was full of evil meaning.

If he hadn't practiced on the sixth level, just this roar might have made Qin Tian turn pale.

But now, it's just like that for Qin Tian.


A black figure rushed out of the passage door like lightning, without stopping, but went straight towards Qin Tian.

"Let me see your strength..." Qin Tian did not hesitate and immediately entered fighting mode.


Qin Tian mobilized Dantian energy into his fist, and a terrifying aura suddenly came from his fist.

When the black shadow came to kill, Qin Tian punched out.



At the moment of impact, there was a rumble and vibration at the location.


The black figure roared as it was knocked away.

Qin Tian also flew backwards and did not stop until he was ten meters away.


A drop of blood dripped from his fist, and his fist was stained red with blood.

After one move, he was at a disadvantage.

"Come here..." Qin Tian was excited and looked at the black figure and said provocatively.

He has only reached the limit of his physical training now, which is equivalent to the peak of the sixth level.

As for the level of the beast master, he has not improved. He has to completely train his body to perfection before he plans to make a breakthrough. The same is true for Qi training.

Qi training is equivalent to the master level of beast master and the level of ferocious beast monarch.

He is only at the peak of the sixth level, but he can fight across levels. He is also the true monarch in the Sealing Tower, a core-level monarch.

But he was just injured, so he was naturally very excited.


The black body reflected human provocation. Its eyes sprayed red light, and it looked at Qin Tian with its ferocious fangs exposed, as if looking at a delicacy.

"This is...a black dog..." Qin Tian looked surprised when he saw the appearance of the ferocious beast.

The predator, turned out to be a black dog, but it was a bit bigger.

"Why, you want to eat me!"

Qin Tian looked at the five-meter-tall black dog and smiled: "Then show your skills."


The predator's fierce light shone and appeared in front of Qin Tian in an instant, its speed was extremely fast.


He opened his sharp fangs and bit Qin Tian directly, intending to swallow him in one bite.

Qin Tian didn't panic at all when he saw the black dog biting someone.

In a month, he didn't just practice the Wood Emperor Art.

He is also practicing the wooden postures. He has fully practiced all the eighty-one basic techniques to the limit, and he has already started.

Just when the predator was about to bite him, Qin Tian swayed and took a step back, just to avoid its bite.

"Watch the punch."

Without waiting for the predator to react, Qin Tian stepped back with force and stepped forward. When he encountered it, he formed a diving posture in mid-air. Then he formed a fist with his right hand and concentrated all his strength on the fist.


The energy emanating from the fists made the air roar.


The predator also felt the powerful force. The body that rushed out stopped quickly, kicked off its front legs fiercely, and bit Qin Tian in the sky.

Qin Tian also didn't expect the predator to react so quickly. If he didn't change his attack, he would be swallowed up by the black dog.

However, it is not difficult at all to change your body shape in the sky from just practicing the Balmu pose.


Qin Tian's back foot hit the other foot hard, and his body that was originally falling suddenly flipped in the air without any help, and then resumed the previous attack, but just managed to avoid the vicious bite.


Qin Tian punched the predator on the head, like a hammer of tens of thousands of kilograms hitting the head of a black dog.



At the moment of collision, terrifying and violent energy exploded at the place of collision.

The powerful force made the air wail.

Qin Tian, ​​you were blown away by the violent energy.

And the predator was directly punched to the ground by him, making a loud noise, and the ground was immediately torn apart.

After a while, blood burst out from the predator's head, and his hair was instantly dyed red and black.

Qin Tian landed on the ground and quickly stabilized his body. He had exerted too much force and his face turned pale.

"do you died?"


Suddenly, a terrifying force burst out from the predator's body.

Fierce and overwhelming.

"Master, this black dog is going to use its core power."

Changsheng's voice came from Qin Tian's mind.

"Holy shit..." Qin Tian was speechless. It turned out that the opponent didn't use all his strength at all, but he had already used all his strength and was already exhausted.

The energy in his Dantian and body has been exhausted, and he has no strength to fight anymore.

"Little insect, leave it to you..." said a small green insect on Qin Tianchao's shoulder.

He's not stupid. If he can't beat him, he won't fight for it.

"I understand, Master..."


As soon as he finished speaking, the long green bug disappeared.


The predator in the distance suddenly roared and made a pitiful sound.

It just stopped struggling in less than a second.

Just when Qin Tian thought the predator was dead, the latter got up again.

But this time, there was no murderous intent, and the red eyes had returned to calm.

Looking at Qin Tian, ​​he was like a Husky.

Cute and adorable.

Compared to before, it was as if he had changed his soul.

"Xiao Chong... you controlled him so quickly?" Qin Tian opened his mouth wide, a little bit unbelievable, the speed of this control was a bit fast.

It seemed to be less than a second.

"Yes, master, after I condensed the core, the same level, as long as I can enter the other party's body, I can completely control the other party, as for this kind of small stuff, it's easy for me."

"I just don't know if Chaofan can control it..."

Qin Tian was speechless, did this guy think too much, and still wanted to control Chaofan.

"Why is there no prompt yet?"

Wait a minute, Fengtian Tower did not give any prompts, Qin Tian immediately understood the reason.

"Xiao Qing kill it."

"Okay master."

"What a pity..." Looking at the disappearing Husky, Qin Tian was a little reluctant, it would be great if he could take it out.

[Kill a level 7 beast predator, the survival mission is completed, you get 500 points, you now have 51,300 points. ]

[Survival mission completed, challenge mission started.

Challenge mission 1: Kill a level 7 monarch beast...


[Selection time: unlimited. ]

[The seventh floor items are as follows: Blood Qi Pill, Attribute Energy Pill, Advanced Physical Pill, Advanced Treatment Pill, Advanced Body Tempering Pill, Advanced Energy Pill, Advanced Evolution Pill, Level 7 Spiritual Item Pack, Level 7 Weapon Pack, Beast Taming Skill Pack, Beast Taming Egg...]



Hearing the prompt, Qin Tian naturally chose to continue.

However, the tasks are similar, except that this floor only needs to complete the challenge task before you can choose to leave.

Yes, the monarch here, even the Grandmaster of Blue Star may not be able to pass.

No wonder no monarch level entered the Sealing Heaven Tower.

Perhaps it is not that they did not enter, but they dared not to enter.

After that, the monarchs became more and more powerful, and Qin Tian did not take action, but let Xiao Chong handle it.

He chose to lie down.

BS: The typos will be corrected first and then revised

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