Beast Taming: Start with Summoning

Chapter 123: Physical Training Reaches the Ultimate

Time flies!

One day later, Qin Tian finally succeeded in cultivating the silver skin.

At the same time, half of the heart has turned golden.

After Qin Tian added points to Xiao Chong and Xiao Qing, he continued to cultivate.

Three days later.

Qin Tian was like a god descending, and a strong pressure emanated from his body.

And his heart has completely turned golden.

The energy of heaven and earth in the tower continued to flow in and be absorbed by the golden heart.

A stream of vitality-filled energy flowed out of the golden heart, entered the limbs, entered the internal organs, flowed throughout the body, and finally entered the dantian.

The dantian, which had not changed at all, had a faint breakthrough at this moment.

Of course, it was just an illusion.

Only when the breakthrough reached the level of Qi training, the dantian would undergo a second change.

Although the dantian did not change, the energy in it became more condensed, and it was faintly changing towards the special energy of the monarch level.

The energy in the dantian is good wood energy, but if it is really compared with the special energy of the monarch level, it is naturally a little worse.

However, according to this trend, with the change of the energy of the golden heart, it will soon be completely transformed.

"Golden Arhat?" Qin Tian looked at the golden light radiating from his body and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


After adding points to Xiaoqing and Xiaochong, he continued to practice.

Qin Tian didn't want to be regarded as a weirdo after going out.

Time flowed again.

On the fourth day, the golden light was even stronger.

On the fifth day, the golden light began to dim and gradually began to restrain.

Originally planned to practice for five days, now I can only continue to practice.

On the sixth day, the golden light completely disappeared, leaving only the golden heart.

During this period, the energy in the Dantian has completely turned into special energy.

According to the beast control energy, it is a full 12 drops.

Converted into ordinary energy, it is 120,000 energy.

Horrible, against the sky, powerful.

Of course, compared with combat power, 1 point of special energy can only be equivalent to 1,000 energy.

Of course, this does not mean that Qin Tian already has tens of thousands of attack power.

The energy in the Dantian is different from the energy in the body.

The energy possessed by the body is passively possessed by the beast control feedback and is completely integrated into his body.

But the Dantian is just a space for storing energy.

Unless Qin Tian can mobilize these 12 drops of special energy at once and use martial arts to fully exert the powerful and terrifying power.

Even if Qin Tian has such martial arts, Qin Tian dare not, after all, his body at this time can't bear it at all.

Unless all the body tempering is completed, the blood, bones, and internal organs are tempered.

Although it can't reach tens of thousands of attacks, there are still thousands of attacks.

On the seventh day, the skin began to recover.

On the eighth day, the skin was completely restored to yellow skin.

There was no breath flowing out, and no terrifying energy burst, very calm, very ordinary.

"Is this the return to the ancient times?" Qin Tian looked at the recovered hand, very ordinary, and looked as if he had no strength.

But when he exerted a little force, there was a crackling sound in his palm.

"Wow, the finger is broken..." Qin Tian was speechless. Although the skin has a strong strength, the bones do not.

"Practice? Or go to the seventh floor?"

"Changsheng, how are you?" Qin Tian asked. Changsheng was fully recovered five days ago.

After knowing that breaking through the Great Monarch requires complete conversion into special energy, Qin Tian asked Changsheng and Xiaochong to speed up the conversion.

Although Changsheng performed soul resurrection and could kill in seconds under the extraordinary, the problem is that Changsheng can't hold on for long.

It is a method of mutual destruction.

Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred of your own.

If Changsheng wants to reach the Great Monarch, the living overlord, or even the totem, the backlash will not be so great at that time.

"Master, the special energy will be completely converted immediately."

"But it will take some time to condense the core..."

The voice of Changsheng came from Qin Tian's mind.

Because Changsheng is an undead creature, he can't stay in the Sealing Heaven Tower all the time.

He needs to return to the undead world from time to time to absorb death energy.

Unless Changsheng converts into special energy and breaks through.

It is worth mentioning that.

The monarch breaking through the Great Monarch is all about converting energy.

But Changsheng told him that if he wants to become a real monarch, he needs to condense an energy core.

It was not until Changsheng told him some information that Qin Tian understood what a real monarch is.

No wonder the monarch beast of the ultimate mission on the sixth floor is so powerful.

A real monarch needs to condense an energy core.

The energy core of the fierce beast is the inner elixir, and the same is true for the beast control.

The core that Changsheng needs to condense is the heart of death.

To gather the energy core, you need to gather the special energy of the whole body.

So the premise is that it needs to be completely converted into special energy, otherwise it cannot be condensed.

Special energy also has strengths and weaknesses. The stronger the condensed special energy, the stronger the condensed core.

In addition, you need to learn how to blend and match artistic conceptions.

A single one will never be as strong as multiple ones.

For example, Xiaochong has several artistic conceptions, but its strength is still the same.

Even if you comprehend other artistic conceptions later, it can only be improved a little at most.

It can't be improved by leaps and bounds.

But if you use several artistic conceptions at the same time and perform them together, the power is absolutely powerful and terrifying.

So after knowing this, Qin Tian asked Changsheng to teach Xiaoqing and Xiaochong.

Xiaoqing said that it wanted to follow the meaning of swordsmanship, and then integrate the artistic conception of wood and the artistic conception of life.

It wants to cultivate into the sword of life.

Xiaochong plans to follow the artistic conception of control.

Changsheng is naturally the artistic conception of death and immortality.

As for Qin Tian himself, practicing the Five Elements Jue is naturally the core of the Five Elements.

"Okay, you continue to practice, no hurry..." Qin Tian said, taking advantage of the fact that the time flow in the Sealing Heaven Tower is a hundred times faster than outside, he plans to finish practicing the body training.

"Yes, Master..."

"I'll give you some first..."

In this way, Qin Tian practiced and added some.

The time of practice is always so fast.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

The aura emitted from Qin Tian's coiled body is getting stronger and stronger.


Suddenly his body made a roaring sound, and a terrifying aura spread like a tide.

His body was transforming, and his bones made a crackling sound.

The blood was boiling, and his internal organs were strengthening.

Not long after, Qin Tian slowly opened his eyes, and two golden lights shot out from them to the sky.


Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from the air.

"Extreme physical training." Qin Tian smiled, and he didn't expect it to take him so much time.

In total, he stayed on the sixth floor for almost 40 days.

However, Qin Tian was very satisfied with the harvest.

He could even fight against the monarch in the Sealing Heaven Tower.

He was no problem against the monarch on the Blue Star.

He should be able to defeat Shanghai Tiansheng.

In more than a month, his strength changed a lot.

His beasts and summoned beasts have undergone a huge change.

Xiaoqing reached the extreme of the lord. If it was not for the fear of affecting the master's forced suppression of the breakthrough, it should have reached the totem like Xiaochong and Changsheng.

That's right, Xiaochong and Changsheng have reached the totem.

Who let Qin Tian have the system.

Just add a little.

For almost 40 days, they improved their skill proficiency every day, and they had already reached the perfect extreme.

Xiaochong's skill is perfect plus nine.

Because Xiaoqing and Changsheng are perfect creatures, the ultimate of their skills is perfect plus twelve.

This made Xiaochong feel lost for several days.

Xiaochong and Changsheng are both totems, but their strengths are very different.

The only pity is that Qin Tian did not break through the Tianmai.

BS: The typo was corrected first and then corrected

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