Beast Taming: I Can Extract Pleasure Points

Chapter 304: The day the broken sword was reforged

outside world.

There was a sudden wave of space fluctuations next to the giant sword that ran through the sky, and a skeleton with bones like jade walked out of the void.

Everyone looked at the skeleton vigilantly.

The aura emanating from this skeleton is very powerful, giving them an incomparable feeling.

The peak of the monarch, even stronger!

Even the master-level beastmaster Shen Ying, who was in charge of the security of the ruins, did not dare to act rashly at this moment.

"Who are you?"

Shen Ying asked.

The Bone King's wreckage didn't answer. Naturally, it didn't care about the humans in front of it. It just summoned a skeleton horse and rode on it.

Horseshoe bursts, and its figure quickly disappeared into the distance.

"Bai Ge, please go to the headquarters, the bone king ruins are suspected of appearing immortal life, this matter must be notified to the director as soon as possible, I will go to the star screen to guard!"

Shen Ying, who is also a senior investigator of the Abyss Investigation Bureau, hurriedly told Bai Ge upon seeing this.


The white dove also realized the seriousness of the matter, and summoned the coo to start the space shuttle.

An immortal creature appears in the real world, and if it is not handled properly, it is very likely to cause a disaster.

2 minutes later.

Abyss Investigation Bureau headquarters.

The white dove reported to Senior White what happened in the Bone King's Secret Realm.

"Don't worry, the remains of the Bone King will not have much impact on the real world."

Senior White sighed:

"Our biggest enemy at the moment is the abyss. Tomorrow, the seven abyss will invade our world."

Hearing the abyss invasion, Bai Ge was a little shocked. She had been staying in the Bone King Secret Realm for a while, but she never thought that the real world would face the threat of abyss invasion.

"Senior White, what can I do?"

"Of course, what to do or what to do, the sky is falling and we old guys are still standing up! Don't worry too much, now we have many immortals in Dongxia, and if the abyss dares to invade our world, they will definitely pay the price. By the way, how is your development with Jiang He?"

Senior White asked curiously.

"I...we're just friends! Senior, don't change the subject so bluntly."

The white dove was a rare blushing.

"Okay, stop teasing you. Anyway, don't worry, we won't lose, right, Gugu?"



When the white dove returned to the Bone King's secret realm, he saw dozens of undead creatures suddenly appear around the giant sword.

It is the challenger who participated in the Bone King Trial before.

"What's going on? What happened to the trial ground? Why did everyone's imperial beasts teleport out?"

"My suicidal bird said that it was about to capture the necromancer, and the result was suddenly spread."

The undead beastmasters who participated in the trials of these beasts were puzzled.

If only an undead beast is teleported out, then the challenge may be failed. But now almost all the beasts participating in the trial have been forcibly teleported out, and something must have happened in the trial ground of the Bone King.


The undead dragon of the white dove was also teleported out and flew to the side of the white dove, looking confused.

It was obviously not defeated this time, but it was still teleported out inexplicably.

"It should be the younger brother who obtained the inheritance of the Bone King? Calculate the time, if there is no accident, it is just right."

The white pigeon saw the reason for the change at a glance.

All the other challengers were teleported, but Jiang He was not the only one.

It means that the trial has ended, and someone has obtained the inheritance of the Bone King!

"Bai Xue, how's your harvest?"


The undead dragon took out a space ring from between its scales, and then hundreds of undead scrolls of different strengths appeared around it.

In this month of the Undead Battlefield, it also conquered a lot of Undead Scrolls.

Of course, it is still incomparable with Jiang He.

And with the subsequent subjugation of Jiang He's sweeping style, it can hardly even see the shadow of the undead creature!


Bai Xue began to complain aggrievedly.

"It's okay, it's already pretty good!"


Trial place.

After the Necromancer bead recognized the master, Jiang He suddenly had a lot of knowledge about the inheritance of the Bone King in his mind.

After a while, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The value of the Bone King's inheritance made him a little unbelievable!

First of all, the most precious thing in the inheritance of the Bone King is naturally the undead bead in his hand, which is the key to open the battlefield of the undead.

When the outside "challengers" touch the giant sword, they are actually communicating with the undead beads, thereby obtaining temporary qualifications to enter the battlefield of the undead.

But now after recognizing the main Jiang He, only Jiang He can go in and out.

Happy to mention a complete demiplane!

Next, the Undead Scrolls that the Ice Ghost King conquered can be placed directly in the Undead Orb.

When you need to fight, you can call it directly.

And the space inside is very suitable for cultivating undead creatures, the time flow is faster, and the breath of death is more intense!


Jiang Yan suddenly made a sound.

Although it has conquered the more powerful undead genus, it has not forgotten the army of plant undead and the army of the abyss.

It wants to take some time to dig out the two undead legions buried in the soil, and then plant them in the undead battlefield in the undead beads.

In addition to the undead beads, the Bone King left Jiang He with its former undead army.

Jiang and the undead species he had conquered before and the undead army he faced in the second level were only a small part of the bone king army.

Because Jiang He's strength is only to lead the sixth rank, there is no monarch rank in the undead army he faces.

These undead creatures are buried with the depths of the undead battlefield. After obtaining the inheritance of the Bone King, Jiang He can wake up these sleeping undead creatures.

Jiang He sensed the undead battlefield and found that there were over a hundred buried undead monarchs!

Among them, the number of low-level undead monarchs is about 40, and the number of middle-level undead monarchs and high-level undead monarchs is about the same.

Jiang He even felt that in the deepest part of the battlefield of the undead, there were still several undead creatures with extremely powerful breaths.

This is... the existence of the Immortal Order!

However, the current Jiang He is too weak to tame them, and the moment when these immortal undead are awakened, they may be enslaved by them instead.

"But with my current strength, it's not a problem to conquer some low-level undead monarchs."

Thinking that he was about to add 40 more monarch-level thugs, Jiang He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

In this case, it is equivalent to him contracting 40 royal beasts of the monarch rank at the same time!

Although Jiang He can command them only after the ice ghost king or the ice ghost king is possessed, but from a certain point of view, the beast of the beast is also its beast!

In the end, the Bone King also left a very complete growth path for his inheritors.

The skill secret jade of two super-level skills, and a hand bone that contains the law of death, as long as the inheritor's strength reaches the peak of the monarch, with the help of this hand bone, he can break through immortality.

Jiang He did not hesitate, and prepared to use the two super-level skills first.

One of the two super-level skills of the undead system is called the war song of the undead.

It is a legion skill with a buff nature.

[Skill]: War Song of the Undead

[level]: super-level

[Introduction]: Use the energy of death to utter a hymn from hell. The undead creatures in the undead war song will comprehensively improve all aspects of attributes, and have the characteristics of the inextinguishable soul fire in a short period of time.

That is to say, under the buff of the undead war song, the undead army can be truly immortal.

Not even the Holy Light can purify them.

The undead army that is not afraid of pain and will not die, this is the confidence of the Bone King that spanned the entire continent!

Another super skill is Jiang He's very greedy Bone God Dharma Body.

[Skill]: Bone God Dharma Body

[level]: super-level

[Introduction]: Extract part of the power from your own undead army to condense a powerful skeleton body.

"Ah, hurry up and learn!"

Because it is a skill secret jade, as long as you use mental communication, you can directly master it.

But Jiang He is not an undead creature after all, and cannot learn even after being possessed.

Only after the Ice Ghost King is released from the possessed state, let the little guy learn by himself.


The Ice Ghost King was separated from Jiang and his body, and he had a skill secret jade in one hand.

The golden boy closed tightly and entered a state of perception.


After a while, Jiang Yan made an excited voice.

It has initially mastered these two skills.

"Then let's try the power!"

Jiang He and the Ice Ghost King, who have just mastered this skill, are like children who just got new toys and can't wait to start trying.

The Ice King's first attempt was the Legion Anthem.


Suddenly, the Ice Ghost King made a penetrating roar of filial piety.

This voice is like a banshee howling, but it is more powerful and powerful, as if countless terrifying beings are roaring at the same time in the void.

Jiang He felt his soul tremble, this is a song that everyone can listen to! ?

But... that seems to count as an advantage, too.

One's buff, the enemy's debuff?





The undead who heard the hymn of the undead are like chicken blood, and the fire of the soul becomes more and more powerful. Because of each target, they can only run wild on the battlefield of the undead to vent the power that is constantly emerging in the body.

"Just an introductory hymn of the dead can improve the various abilities of the undead scroll by 10%-20%, but unfortunately it is not long-lasting. The current strength of the ice ghost king can only be maintained for the time of one song."


The Ice Ghost King stopped his "singing voice", and the remaining death energy in his body had to be handed over to another super skill - [Bone God Dharma Body]

"let's start!"

The Ice Ghost King meditated and felt the existence of his undead scroll.

I saw the slightest grey aura of death wafting out of each undead scroll, some thick, some dank, but it was a thread of wisps, which converged to the Ice Ghost King at the same time.

Soon, a 100-meter giant ice ghost king appeared out of thin air on the barren land.

Jiang He suddenly understood why the Bone King was only 3 meters tall, but the sword standing in the trial ground was so huge.

This is the battle sword after using the Bone God Dharma Body.

Looking at the giant Dharma body in front of him, Jiang He's face was a little unbearable.

Because the form of the Ice Ghost King is based on him, the now condensed Dharma body is also an enlarged version of "Jiang He".

Wouldn't it be weird if that sounded like a fight?


At this moment, the body of the Ice Ghost King is in the body of the Ice Ghost King's body, just like driving a giant Gundam. However, every part of this dharma body corresponds to its body, and every movement is extremely smooth.

Although the Bone God's body is very large, it is extremely flexible.

After a test, the strength of the bone **** dharma body is around the middle rank of the monarch, and it has directly crossed a large rank.

This is simply the heaven and earth in Xianxia novels, or the gigantic transformation in Pokémon.

Of course, the disadvantage is that it is not durable enough.

At present, the Ice Ghost King can only maintain the Dharma body for 3 minutes, and the possessed state can be increased to 5 minutes.

It's quite enough in battle.

The Ice Ghost King can sweep the World Championship with only the Bone God Dharma Body.

It's a pity that the game doesn't seem to allow borrowing the power of the Undead Scroll...

"It's time to go back."

After being familiar with all the things left by the Bone King's inheritance, Jiang Hexi's necromantic bead disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, he has returned to the bone mystery.



Takiyue and Yiyi immediately rushed over excitedly when they saw Jiang He coming back.

They hadn't seen Jiang He for almost a week, and the Bone King's Secret Realm was stuffy again. Fortunately, there is the existence of the mechanical Rubik's Cube, which can be turned into a tablet to relieve boredom, otherwise it will really go crazy.

Ziyue didn't move, still maintaining the reservedness of the cat, but her eyes flashed with uncontrollable joy.

The beastmaster finally returned safely.

"Sister, congratulations."

Dove said with a smile.

She was not surprised that Jiang He could obtain the inheritance of the Bone King.

"It's a fluke, thanks to the release of water from the remains of the Bone King. By the way, senpai, did you see a skeleton leaving?"

Before Jiang He saw the remains of the Bone King disappear, it was obvious that he had left the trial ground.

"Well, it has crossed the star screen to the real world. Senior Bai said that it will not cause damage to the real world, but may become our ally."

"But something big has happened in the real world. Senior White saw some fragments of the future through the Kunlun Mirror. The masters of the shallow abyss are gathering the abyss legion, preparing to invade our world the day after tomorrow. Senior White, they are going to ambush them at the entrance. It's our first head-to-head war with the abyss."

Bai Ge told Jiang He the information he had obtained from Senior Bai before.

"Abyss United Invasion!?"

After hearing this, Jiang He was also a little shocked.

He did not expect that the speed of the abyss invasion would be so fast, and he had not grown to the level where he could fight against the abyss. UU reading

With his current beast-fighting strength, he would definitely not be able to blend in with this level of battle.

"Star Soul Meteorite... I can make a move... Abyss... Trash..."

At this time, Jiang He's mind once again came with the idea of ​​a lake.

It is the Zhen Guojian.

I don't know if a new sword spirit is born, or if the former sword spirit has awakened, and it now has self-consciousness.

However, this consciousness is very weak, and most of them are in a state of deep sleep.

This time, I sensed that there is a star soul meteorite nearby, which is the same material as the meteorite that forged it, so I forcibly woke up.


Jiang He took the Zhen Guojian out of the pot of desire, and he originally planned to give the giant sword to Zhen Guojian to absorb.

Originally, the Necronomicon Orb was hidden in the giant sword. This giant sword was the medium for the challenger to communicate with the Necronomicon Orb.

Now that the Necromancer Orb was taken away by Jiang He, the giant sword lost its mysterious energy and became ordinary.

But its own forging material is very precious and special, so it can remain intact for tens of thousands of years without any signs of decay.


Zhen Guojian let out a sword cry, and then inserted itself into the giant sword...


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