Beast Taming: I Can Extract Pleasure Points

Chapter 302: This...has been inherited?

The ground in front of Jiang He shattered, and a 3-meter-high human-shaped skeleton appeared in front of him.

It is the remnant soul of the Bone King.

The Remnant Soul of the Bone King should retain the image of the Bone King before his death. Although he is not very tall, it gives people a very strong feeling.

Its bones all exude a jade-like luster, and it holds a stone sword in its right hand, which is very similar to the giant sword outside. It should be a miniature version of the same scale.

The eye sockets of the Bone King's remnant soul are burning with two dark soul fires. It retains some of the strength and a small part of the memory of the Bone King before his death. As a trial guardian, he slept in this undead battlefield for ten thousand years. Jiang He was awakened.

There was the sound of loose soil from all around, and around the remnant soul of the Bone King, its former undead family began to slowly recover.

Lich, Gushou Bird, Skeleton Two-Headed Serpent...

All of them lead the high ranks, but there is no monarch rank.

The racial limit of these undead creatures is only to lead the high-level, so even if they have slept in the undead battlefield for ten thousand years, they still only have the high-level leader, and they will only wake up when the remnant soul of the bone king is summoned.

"Challenger, sign up!"

After the wreckage of the Bone King awakened, he pointed the Sword of Bones at the challenger ahead.

Then the moment it looked up, it saw Jiang He and the undead army behind him, which was densely packed and could not see the edge at a glance.

There are tens of thousands!

There are also four undead monarchs!

It silently glanced at his side again, only hundreds of commander-level undead retinues fell into silence.

Remnant Soul of the Bone King: ? ? ?

Where did this bandit come from? This is why the other undead creatures in the undead battlefield are all included and challenged?

If the perception is correct, this guy's own strength is obviously only the sixth-order commander? How did he do that! ?

You must know that the Bone King is quite strict with the test of inheritors.

A "undead creature" like Jiang He, who leads the sixth-order, will face an undead army composed of hundreds of high-level undead creatures in a month.

But the guy in front of him, the undead army is too powerful, right?

It can be said that without fighting, it has already lost!

After all, in the second trial, the leaders of the two sides cannot do anything, it is purely a confrontation between legions!

Just the two monarch-level bone dragons, the undead tyrant and the Lich King, can sweep its legion.

Jiang He didn't understand the meaning of the bone king's wreckage. It was inconvenient to not have the mechanical cube.

But looking at the stance of the Skeleton King's wreckage pointing his sword at him, it should mean "the challenge begins", right?


Therefore, Jiang He also raised the ghost sword in his hand, and the undead creatures behind him rushed towards the undead species beside the remnant soul of the Bone King like a tide.

"Wait! You...very good! You passed the second test!"

Seeing this, the remnant soul of the Bone King quickly talked to Jiang He through telepathy.

It still feels sorry for its "subordinates".


Jiang He commanded his undead army to stop the attack. He felt a little pity, otherwise, after defeating the army of the Bone King's remnant souls, he would be able to use it for himself.

"What time is it now?"

The Remnant Soul of the Bone King suddenly asked.

It noticed that Jiang He could not understand the common language, indicating that the external civilization has changed, and a long time may have passed.

"It has been more than 10,000 years since the age of the Bone King. Of course, the time flow in this world is faster, and you should have been asleep for at least 50,000 years."

Jiang He replied.

Time kills any creature, except undead creatures.

Although their soul fire will gradually wither, but the soul fire of the real top undead creatures is almost eternal!

"Has it been so long?"

The wreckage of the Bone King moved the bones all over his body, and he felt a little emotional. It was a trial guardian shaped by the fire of the Bone King's own soul, but it also had its own independent thoughts.

After being created, it was buried in the soil by the Bone King, waiting for the arrival of the first tester.

Unexpectedly, this wait is tens of thousands of years.

"You seem to be a human."

The wreckage of the Bone King saw through Jiang He's essence, but didn't say much.

For a long time, its dark soul fire looked at Jiang He and said slowly:

"You still have the last test, you can get the inheritance of the Bone King if you pass it. And the content of the last test is - defeat me!"

Hearing this, Jiang He wanted to complain a little.

Good guy, a group fight is better than a one-on-one fight, right?

He quickly used the [Illustration Guide] to scan the information of the Bone King's remnant soul.

After all, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles.

[Name] Necromancer (Remnant Soul, Sealed State)

[Attribute] Necromancer

[Rank] Leading the tenth rank (sealed state)

[Potential] Undying Advanced

[Skills] Death Gaze, Soul Gathering, Song of Death, Fog of Death, Resurrection of the Undead, Bone God Dharma Body, Death Charge, Shattering Slash, Reorganization of Bones, Fire of Necromancy...

[Introduction] The uncrowned king of the undead creatures... a wisp of remnant soul, transformed by a trace of the soul fire of the "Bone King", inherited all the fighting experience and fighting skills of the Bone King.

[Emotion] Excitement: 20 (it's a little excited about your arrival)

After reading the information about the remnant soul of the Bone King, Jiang He's eyes became solemn.

The remnant soul of the Bone King in front of him not only possesses the strength of a quasi-monarch, but his combat skills and combat experience are far superior to him.

He has also mastered a super-level skill, the Bone God Dharma Body. When Jiang He was looking for a skill for Jiang Yanchen not long ago, he saw this skill in the skill library of the Bureau of Investigation.

【Bone God Dharma Body】

Extract part of the power from one's own undead relatives to condense a powerful skeleton body. The strength of the skeleton body is related to the quality and quantity of the undead family.

Thinking that this kind of skill that can explode far beyond one's own strength is particularly precious, but unfortunately this skill only exists in ancient records and has long since been lost.

At this moment, Jiang He really has no certainty in his heart.

"Jiang Yan, stay focused! This guy is very strong!"


Jiang Yan responded.

"Get ready, I'm going to attack."

Jiang He heard the voice of the Bone King's remnant soul from the bottom of his heart, and then he saw the right foot of the Bone King's remnant stomping on the ground, a series of afterimages erupted, and he raised his sword and slashed towards him.

The corpse of the Bone King's wreckage was not very tall, but it burst out with extremely terrifying speed and strength.

Jiang He's spirit was highly concentrated, and he evaded deftly before the bone sword slashed, but the next blow from the bone king's wreckage came one after another!

Slash, slash, stab!

The swordsmanship of the bone king wreckage is like flowing water in the same way. It is clear that he does not use any skills, but it shows a strong battlefield dominance.

After only three rounds of confrontation, Jiang He fell into an absolute disadvantage, completely suppressed and beaten, and the rhythm of the battle was already firmly grasped by the wreckage of the Bone King.


The fourth round of confrontation.

When the Sword of the Bone King fell on Jiang He again, Jiang He did not dodge, but raised the Ghost Sword and stabbed the fire of the soul in the eye socket of the wreckage of the Bone King.

There was a layer of light frost on the ghost sword, and there was a rich gray death aura around it.

Frost energy and death energy are condensed to the extreme.

Frost Sword + Necromancer!

This blow was done by Jiang He and the Ice Ghost King together!


The Sword of the Bone King first landed on Jiang He's body, but it seemed to be slashed on top of a cloud of mist, and went straight through Jiang He's "body"!

Ghost-type high-level skill [Blooming]

It completely ghosts itself and is immune to most physical attacks.

At the same time, Jiang He's full blow also landed on the skull of the Bone King's wreckage.

Originally, he wanted to dazzle the socket, but the Bone King's reaction was very fast. He turned his head slightly, and Jiang He's attack landed on the skull.

The ghost sword collided with the jade-like bones, making a crisp sound like the collision of gold and stones.

Jiang He's full blow turned out to be just a small gap in the jade-like bones of the Bone King's wreckage, but the strong reaction force almost made Jiang He's sword unsteady.

While he was still in a ghost state, Jiang He quickly opened a distance.

"It's not bad, you can actually take my three moves."

The bone king wreck said calmly, and then continued to walk towards Jiang He.

Golden fireworks burst out from Jiang He's golden pupils, but his heart was not at peace.

The Bone King's fighting style is very similar to Ziyue's, both relying on high speed and high explosiveness to directly end the opponent.

But the Bone King is not only full of attack and speed, but also full of defense, reaction and recovery.

What a hexagonal warrior!

Is there any way to defeat this monster?


It's too late to think more, because the sword of the bone king's wreckage has been swung again!

Jiang He dodged to the limit again, and the Ice Ghost King possessed at the same time transformed into undead claws and attacked from the back of the Bone King's wreckage.

Fortunately, Jiang He is not fighting alone!

However, the damage of the undead claws to the remains of the Bone King is still minimal.

when! when! when!

The battle continues.

Jiang He focuses on dodging, and when he can't dodge, he can only use the ghost sword to block.

Every time he blocked, the powerful power of the Bone King's remnant soul would pass through the blade, knocking him off a long distance.

If it weren't for the body of the undead now, he would have died many times.

But after a few rounds of confrontation, Jiang He discovered something was wrong, and a strange look appeared on his face.

Because the Bone King's Remnant Soul didn't seem to intend to defeat him immediately, the attack frequency has been maintained at the limit of Jiang He and the Ice Ghost King.

It seems to be... feeding itself now?

No matter what the Bone King Wreck thinks, this is undoubtedly his chance!

With the passage of time, Jiang He, who has been in the limit state, slowly found his own rhythm.

He felt that the mobilization of frost energy was more handy, and he could exert a stronger power.

He began to integrate frost swordsmanship into something that truly belongs to him!

If Jiang He has time to pay attention to his book of contract, he will find that in the column of his skills, the level of frost swordsmanship has quietly become LV5.

More importantly, the tacit understanding between him and the Ice Ghost King has improved rapidly. The two are one, and the offense and defense are synchronized!

Half an hour later.

Jiang He and the Ice Ghost King's spirit had already reached their limit, but they still forced themselves to concentrate on receiving every blow from the Bone King's remnant soul, and patiently looked for opportunities to counterattack.

Now he has roughly figured out the attack pattern of the Bone King's wreckage.


Another sword attacked, Jiang He sideways dodged, the Ice Ghost King stared at him with resentment, and he stabbed the fire of the soul of the Bone King's wreckage with a sword.

The energy of death turned into a resentful spirit, trying to affect the spirit of the bone king's wreckage, but it was shaken away in less than half a second.

But the moment Jiang He stabbed the ghost sword in his hand, a blast of frost energy bloomed at the tip of the sword, and a violent extreme cold storm suddenly erupted.

This extremely cold storm dyed the jade-like bones of the bone king's body with a layer of hoarfrost, and even managed to freeze them for 1 second!

This 1 second is extremely critical!

The ghost sword pierced straight, and finally landed on the dark soul fire.


The soul fire in the Bone King's right eye socket flickered for a while, and finally went out.

Immediately, the bones of its whole body began to fall apart, scattered all over the place.

Seeing this, Jiang He didn't dare to be careless. He could feel that the aura of the bone king's remains did not dissipate.

What he just defeated is only the first form, and it is very likely that the bone king wreckage will use the super-level skill of the bone god.

Enter the second form.


Sure enough, the flame in the eye socket of the bone king's wreckage burned again, even more vigorously than before, and the jade-like bones once again pieced together the bone king's body.

"Yes, you passed the test."

The remains of the Bone King said lightly.

"I... passed?"

Jiang He couldn't believe it, he was ready to play the second form.

Then the bone king wreckage said he passed?

"Thank you, senior!"

Jiang He clenched his fists and thanked him.

What he was thankful for was the feeding trick before the bone king wreckage. The bone king wreckage seemed to be intentionally helping him.

"You beat me with your own strength, there's nothing to thank you for."

The wreckage of the Bone King thought Jiang He was thanking him for releasing water.

"Why didn't you beat me outright before, senpai?"

Jiang He couldn't hold back, and still asked the doubts in his heart.

"I'm in a good mood now, so let's talk to you! I can only leave this place if someone accepts the inheritance of the Bone King."

"And your strength is really good, barely meeting the minimum requirements for accepting inheritance."

The meaning of the existence of the Bone King's remains is to protect the inheritance of the Bone King. After a successor appears, it will be free.

Of course, as a guardian of inheritance, it cannot blatantly release water.

Jiang He is already the most suitable candidate.

I missed this one, UU reading I don't know how long it will take for the next one to come

Of course, the next challenger will most likely be this kid.

"This is the necromantic bead that carries the inheritance of the Bone King, and it is also the key to open the world of the undead. After you recognize it as the master, you can know all about the inheritance. Okay, I'm leaving."

A gray-white, fist-sized bead appeared in the hand of the Bone King's wreckage. The material was very similar to the bones of the Bone King's wreckage, and it was somewhat similar to jade. It was thrown to Jiang He.

It has now regained the strength of the Immortal Rank and can enjoy its life.

"Senior Bone King, wait! How can this undead bead recognize the master!"

Seeing that the wreckage of the Bone King was about to leave, Jiang He hurriedly asked.

After finally completing the trial, I felt embarrassed because I didn't know how to recognize the Lord.

"It's okay to release your spiritual power or the fire of your soul."

After speaking, the figure of the bone king's wreckage disappeared without a trace.

This is a skeleton as handsome as the wind.

Jiang He hurriedly fed the "Dead Spirit Bead" a wave of spiritual power. He was not a real undead creature, so naturally he didn't have such a thing as soul fire.

And with the influx of spiritual power, Jiang He felt a wonderful connection between himself and the Necromancer.

At the same time, the challengers in the trial land were all teleported out together...



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