Yu Heng just killed the crypt demon wolf, and black rays of light gush out from the latter's body, condensing into a ring.

Seeing the emergence of the spirit ring, Yu Heng immediately lifted his right hand, and the spirit ring was absorbed by the car.

"senior, I am Elder Yu Heng of Lightning Tyrant Dragon. This time you are very kind to us. If you are in trouble in the future, you can come to my sect with this card, and I will do my best to help "

After successfully absorbing the spirit ring, Yu Heng took out a jade token engraved with Tyrannosaurus rex from his arms and handed it to Chu Bei.

"My Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is the same!"

Ning Feng also bowed with the dísciple moved towards Chu Bei in the clan, and handed a tower towards Chu Bei Like a token.

I said before the move, I am a businessman, after helping you solve the crisis, you need to take care of my business.

Chu Bei waved away the tokens of Yu Heng and Ning Feng, and said with a smile.

After hearing the sound, Yu Heng and Ning Feng looked at each other, then looked towards Chu Bei, and said in confusion: "I don't know what the senior sells? How do we need to take care of your business?"

Chu Bei glanced over the two of them and waved his right hand.


The void trembles, rippling ripples.

A golden disc emerged from the ripples, exuding dazzling rays of light.

The rays of light dissipated, and you can see that the disc is divided into ten areas, and each area is flashing with a square box of have nothing common with each other color.

There is a silver pointer hanging on the disc, and seven characters are engraved on the top.

[Level 5 Great Wheel of Fortune]


Looking at the turntable emerging out of thin air and floating in the air, Yu Heng Ning Feng and Ning Feng eyes suddenly shrank, and while shocked, they re-looked at Chu Bei.

After some observation, they did not see anything similar to a storage soul guide on each other's body.

"This plate can be rotated once for 500,000, and you alone can do it once."

Chu Bei pointed to the turntable, glanced over Yu Heng and Ning Feng one after another, and spoke lightly.

1 million is exactly the amount he can sell today.

"A half million box? Is there anything in it?"

Yu Heng and Ning Feng both took out 500,000 soul coins while being confused.

Their lives are far more than half a million. In their opinion, this can be considered a way of repaying Chu Bei.


Vortex appeared in the center of the disc, engulfing 1 million soul coins.

[System gets 10000 Force of Desire Value, and backfeeds the host gets 5000 Force of Desire Value]

The system sounds, and the silver pointer on the disc rotates.


About ten seconds, the two square boxes flew in front of Yu Heng and Ning Feng respectively.

hong long!

With two loud noises, the square box exploded.

The square box in front of Yu Heng, [Thank you for your help], is very dazzling.

Seeing this result, Yu Heng shook the head, but there was no anger. After all, he treated the 500,000 as a reward to the other party.

As for the square box in front of Ning Feng, after exploding, it was a bottle of blue liquid, and the mouth of the bottle was shrouded with blue mist.

"Senior, is this?" Ning Feng pointed to the blue liquid, looked at Chu Bei in confusion and asked.

"You know if you drink it." Chu Bei smiled.

In response to Chu Bei's gaze, Ning Feng hesitated a little before swallowing the blue liquid in his mouth.

He was originally rescued by the other party from the mouth of demon wolf. If the other party harms himself, he doesn't need to spend so much time.


Just as Ning Feng swallowed the blue liquid, there was a muffled sound in his body.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body lit up with a faint silver-colored glow, and immediately four spirit rings lighted up on themselves, two yellow and two purple, representing two centuries-old spirit rings and two thousand-year spirit rings.

"Senior, what happened to Brother Ning?"

Yu Heng pointed at Ning Feng, who had a strange body, but his tone barely fell, and he seemed to have noticed the change in the latter. startled, a touch of shock surged above.

I saw that Ning Feng was originally only the first yellow spirit ring in a century, and its color began to move towards purple. When it became purple, it continued to change, and finally turned into black.

"Look! Ning Elder's first spirit ring has changed from a hundred years to ten thousand years!"

"My God! There are such magical things!"

"Is it because of the blue liquid that Ning Elder just drank?"

"What the hell is that?"



I saw the color of Ning Feng's first spirit ring change from yellow to black. The two sects dísciple was also dumbfounded, and his face was full of shock.

They never thought that the spirit ring could increase the age in the later stage!

This scene broke their cognition!

"senior, this...this..."

Looking at the first spirit ring that became black, Ning Feng was even more excited and difficult to attach, staring at Chu Bei incredible , For a while.

"You have just swallowed the liquid, its name is the animal soul potion, which can increase the life of the spirit ring." Chu Bei briefly described the effect of the blue liquid.

"senior, do you still have this potion? I can buy it with money." Yu Heng hurriedly stepped forward with a look of eagerness. I glanced at Ning Feng from time to time, with envy on his face.

Now he understands that it turns out that this is really a trade, and it can even be said to be a welfare. It's just that he was so lucky that he didn't win that's all.

"If it is destined, let's trade again next time." Chu Bei shook the head.

long long long!

Just when the two sects dísciple was still immersed in the spirit ring of Ning Feng's skyrocketing age, the ground suddenly trembled, as if an earthquake had occurred, and all the birds in the forest flew high.

Immediately afterwards, a cry of a little girl came from the direction of the jungle in the north.

Soon, the crying little girl appeared in the sight of everyone.

The little girl is about five or six years old. She is wearing a white skirt and her long black hair is combed into a scorpion braid and hangs over her buttocks. The pretty little face is pale and red, and the pink and tender appearance is like a ripe peach, which makes people have the urge to take a bite.

It's just that the crying bright red bright and intelligent big eyes can't help but feel pity, and I want to hug them in my arms and comfort them.

Looking at the little girl who appeared, Chu Bei smiled knowingly, with a playful look on his face.

This little girl is exactly the goal of his trip.

Judging from the markers on the map, the little girl was already nearby before he arrived.

It can even be said that the opponent witnessed the battle between Yu Heng and Ning Feng and the crypt demon wolf.

"What happened to this little girl, she cried so poorly, how could she appear alone in this Star Dou Great Forest."

Two sects dísciple fell in the small There was a little sympathy in the girl's eyes.

"Please help me...wu wu wu...help me..."

The little girl cried and ran to the two sects, crying for help .

"Little girl, don’t be afraid. Tell us, who is going to hurt you?"

Yu Heng moved towards The little girl beckoned, just uttered a voice to appease, behind the little girl Two tall trees were suddenly cut off, and a huge silhouette appeared.

Seeing the big guy clearly, everyone in the two sects, including Yu Heng and Ning Feng, looked startled, and their breathing seemed to stop.

It is like a hill, with dark hair shining lightly under the sun. Although it is on all fours, the height of its shoulders is definitely more than seven meters. If you stand upright, I'm afraid the height will be 15 meters away.

From the outside, the whole body is pitch black, like ape and chimpanzee, and a pair of eyes the size of a lantern shone with citrine-like luster.

In addition to the huge size, every part of the opponent's body is covered with granite and even terrifying strong muscles, full of power.

This is such a huge monster, chasing the little girl.

"The King of the Forest, Titan Giant Ape!"

Yu Heng and Ning Feng exchanged their eyes again, and after confirming that they were right, there was a trill in the scream .

"Boss, Titan Giant Ape very difficult to deal with?"

Yu Heng's exclamation sounded in his ears, Oscar looked at the huge monster in front of him and couldn't help but raise his head looked towards Chu Bei.

"No matter which soul beast forest appears in Titan Giant Ape, it is an absolute overlord existence.

"They have incomparable power and speed, and there are almost no defects in attack and defense. . Even the Titan Giant Ape at the century-old level can compete with other soul beasts at the ten-thousand-year level. "

After that, Chu Bei continued to look at the Titan Giant Ape ahead and was lost in thought.

He was thinking about how to cooperate with this huge monster and the little girl's performance. .

As a person with a God’s perspective, he naturally knows the relationship between Xiao Wu and Er Ming.

The scene of Er Ming chasing Xiao Wu at the moment is nothing more than to make Xiao Wu easier. That's all into the human race.

"Respected king of the forest, she is still a child, and I beg you to let her go. If this is your territory, we are willing to take her away immediately. "

Sure enough, Yu Heng immediately stepped forward, hugged the stumbled little girl, and then respectfully moved towards Titan Giant Ape and bowed.

They really didn’t expect this. Why did the king of the forest, who obviously lives in the core of Star Dou Great Forest, appear here, and chasing a little girl who has no power to bind a chicken.

According to the information he has, this Star Dou Great There is only one Titan Giant Ape in the forest, and the opponent’s cultivation has been more than 80,000 years.

Obviously, this Titan Giant Ape, which is more than 80,000 years old, is the one in front of me.

Titan Giant Ape glanced at Yu Heng with disdain in his eyes. The coldly snorted fell, and the ground under his feet shook a few cracks.

next moment, Titan Giant Ape soared into the sky and appeared in an instant In the sky above Yu Heng.

Compared with the huge body of Titan Giant Ape, Yu Heng looks particularly small.

long long long !

Titan The terrifying energy fluctuations brought by Giant Ape brought a loud sonic boom in the air.

Perceiving the terrifying coercion above, Yu Heng's pupils condensed, and he couldn't bear resistance at all.

"Elder, be careful! ”

The dísciple of Lightning Tyrant Dragon screamed immediately. The voice was full of anxiety and worry, and every heart raised his throat.

Although Yu Heng successfully absorbed the demon wolf ’S spirit ring has entered the ranks of soul kings, but in front of the forest king who has a cultivation base of more than 80,000 years, it is still far from enough.

wu wu ——

Titan Giant Ape roar towards the sky, terrifying sound waves diffuse, and the powerful claws slap towards Yu Heng.

Look at the giant claw closer and closer, and feel the terrifying energy fluctuations contained in it. , Yu Heng's face is gray.

He didn't expect this forest overlord to be so cruel and domineering.

However, seeing the sharp claw of Titan Giant Ape is about to fall on Yu When Heng’s head was on, the opponent suddenly seemed to be impacted by an invisible force.

With a boom, he flew out and fiercely hit the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Titan Giant Ape let out a scream of sorrow, looked at Chu Bei's direction in fear, turned around and ran to the depths of the forest, with a strong unwillingness in the howling.

"What's the matter? ! "

"What just happened! "

"Then why did Titan Giant Ape suddenly run away?" "

"Have you not seen it knocked into the air? "

"Did the senior make the shot?" "

"It must be his Senior! Didn't you see the horrified eyes that looked towards his Senior when Titan Giant Ape escaped? "

"Will it really be the king of the forest with an 80,000-year cultivation base?" Is it a bit too embarrassing to just run away? "

"No, the senior must be too strong! "


Witnessing a scene in the scene, the eyes of the two sects dísciple were all focused on Chu Bei's body. In addition to the horror, there was also a strong respect and Worship.

"Thanks Senior again! "

Yu Heng, who walked from the gates of hell, came back to his senses, walked quickly to Chu Bei, and his cup one fist in the other hand bowed.

Obviously, in his opinion, it was also believed that Chu Bei had just shot to save him.

Chu Bei glanced at the little girl who was in Yu Heng’s arms, and then looked at Seeing the direction Titan Giant Ape is going away, I couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

From beginning to end, he didn’t do anything!

It was completely Er Ming’s self-directed and self-acted. , Especially when the opponent left, the fearful eyes that looked towards him were really too vivid.

It almost made Chu Bei think that he really shot the opponent.

Of course, Chu Bei didn't open his mouth and accepted Yu Heng's gratitude.

"Little girl, why are you chased by that Titan Giant Ape?" "Ning Feng came to Yu Heng and asked the little girl.

"I am an orphan, and I have lived with the grandfather who adopted me since I was a child. This time grandfather brought me here to absorb the spirit ring. Didn’t expect strayed into the gorilla’s domain...but...wu wu wu..."

While speaking, the little girl howled I burst into tears, and the cry is pitiful.

Hearing this, Yu Heng, Ning Feng and the others also guessed what happened next. Her grandfather was determined by Titan before. Giant Ape was killed. This little girl, good luck, ran here and was rescued by accident.

"Little girl, do you have any other places to go?" "Yu Heng looked at the little girl sympathetically.

The little girl was sobbing and shook her head with red eyes.

"In this case, how about coming into my door? "Yu Heng touched the little girl's head.

Hearing the sound, the little girl’s eyes quickly flashed with an imperceptible triumphant color, and then pretending to bit her lip, after being cleverly nodded, The weak moved towards Yu Heng called: "Master. "

"little fellow, I think you should follow me in the future. "

As soon as the little girl's voice fell, Chu Bei's voice with a smile followed, and then he paced up to the little girl.

"Don't. "

Perceiving the playfulness in Chu Bei's eyes, the little girl's eyes were a little more wary, and she said again: "I don't want to follow you." "


"senior, what do you think?" "

After hearing the sound, Yu Heng looked at Chu Bei and was caught in a dilemma.

"little fellow, if you want to avenge your mother, the most correct choice is to follow me. "Chu Bei lowered his head and looked at the little girl with a smile.

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