"Boss, have you heard the two Sects they just mentioned?"

In Star Dou Great Forest, Oscar looked up at Chu Bei. Face curiously asked.

"Douluo Continent's power Sect can be roughly divided into four levels. This first level Sect must have two and above Tilted Douluo. Now there are more than two Tilted Douluo Sects. There are three. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect you heard earlier and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect are all in them, which is the so-called Upper Three Sects."

"As for the second level, within Sect Then there is a Tilted Douluo sitting in the seat. There are four such Sects, which is the so-called Four Sects."

"The third and fourth levels of Sect, well, there will be more."

Chu Bei told Oscar with the memory in his mind.

"What about the other one of Upper Three Sects? It seems to be called Clear Sky Sect." Oscar asked.

"This Sect has escaped from the world. You will know the reason for its escape from the world."

Speaking of Clear Sky Sect, Chu Bei thought of living in the Holy Spirit Village. The blacksmith Tang Hao.

After all, Chu Bei continued to take Oscar into the Star Dou Great Forest.

Coincidentally, the place where the system marks the agent's location is very close to the hunting location that the woodcutter talked about earlier.

As the Chu Bei and Chu Bei went deep, at the junction of the inner and outer edges of the Star Dou Great Forest, there was a slightly empty area. All the trees collapsed, and the rocks exploded into rubble.

In the center of the open area, one after another deafening fighting sounds and majestic wolf howling sounds.

"Brother Ning, I really trouble you this time."

In the center of the open area, two men are with a demon wolf with horns on both heads and wings on both sides. Fight together. Judging from the situation where the two keep retreating, it is obviously not dominant.

"Who can blame you for this. Who would have thought that there are actually two demon wolfs." A man behind the 7-Layer tower sign shook his head and sighed, with a little helplessness in his voice.

"Two sects dísciple are ordered, now retreat immediately, the sooner the better!"

Another man behind the Tyrannosaurus logo printed on looked towards the one who was watching the battle not far away. The crowd dísciple, the majestic voice came out from the mouth.

However, the man gave the order, but no one left the two sects dísciple.

"Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon dísciple will never retreat, willing to coexist and die with Elder!"

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect dísciple will never retreat, willing to coexist and die with Elder!"

two sects dísciple was like a decision already made. Not only did they not leave, but they clenched their fists one by one. It seemed that if the two Elders hadn't stopped them, they would have joined the battle desperately.

In the battlefield, Yu Heng and Ning Feng looked at each other, and then each shook the head with a wry smile.

"Desperately protect these little fellows."

Ning Feng of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect looked back somewhat grudgingly at the dísciple behind, then his eyes condensed and shouted. : "Qibao turns out to have glass."

I saw Ning Feng's body spinning around on the spot, and the dazzling colorful rays of light were released from his body immediately, and I saw that the colorful rays of light condensed. In the palm of his right hand, there is already a colorful pagoda that is more than a foot high. The precious light is shining and the extravagance is compelling.

At the same time, two yellow, two purple and four spirit rings rose from his feet and quietly hovered around him.

"Seven Treasure Glaze, first: strength increase."

"Seven Treasure Glaze, second: agility increase."

"Seven Treasure Glaze, The third said: Soul Power increase."

"Seven Treasure Glaze, the fourth said: Power increase."

The shout fell, and the four spirit rings on Ning Feng's body enveloped the colorful pagoda. Go up, and then under his left finger, four colored lights are released at the same time, covering the body of Yu Heng of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.


Almost at the same time, Yu Heng loudly shouted, and the four spirit rings on his body lit up at the same time, turning into a three-meter-high Tyrannosaurus rex with electric current at the faucet. The chi chi keeps ringing.

"thunder Dragon Claw!"

With the assistance of Ning Feng, Yu Heng sharp claw patted a crypt of the demon wolf, and the dragon claw was condensed from blue purple lightning. Shot out.

"ao wu ——"

Faced with the attacks of Ning Feng and Yu Heng, the two-headed crypt demon wolf didn't seem to care at all. At the same time he raised his head and howled, Flapping the wings on his back, a densely packed black lightning snake surrounds the body all around, forming a lightning arrow and flashing in the air densely into a Zhang Leiting net.

Shoo, hoo!

In the sound of breaking through the air, the two demon wolf's open mouths showed sharp teeth, and the whole body was spinning like a top with high-speed rotation in the black thunder net.

Boom, bang!

Maybe it is a huge difference in strength. Even if Ning Feng and Yu Heng had all their cards, they were still knocked out by the demon wolf. The huge impact directly caused the two of them to take a deep dive on the ground. The deep giant pit.

"Elder, how are you?"

Looking at Ning Feng and Yu Heng who crawled out of the pit, the two sects dísciple hurriedly asked.

At this moment, Ning Feng and Yu Heng are in tattered clothes and blood flowing all over; especially the former, who is mainly auxiliary, is face deathly pale and extremely weak in breath.

Hearing two sects dísciple's anxious questioning words with worry, Ning Feng and Yu Heng looked at each other again, their eyes filled with unwillingness and helplessness.

Their bodies know the most about themselves. Under the impact of demon wolf, their ribs were broken in many places. Now their bodies are suffering from pain like ants eating their hearts. Soul Power in their bodies is also chaotic. Lost the battle strength.

Gradually, the two sects dísciple seemed to see the state of Ning Feng and Yu Heng, and they stepped forward to surround the two of them, and then stared at the two demon wolves together, without the slightest fear on their faces.

"We are dead, but we are sorry for these little fellows, they have not grown up yet." Ning Feng sighed one after another, his eyes filled with apologies to Sect dísciple.

Even the two of them are not opponents of demon wolf, let alone the dísciple which is a great Soul Master.

"ao wu ——"

The two demon wolf licked their lips, looking at the two sects dísciple as if they were prey, the scarlet eyes were fierce.

"I really should come here alone, even if I die, I will only die."

Yu Heng's words are full of regret, if he didn't want demon wolf The spirit ring will not let everyone fall into death.

"At this time, it doesn't make much sense to say this. Let's be a companion on Yellow Springs Road." Yu Heng laughed at himself.

"Even if you can't kill these two demon wolves, you have to let them peel off!"

Yu Heng resisted the pain on his body and paced to two. At the forefront of the sects dísciple, the spirit ring on the body lights up again, and the rays of light are brilliant.

Not only Yu Heng, Ning Feng and all the spirit rings of the two sects dísciple in the field are lit up, staring at the two demon wolves that are constantly approaching.

"You are in a dangerous situation."

Just when Yu Heng and the others were ready for the final fight with the demon wolf, a smiling voice came from It came from the jungle not far away.

Next moment, in their sight, a white haired old man walked into the battlefield with a seven or eight year old child.

"old man, this is not where you can come! Hurry and leave!"

I didn't notice the fluctuation of Chu Bei's Soul Power, Yu Heng frowned, immediately urged Chu Bei , Oscar leaves.

"If I solve this crisis for you, you should take care of my business."

Chu Bei's calm voice fell, and then Yu Heng and Ning Feng waited for a while. Under the confused eyes, moved towards the two demon wolf slowly raised his right palm.

ao wu ——

One of the demon wolfs seemed to feel Chu Bei’s provocation, and screamed, flapping the wings on his back, densely packed black lightning snake all around the body. Around, forming a lightning arrow, flashes in the air densely to form a Zhang Leiting net.


In the sound of breaking through the air, I saw that the demon wolf's open mouth showed sharp teeth, and the whole body was spinning crazily in the black thunder net like a top with high-speed rotation, moved towards Chu Bei smashed away.

Seeing this trick of demon wolf, Ning Feng and Yu Heng's faces were heavy. Both of them were seriously injured by the impact of demon wolf.

In their view, only when the Soul King is here, can they receive the terrifying impact.

Looking at the demon wolf, which was hitting quickly like a spinning top, Chu Bei waved his right hand.

A loud explosion sound, an almost solid energy palmprint extends from the palm of Chu Bei, facing the demon wolf.


The two collided!

First there was a low impact.

Then, in several horrified eyes, the energy giant palm slammed into a grip after forcibly blocking the impact of the crypt demon wolf.

Suddenly, a miserable wolf howling sounded, floating in the air.

At this moment, the demon wolf pinched by the energy giant palm no longer has the previous arrogance. It is like a plaything that can be slaughtered by others. It is kneaded into a ball from time to time, so hideous. The wolf's head was nearly twisted into a spherical shape because of the pain.


After a while, I only heard a weird sound like squeezing a sponge.

After that, under the line of sight, the energy giant palm spread out, and a black shadow fell from the palm of the palm.

The crypt demon wolf, which was imposing manner in an imposing manner just a second ago, is like a meatloaf crushed by a treasure carriage. The whole body is bloody, and those who are already dead can no longer die.

"really strong!"

"This old man...No, this senior is who!"

"Looking at the situation now, we should There is no danger."

Looking at the corpse of demon wolf in the crypt not far away, Yu Heng, Ning Feng and two sects dísciple swallowed one by one.

The gaze that looked towards Chu Bei again was full of deep respect.

"ao wu ——"

The remaining crypt demon wolf glanced at his dead companion on the ground, raised his head and looked at Chu Bei, thick eyes rose Fear.

After a wolf howl, immediately flap his wings.

Unfortunately, before it flutters its wings, the energy giant palm has already arrived above its body.

As before, the energy giant palm pinched the crypt demon wolf.

"Senior, if it is possible, I hope the fatal blow will be handed over to me!"

Just when Chu Bei was about to squeeze the other crypt demon wolf to death, Yu Heng was anxious The voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Chu Bei glanced at Yu Heng, pinched the crypt demon wolf half to death, and threw it in front of the latter.

"many thanks expert life-saving grace, and gift to spirit ring!"

Looking at the dying crypt demon wolf under his feet, Yu Heng quickly moved towards Chu Bei Ju With a bow, he moved towards demon wolf's head fiercely with a fist!

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