The East Pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion is located in the Fenglei Mountains on the edge of the Northern Territory. The area here is quite peculiar. Perhaps because the terrain is too high, there are always thunders and the weather is unpredictable. The sun was shining brightly before, maybe. The next moment, there was thunder and rain.

The entire Fenglei Mountain Range is within the sphere of influence of the East Pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion. This place is like their back garden. No force dares to get involved here!

During this time, the Fenglei Mountains were very lively, and many spectators gathered from all directions, just waiting to watch a good show!

Fenglei Pavilion has already taken action, so what will Butian Pavilion do next?

Should he swallow his anger or knock on the door directly?

Or will he surrender obediently and take the second place in the North Region of Zhongzhou?

In the center of the Fenglei Mountains, there is a majestic Thunder Mountain, and on top of the Thunder Mountain is where the East Pavilion of the Fenglei Pavilion is located!

A stone road like a winding python goes up the mountain, and finally goes deep into the clouds. It makes people feel a little shocked. Next to the mountain road, there are countless strange silver trees growing, like upright pillars. , but it contains a strong breath of thunder, which is a rare and precious material!

Go up the mountain road and go deep into the boundless clouds. Above it is an extremely large square with countless majestic buildings!

Countless powerful people from Fenglei Pavilion live in it. There are also Fenglei Pavilion disciples gathered in twos and threes on the square, some are practicing, some are chatting, looking leisurely and contented!

"Hey, have you heard about the Butian Pavilion?"

"Is this the new guy who dares to provoke our sect without overestimating his own capabilities?"

"Hey, that's right. It is said that their attitude was quite tough at that time. Even the four elders of Beige were killed."

"They're just clowns. What's worth noting? Didn't they even dare to let out a fart without seeing the Pavilion Master take action?"

"Haha, yes!"

The above conversation was discussed more than once by the Fenglei Pavilion disciples. However, a figure in colorful clothes came to the side quietly. He glanced at the two people lightly, his red lips parted slightly, and his face looked like an iceberg. There have also been some changes.

"Be careful!"

At this time, the few people communicating understood her arrival, and immediately saluted hurriedly:

"Hello, Senior Sister Feng!"

Feng Qing'er nodded slightly, and after accepting the courtesy of several people, Feng Qing'er slowly left. After she left, the few Fenglei Pavilion disciples dared to speak and quietly said:

"Hey, what's going on, Senior Sister Feng? Ever since I went to the Tianmu Mountains, my whole person has changed a lot!"

After hearing his words, someone on the side quickly covered his mouth, and then whispered:

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The disciple of Fenglei Pavilion who heard his reminder also covered his mouth, his eyes full of fear and happiness. You must know that Feng Qing'er's popularity in Fenglei Pavilion is extremely representative. If his thoughts were ignored by that If her suitor heard this, he would be in trouble!

On the other side, Feng Qing'er's face was also filled with a bit of depression. Of course she knew why she had changed. She had been a genius among her peers since she was a child. When she met her, she was even younger than herself. The feeling of powerlessness caused by having talent that far exceeds one's own existence!

But why is that man looking at me so strangely? !

Feng Qing'er didn't know why, but her mind was flooded with thoughts, but she still took three steps and two steps at a time, and soon came to the largest attic on the square.

Then he took a deep breath, quietly opened the door, and entered!

After going up a few floors, I came to the door of a room. Before I could knock on the door, a faint voice came from inside:

"The door is unlocked, come in!"

After hearing these words, Feng Qing'er directly opened the door and walked inside. She saw an extremely simple room with nothing but a round table and a few seats!

A middle-aged figure was sitting on one of the seats, his face expressionless, and there was a little thunder mark between his eyebrows!

Feng Qing'er took a gentle breath. That middle-aged man seemed ordinary. If he were walking on the road, I'm afraid no one would remember him!

However, he is the master of the East Pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion, Venerable Lei!

"Qing'er, why are you free and come here to be your teacher?"

Lord Lei spoke slowly, with a touch of gentleness in his voice. Others didn't know it, but he knew Feng Qing'er's origins very well.

Feng Qing'er first bowed and then asked with doubt:

"Teacher, why should we offend Butian Pavilion and offend that Xiao Ning?!"

"I saw him during this trip to the Tianmu Mountains. He is probably the most terrifying person I have ever seen!"

After hearing Feng Qing'er's words, the gentle smile on Venerable Lei's face slowly dissipated, and then he said with a hint of helplessness:

"Having said that, it would be unwise to offend such a genius with great potential!"

"It's just that he took the lead and killed me, the elder of Fenglei Pavilion."

After saying this, Venerable Lei paused, and a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes. However, this hint of complexity immediately dissipated and turned into a cold light!

"If Fenglei Pavilion doesn't do anything about this, if people mention this matter in the future, it will only give me, Fenglei Pavilion, a cowardly reputation."

"But even so, I can bear it."

After hearing this, Feng Qing'er was also puzzled. She knew that Venerable Lei could definitely calculate and understand the gains and losses, but why did he suddenly come out of seclusion and attack Lord Butian after being silent for so long!

Seemingly understanding Feng Qing'er's question, Lord Lei slowly spoke:

"If he single-handedly kills the four elders of Beige and then walks away, I won't do anything. At most, he will clean up the big families in Tianbeicheng."

"His mistake is that he established the Butian Pavilion in an attempt to fight against our Fenglei Pavilion, and even vaguely shaken the status of our Fenglei Pavilion!"

"How could Fenglei Pavilion's thousands of years of inheritance be stained like this in my hands?"

Having said this, Venerable Lei no longer concealed the cold light and murderous intent in his eyes, and said lightly:

"Therefore, Butian Pavilion must be destroyed!"

"Then Xiao Ning must die!"

Feng Qing'er was silent when she heard the words. However, just when she was about to say something, she saw Venerable Lei in front of her suddenly change his expression, and he left in front of Feng Qing'er in a flash. !

Ten seconds later, Feng Qing'er's expression suddenly changed. A surge of space pressure came from high in the sky, making her feel faintly suffocated!

Above the square, a dark space crack nearly a hundred feet in size appeared out of thin air. The next second, hundreds of figures appeared on Thunder Mountain, and a faint voice came from high in the sky!

"Venerable Lei, from Butian Pavilion, are here to ask for an explanation!" (End of Chapter)

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