After hearing Xiao Ning's words, everyone was slightly startled, and then their faces showed excitement!

The Pavilion Master is back, they have a backbone! Don’t worry that those people from Fenglei Pavilion will rush in front of the headquarters again and kill you wantonly!

"Pavilion Master, please give the order to declare war!"

In the excitement, some young and energetic people were immediately inspired to blood, and taking advantage of their high momentum, they immediately spoke to Xiao Ning!

His words resonated with many people. For a while, many people in Butian Pavilion were excited, and they held their hands in front of Xiao Ning from a distance, ready to bow down!

"Pavilion Master, please give the order to declare war!"

Looking around, looking at the many people in Butian Pavilion who were so excited that they couldn't even help themselves, Xiao Ning closed his eyes slightly, and his strong back looked so depressed. He raised his head slightly and looked towards the horizon in the distance, standing in the void. Above, stand with your hands behind your back.

Finally, Xiao Ning slowly exhaled and spoke slowly. His voice, accompanied by fighting spirit, spread and enveloped the entire Tianbei City!

"It's not what I, Xiao Ning, do when someone hits the door and still swallow my anger!"

"Xiao Ning's move today may cause many casualties, so Xiao will make an exception here!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Ning's eyes were sharp as he looked around at everyone. The eyes of most people were full of fierce fighting spirit, but there were also many people whose eyes were filled with hesitation and deliberation!

After seeing all this, Xiao Ning knew that they were not to blame, so Xiao Ning decided to give them a chance to withdraw. He said in a low voice:

"From now on, if anyone here does not want to participate in the war between Butian Pavilion and Fenglei Pavilion, they can choose to withdraw from Butian Pavilion. I, Xiao Ning, as the master of Butian Pavilion, guarantee that this matter will never be pursued!"

After hearing Xiao Ning's words, many people with inexplicable expressions in their eyes slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then they cupped their hands and flew away from the team directly.

For a time, more than a dozen figures left the Butian Pavilion team, but the remaining figures did not move, and their eyes were full of determination!

But there were still a few people whose faces showed signs of struggle. Xiao Ning continued to speak slowly:

"If there are people who don't want to join the war, they can withdraw now, but don't blame Xiao for making ugly remarks in front of you!"

"If anyone dares to take a step back or shake the morale of the army after entering the battlefield, then don't blame Xiao Ning for being ruthless!"

"Now, who else wants to quit?!"

As Xiao Ning finished speaking, there were several people with struggling eyes. One of them silently turned to Xiao Ning and everyone around him, cupped his hands, and turned around to leave without looking back. However, the remaining three , but as if he had made up his mind, standing in the team, the fear in his eyes disappeared, replaced by determination!

Xiao Ning, who had seen all this, couldn't help but nodded slightly. Butian Pavilion's development was too rapid, and there were many promoters. Under such a huge and rapid expansion, there was a mixture of good and bad, and many people with ulterior motives also got involved. Come in!

Xiao Ning would not pick out those people in front of everyone, but force them to retreat in this way!

It is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death. Who doesn’t want to live longer?

Xiao Ning naturally understands this matter, but understanding does not mean that he must forgive!

Those who quit Butian Pavilion today will have nothing to do with Butian Pavilion from now on. Even their future family disciples will not be able to join Butian Pavilion again!

Those who remain now are the real members of Butian Pavilion, the real elites!

Turning his eyes towards them, Xiao Ning's tone was no longer as harsh as before, but with a little gentleness, he slowly said:

"After Fenglei Pavilion intervened, how much loss did I, Butian Pavilion, suffer?"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, Han Chi on the side immediately offered his hands and said in a deep voice:

"Pavilion Master Xiao, not counting the damage caused to our Butian Pavilion industry due to Fenglei Pavilion's intervention, Venerable Lei personally came here before, robbed my Butian Pavilion elders, and killed more than ten middle- and high-level members. Position. The loss is about two high-level fighting skills. If we include the remaining ones, I’m afraid it’s impossible to estimate.”

Hearing Han Chi's words, Xiao Ning's eyes narrowed slightly. Although in private, he would still call the other party Uncle Han, but now under the official position exchange, he chose the honorific title!

After all, he is not the elder of the Han family, but Han Fei, the supreme elder of the Han family. He, Han Chi, only occupies an elder's seat.

Xiao Ning nodded slowly, with a hint of coldness in his tone, and said in a deep voice:

"Thank you, Uncle Han, for informing me that the losses suffered by Butian Pavilion will definitely be compensated by Fenglei Pavilion ten times as much!"

Hearing Xiao Ning's words, everyone present was startled at first and were shocked by Xiao Ning's domineering attitude, but then they all shouted in unison:

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!!"

"eye for eye!!!"

The fighting spirit was overwhelming, the aura was condensed, and even the clouds thousands of miles above were completely shattered by the momentum that shot straight into the sky!

Facing the people who were excited to fight, Xiao Ning also knew that things must turn against each other when they reach their extremes, and the truth is that once they are vigorous, they will weaken again, and then they will be exhausted. He immediately waved his hand and shouted loudly:

"Everyone in Butian Pavilion, listen to the order and follow me!"

Then Xiao Ning took the lead and turned into a stream of light without any concealment of momentum. The people of Butian Pavilion followed closely behind and came out in a mighty way!

For a time, countless powerful men of Butian Pavilion covered the sky and sun, turned into countless streams of light, and flew towards the distance!

Many people noticed this scene, and while sighing with emotion, they also felt shocked in their hearts! There are countless smart people who know that the pattern of the Northern Territory of Zhongzhou will probably completely change after this day!

The headquarters of Fenglei Pavilion is also called the East Pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion. This name carries a lot of weight even in the entire Zhongzhou. As the headquarters of Fenglei Pavilion, there are many powerful people here, and the defense is even more impregnable. In Fenglei Pavilion, In the years since its establishment, Dongge has gone through many ups and downs, but Dongge has always stood firm!

Just because there is a being in the East Pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion who is like the Dinghai Divine Needle, and he is also the only powerful Dou Zun in Fenglei Pavilion, Venerable Lei!

The Fenglei Pavilion East Pavilion is located in the Fenglei Mountains near the border of the Northern Territory of Zhongzhou, and the Tianbei City where the Butian Pavilion is located, one to the east and one to the north, spans a quarter of the Northern Territory of Zhongzhou. Even at Douzong's flying speed, Even without a month, it’s hard to achieve!

It was naturally impossible for Xiao Ning to just let the large army fly over like this. Not to mention the waste of energy, the time in between was enough for Fenglei Pavilion to kill the stolen elders!

Therefore, after Xiao Ning and everyone left Tianbei City for hundreds of miles, they stopped. Then he suddenly inserted his hands into the void in front of him, and in everyone's horrified eyes, a space wormhole was torn open!

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