At this moment, still hundreds of miles away from the Tianmu Mountains, three figures were flying across the stream of light high in the sky, flying towards their destination.

However, at a certain moment, the man in black robes flying at the front suddenly stopped, and his face suddenly showed a hint of solemnity and heaviness.

Affected by the movements of the man in black robe, the other two figures, one large and one small, suddenly stopped moving, and their faces also showed a bit of solemnity.

"Xiao Yan, what happened?!"

The girl, who was obviously younger, immediately showed a vigilant look on her face, clenched her fists, the amethyst wings on her back were constantly fluttering, and her big black eyes were full of nervousness.

As for the other side, the older and more delicate woman did not speak, but as soon as she raised her hand, several tips of different colors appeared in her hand. The purple and black mixed with gray and white aura also came from her. Emerging from the body!

In just a few days, her cultivation level unexpectedly broke through another star, reaching the level of a six-star Dou Wang!

"Guys, stop hiding and come out!"

The man in black robe with the strongest aura looked a little embarrassed at this moment. He faced the void in front of him and immediately spoke with some solemnity.

However, although his words came out, there was no movement in the void in front of him. Generally speaking, this would be enough to hide it from ordinary people, but it was Xiao Yan here.

He had learned the art of alchemy from Yao Lao. He had been born in two lifetimes and had outstanding soul power. He had a subtle awareness of many subtleties.

For example, Xiao Yan can now keenly feel that there is some discordant atmosphere hidden in the void in front of him.

This method also made him feel serious. The strength of a person who can achieve this level should be quite extraordinary, and the most important thing is.

That is, after the three of them repelled the siege of three strong men at the peak of Dou Huang, someone still dared to intercept them. The strength of the other party is self-evident.

If he is not a fool, he is completely confident in his own strength and feels that he is more powerful than the three strong men at the peak of Dou Huang.

Xiao Yan's eyes were solemn and he sighed slowly. Judging from the situation in front of him, it should be the former, but now the other party still can't hide it. He is obviously very confident in his concealment.

Xiao Yan felt that he couldn't just sit back and wait for death!

Immediately, he gave the same hint to Zi Yan and the Little Medical Fairy. Immediately, the green wings on his back suddenly flashed, and the marks in his hands quickly formed. The majestic fighting spirit, along with the strange meridians, was injected into his hands!

And at the moment when Xiao Yan retreated, the little medical fairy also lightly slapped a palm in the air. In that hand, the purple-gray mist condensed into a gray palm print, and then suddenly moved towards the void where Xiao Yan was standing before. Shoot it!

"Sky Poison Palm!"

With a low shout, the gray palm print swelled up in the storm, turned into a size of ten feet, and suddenly struck out!

And at the moment when this palm was waved, the gray mist suddenly dispersed, and for a while, there was a "stabbing" sound in the surrounding air.

It's like it's been corroded, extremely terrifying!

"Humph, I didn't expect you juniors to be really sharp!"

The moment the little medical fairy's palm print hit the void in front of Xiao Yan, a cold snort appeared for a moment, and then a figure in a gray robe suddenly appeared in the space like water waves, appearing among several people. in front of me!

The gray-robed old man immediately waved his sleeves. In an instant, a strong storm arose, and he directly scattered the Sky Poison Palm struck by the little medical fairy through the air!

"Who is your Excellency!"

Looking at the old man in gray robe, Xiao Yan felt a little numb when he saw that he was standing on the void with his feet without any external objects.

"Walking through the air, a strong man from the Dou Sect!"

For a moment, these words appeared in the minds of the three people.

"You don't need to know who I am,"

The old man in gray robe had one hand behind his back, looking quite proud. Xiao Yan and the others in front of him looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, and he didn't seem to care at all!

Among the opponents, the strongest one was the man in black robe who had just joined the Dou Huang. As for the other two, they were just Dou Wang. In his opinion, even if the number doubled, they could be easily suppressed.

"Hand over the woman with the poisonous body of disaster, I will spare your lives."

"You have cultivated to this point, and among the younger generation, you can be considered a genius. Don't waste your life!"

After hearing this, Xiao Yan's pupils shrank immediately, and he immediately rejected the gray-robed old man's proposal without hesitation. Even though he was not as powerful as the opponent, the little medical fairy was Xiao Ning's girlfriend and his sister-in-law.

How could Xiao Yan just let this happen? Suddenly, he took a deep breath and shouted:

"I'm sorry to have to obey my senior's words!"

"Open the mountain seal, start!"

Immediately, Xiao Yan waved his hand, and the green palm print in his hand flew out immediately, with terrifying power, and swatted towards the gray-robed old man!

This is the mysterious fighting skill that Xiao Xun'er left for Xiao Yan before she left. It is so powerful that you can only start learning it when you reach the King of Fighting stage. However, the power is quite impressive, and it can be regarded as one of Xiao Yan's trump cards!

"Since you are seeking death, don't blame me for being merciless!"

The old man in gray robe immediately snorted coldly, and immediately flew out lightly. His whole body suddenly flashed, and the majestic fighting energy gathered on his body. In an instant, he faced the Mountain Seal that Xiao Yan had hit and blasted out with a palm. !


With a low shout, the two collided immediately, and in an instant, a violent energy storm suddenly formed high in the sky.


The horrifying explosion spread with terrifying energy aftermath. However, before Xiao Yan and others could show surprise expressions on their faces, the next moment, the gray-robed old man suddenly rushed out of the explosion, and his body , but there is no trace of injury!

The strong men of Douzong are so terrifying!

In an instant, the same sentence appeared in the minds of the three of them!


Zi Yan shouted low, and the amethyst energy covered his hands, like arm armor. In the next moment, he punched out with majestic force!

Hundreds of miles away from the Tianshan Blood Pool, a shocking battle broke out. However, due to the influence of the energy tide, everyone in the Tianmu Mountains was isolated from the energy fluctuations of the outside world.

Xiao Ning, at this moment, was standing on the top of a big tree surrounded by ten people, frowning slightly, looking at the crowd below from a distance, trying to find the familiar-looking figure.

"No?" (End of chapter)

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