"It's actually a colorful crane? Isn't this the mount of Miss Feng from Fenglei Pavilion?"

"Carrying an iron sword on his back, his expression is indifferent and inhumane. Could it be that he is from Wanjiange Pavilion?"

"There is another one who is mysterious, petite, and moves with agility. Could it be the one from Xingyun Pavilion?"

Suddenly, due to the arrival of several genius disciples from Sifang Pavilion, there was quite a commotion on the way up the mountain!

And they also saw this scene in their eyes, their expressions did not change, and soon they turned their attention to several other people.

"I didn't expect that the famous Miss Feng would also appear here."

The ethereal woman chuckled and joked that she seemed to have a good relationship with Miss Feng from Fenglei Pavilion, but in fact, she did not show any emotion at all.

"Mu Qingluan, I haven't seen you for many years, and you still look like this."

The charming figure in the fluttering colorful dress at the head of the crane spoke slowly, with a tone that was not indifferent but also a bit indifferent, as if she was treating the latter very normally.

Wearing a colorful dress, she carried an air of nobility that was difficult to conceal in her behavior. Her cheeks were slightly thin, her perfect oval face, and her pair of purple-brown jewel eyes made this Miss Feng look... She looks like a princess in some empire, beautiful and holy.

"This time in the Tianshan Blood Pool, I will definitely occupy a place and let my strength speak for itself!"

The other man also had an indifferent expression, but as if he didn't notice the tit-for-tat between the two women, he directly stated the purpose of his trip.

The whole person is like a sharp sword, with its edge clearly visible.

"Who doesn't know your strength, Tang Ying, and how difficult it is to win one of the seats?"

On the other side, the petite woman named Mu Qingluan spoke, with a bit of joy and lightness in her words.

"Since the three of us are here, Wang Chen from Huangquan Pavilion should be arriving soon."

Miss Feng, who was wearing a colorful robe, had an inexplicable light shining between her eyebrows, and then she said lightly:

"It seems that this time the battle for the Tianshan Blood Pool is quite lively."

Xiao Ning didn't know about the meeting between several people and the verbal argument, or if he knew about it, he wouldn't take it to heart.

With his current strength that can match the Dou Zun level, even if he meets the pavilion masters of their four pavilions head-on, he will not necessarily lose, let alone these juniors?

Now Xiao Ning came to this Tianshan Blood Pool for only two purposes. One is to use the energy tidal blood pool brought by this Tianshan Blood Pool to temper his body and accumulate energy.

The second is to use this to find the Little Medical Fairy and Xiao Yan and others. They are always separated, which makes Xiao Ning feel a little missed.

With a gentle step, he had already reached the end of the mountain range. Looking up slightly, he saw the huge mountain range shrouded in clouds and mist. At this moment, he looked like an ancient ferocious beast about to wake up.

A series of low rumbling sounds came from high in the sky above the mountains, and along with this loud noise came the overwhelming energy.

In the thick clouds and mist, vast energy surged rapidly, and in the end, there was even a sound like the surging waves!

“What a magical scene”

King Xiao Ning could not help but express his admiration at the spectacle in front of him. Many people around him also expressed their admiration in admiration for the magical scene in front of him.

The huge energy tide, accompanied by the surge, actually rushed out of the clouds and mist after a moment, and spread out rapidly, exuding astonishing fluctuations. If one does not dodge quickly, let the energy tide hit his head, even if A strong Douzong person might also shed a layer of his skin!

Under the sunlight, the huge energy tide became colorful, like a colorful river hanging high in the sky, flowing freely.

And those huge waves of colorful energy spread out from the Tianmu Mountains in a steady stream. For a moment, everyone's hearts arose with enlightenment!

The entire Tianmu Mountain Range seemed to have turned into a magnet, continuously attracting the countless surging energy. For a time, countless energies were violent!

Xiao Ning's brows wrinkled slightly, and his heart changed slightly. He could feel a strange force spreading on the Tianmu Mountains, as if it was issuing some kind of silent warning.


Subconsciously, Xiao Ning glanced around, but saw nothing wrong. The rest of the people all looked up at the sky with shocked expressions.

Among them, status, identity, and strength are all uneven, but no one seems to feel that something is wrong.

"Is this a warning just for me?"

Xiao Ning's eyes were slightly startled, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little wary in his heart.

However, a flash of inspiration soon appeared in his mind, and the memory of Blue Star in his previous life came to mind. Xiao Ning suddenly remembered the content about this section of the Tianmu Mountains in the original work.

"There is an energy tide suppressing the Tianmu Mountains. If the energy exceeds the limit, the energy tide will inevitably come!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Ning felt a bit dumbfounded. Only then did she understand why she was warned, and became speechless.

"It's because I'm too strong. As expected, a man as powerful as me will inadvertently become the center of attention wherever he goes."

After pondering for a while and feeling the increasingly powerful tide of colorful energy above his head, Xiao Ning also made a decision.

"It's okay, it's hard to come here once, just have fun and experience it."

"If I go all out, I'm afraid that this year's Tianshan Blood Pool will be scrapped."

Narrating with a bit of helplessness and a bit of self-deprecation, the aura in Xiao Ning's body continued to decline at this moment.

Soon, the power that the breakthrough to the cave sky brought was suppressed.

Because of this, Xiao Ning felt that the unnatural feeling in his heart, as well as the energy tide and the faint warning coming from the Tianmu Mountain Range, also dissipated.

"As long as you don't use energy beyond the limit, there will be no backlash. However, this limit is only around the peak of Douhuang."

"Even if I only use my physical body, my strength is far beyond the level of Dou Huang."

Whispering in a voice that only he could hear, Xiao Ning casually found a quiet place, sat down cross-legged, and quietly waited for the Tianshan Blood Pool to open.

However, three whole days have passed since this wait!

Three days later, the energy tide among Tiandian, which had been continuously accumulating, suddenly became turbulent!

Opening his eyes suddenly, Xiao Ning stood up, patted his robe, and said casually:

"Is it finally going to start? I've been waiting so long that all the flowers have faded!"

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