"Fengyun Leiden, the four elders of the North Pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion!"

In the distance, some onlookers exclaimed!

Fenglei Pavilion is divided into four pavilions, east, west, north and south. Each pavilion is located in a different area, and the strong members are naturally different. However, in the north pavilion of Fenglei Pavilion, the most famous four Douzong elders also have one of the characters for wind, cloud, thunder and lightning in their names. Become the four elders!

They are quite powerful, and they have also practiced the secret method of joining forces. Once they join forces, their fighting power is quite amazing!

Unexpectedly, Shen Yun would directly recruit the other three elders!

With a sudden tap on his feet, Xiao Ning quickly rushed out and grabbed one hand. In an instant, he covered a distance of dozens of feet and grabbed Shen Yun's neck directly!


Shen Yun felt extremely uncomfortable when his neck was pinched, and he kept coughing on the spot!

High in the sky, the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion kept looking downward. The more they looked, the more they frowned.

Especially, when he finally glanced at Xiao Ning, who was holding Shen Yun's neck with one hand, his eyes hardened even more!

"You three, hurry up and save me!"

Chen Yun coughed suddenly, feeling the huge pressure between his neck and trying to escape from the control.

But his hands and feet had been completely broken in the previous fight with Xiao Ning, so how could he struggle? !

I can only keep squirming!

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the elder of Fenglei Pavilion with long eyebrows at the top lowered his voice and shouted:

"Let go of Chen Yun and spare your life!"

The sound rolled and spread like thunder, spreading throughout Tianbei City. For a moment, people were panicked!

"Haha, what a joke, do you really think that I, Xiao Ning, am scared?!"

Faced with the threat from the elder of Fenglei Pavilion, Xiao Ning immediately sneered, and immediately tightened his hand on Chen Yun's neck with a little more strength!

The latter immediately coughed again, and bloody saliva kept spilling from the corners of his mouth!

"Junior, if you dare to kill me, the elder of Fenglei Pavilion, from now on, Fenglei Pavilion will fight you until death!"

Elder Changmei shouted again, but Xiao Ning sneered in the face of such a threat. Could it be that if he lets Shen Yun go now, Fenglei Pavilion will have no enmity with him? !

"Seeing that you are older, I respect you as a senior. Could it be that if I let Chen Yun go now, Fenglei Pavilion won't take action against me?!"

"This person was messing around, and then he used his power to overwhelm others, and went straight to kill him with every move. If I didn't have some strength, I might be the one who suffered!"

"Now that I have captured him, I can fight tooth for tooth, why not?!"

"If the three of you dare to make an oath based on your inner demons, Fenglei Pavilion will not retaliate against me or the Han family in the future. It is not a bad idea for me to let Shen Yun go, but you three, do you dare?!"

Hearing Xiao Ning's solemn words, the three of them fell into silence for a short time high in the sky. Then the elder with long eyebrows raised his eyes and shouted:

"Chen Yun is the elder of Fenglei Pavilion. If I make a mistake, it is not the turn of outsiders to deal with it."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Ning suddenly exerted force on his hand, and Chen Yun's eyes suddenly tightened.


With a crisp sound, Chen Yun's neck was pinched by Xiao Ning!

After releasing his palms, Chen Yun's body fell limply to the ground like a puddle of mud, making no more noise!

"Hahaha, this is the attitude of your Fenglei Pavilion. You are really used to using your power to overwhelm others!"

"Then I, Xiao Ning, will have a good look at your Fenglei Pavilion's methods today!"

Xiao Ning laughed and said, with a hint of disgust in his eyes, he casually took off the Na Ring in Chen Yun's hand, and suddenly stepped on it, like a cannonball, soaring into the sky!

"Junior, if you dare to challenge me, Fenglei Pavilion, you are still the first!"

The three elders of Fenglei Pavilion flashed a flash of anger in their eyes, and immediately formed seals with their hands. Suddenly, the dense dark clouds in the sky were filled with bursts of thunder again!


Little raindrops were falling from the dark clouds, and the three elders of Fenglei Pavilion had a fierce aura spreading from their bodies!

The peak of Five Star Douzong!

The three of them are all at the peak of the five-star Douzong. Together with the secret method, they are enough to fight against the peak of the Douzong!

"Construct the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison Formation!"

The three of them shouted low and quickly formed seals with their hands. At the moment Xiao Ning rushed into the sky, a series of lightning films were cut from the dark clouds, forming an octagonal shape, just covering the area where Xiao Ning was. .

"Kill me, the elder of Fenglei Pavilion, provoke me, Fenglei Pavilion, no matter what your background is, you will die today!"

Brilliant electric light slowly burst out from the bodies of the three elders with long eyebrows, and immediately turned into huge lightning pillars and rushed into the sky. Suddenly, the dense lightning around them became countless times more intense.

In an instant, the thunder boomed, and the dark clouds stagnated for a brief moment. The next moment, dense and dazzling silver light poured out and exploded. Countless rays of thunder burst out from the dark clouds, like a prison, covering all the space within a hundred feet around Xiao Ning!

After doing all this, the three of them were panting slightly, and beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads. It was a little reluctant to arrange such a large formation with the strength of three people.

Originally, four people were needed to set up this formation, which meant Shen Yun, but now that he is dead, the formation has become a little incomplete.

But even so, the three of them are confident that they can trap a strong man at the peak of Douzong!

They are confident that it will be the same this time. The juniors who dare to provoke Fenglei Pavilion will probably be completely wiped out under the great formation!

But they made a mistake. All they saw was the flickering thunder, and suddenly there was a heavy sound of breaking through the sky. Along with the sound of breaking through the sky, a loud shout mixed with boundless anger also came again:

"Hmph, real dragon claw, break it for me!"

Accompanied by a crisp dragon roar, a sound like a rushing river suddenly appeared from the Thunder Prison. Immediately, the originally solid Thunder Prison suddenly began to tremble at this moment!


A figure flew out from the countless thunderbolts, and immediately punched out, hitting the light pillar that formed the thunder prison!


A crisp and subtle breaking sound came from it!

"How can it be?!"

The expressions of the three Fenglei Pavilion elders immediately changed and they said in horror. At the same time, the marks in their hands suddenly changed and intensified, and the majestic fighting spirit was stimulated again!

"This junior has extraordinary strength. He has the ability to form a lightning bolt!"

The elder Changmei shouted lowly, with a solemn expression on his face, staring at the strong figure in the thunder prison!

The outside world was like fire and thunder, but Xiao Ning seemed quite relaxed and content in the thunder prison.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, with a faint smile on his face, and he murmured in a low voice that only he could hear:

"I possess the Thunder Emperor's magic, you thunders want to hurt me? What a joke!" (End of Chapter)

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