If you don't do anything twice, now that you have fought against Shen Yun and beaten him like a dead dog, this matter cannot be done well either emotionally or rationally.

For the sake of face, Fenglei Pavilion will not give up on attacking him, and he will not let the other party frame him up. He will only beat up anyone who dares to pay to attack him!

But before that, the Hong family's affairs must be resolved first. Although he is not Dou Zun's opponent at the moment, it is not easy for the other party to find him.

But the Han family is different. It has been passed down here for many generations, and they have a pretty good relationship with me. If something happens to me, I can just walk away. What about the Han family?

The Han family, which was already having a hard time under the coercion of the Hong family, may collapse due to the pressure from Fenglei Pavilion.

In an instant, Xiao Ning's eyes turned slightly, a fierce light unabashedly revealed from his eyes, and he looked towards Hong Li!

He immediately seemed to sense that he was being targeted by some huge threat, and his back immediately trembled. The hair on his back stood up, and his forehead was covered with fine cold sweat!

"On the Tianshi Platform, it's a fair fight and the outcome is clear. But your Hong family wants to use its power to overwhelm others. Have you ever thought that you are overpowering the wrong person?!"

Xiao Ning had a sneer on his lips, stepped on his feet suddenly, and immediately rushed towards Hong Li like lightning and flint!

"Wait, this is a misunderstanding."

Hong Li's expression immediately changed. He didn't care about anything. He immediately retreated and shouted words in his mouth, wanting to explain!

But Xiao Ning didn't bother to listen to this explanation. He even beat her and only thought of asking for mercy when the situation was about to happen. Do you really think he would listen? !


With a sudden kick, with a crisp sound of breaking through the air, the small space in front of Xiao Ning cracked open again!

Even though Hong Li wanted to dodge, his movements were inferior to Chen Yun of Fenglei Beige. How could he dodge Xiao Ning's kick? !

"Ancestor, save me!"

There was a hint of panic in Hong Li's eyes, and he immediately shouted out without caring about his face!

Helplessly, subconsciously, he could only cross his hands in front of him and arch his body, trying to block Xiao Ning's kick!


A dull sound appeared, and Hong Li's whole body suddenly stopped for a moment. In the next moment, his face turned as red as a cooked prawn!


Suddenly opening his mouth, Hong Li spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and then his whole body, like a heavy cannonball, suddenly flew out, sticking to the ground, tracing a distance of a hundred feet, and finally flew down from the sky stone platform and crashed into a Only in the empty auditorium did he stop!

In the broken auditorium, countless smoke and dust rose up, blocking the scene!

One kick killed Hong Chen instantly. The next moment, Xiao Ning looked at the Hong family members who were still standing, with a cold light in his eyes!

Having completely broken his skin, there is nothing to say. Xiao Ning immediately shouted in a low voice:

"People of the Hong family, die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the lightning all over his body surged, and countless flashes of thunder appeared around him, like an emperor hiding in a thunder pool. In an instant, half of the sky stone platform was covered by the spreading arc of electricity!

"Leizhu, go!"

With a slight flick of his fingertips, Xiao Ning shouted, and the thunderbolts solidified in his hands, turning into tiny thunderballs, condensing the huge power of thunder, and throwing them towards the Hong family!

Many people from the Hong family immediately changed their expressions and fled away!

This is an existence that can defeat even Shen Yun of the Four Star Dou Zong. How can they be provoked by this group of Dou Huang? !

But it was too late. It was too late, but it was too late. Thunderballs streaked through the air with bright silver light, and then they arrived first and hit everyone in the Hong family!


For a time, continuous explosions were heard from the Hong family. Along with the explosions, countless electric arcs spread out, intertwining into pieces of power grids.

Between the flickering white lights, a dozen tiny black figures could be seen, trembling continuously!

Half a minute passed, and the arc surged and dissipated in mid-air, leaving a mess on the ground.

More than a dozen figures, as if they had been hit hard, fell to the ground in various directions, shaking constantly, their bodies were charred, and some even emitted a faint black smoke.

On top of their bodies, under the charred blackness, was blood that was constantly oozing out, staining the ground, making it look extremely messy.

"The Hong family, they really vomited blood this time!"

Countless people have reached a consensus in their hearts. You must know that these dozen people are all Dou Huang. They can be regarded as most of the high-level forces of the Hong family. They were wiped out by Xiao Ning in one go. For a long time in the future, the Hong family will Falling into emptiness, it is difficult to recover!

The Han family will not miss this opportunity. I am afraid that the Hong family will be destroyed in the next period of time!

No one would have thought that the Hong family, which was at the height of its power just half a day ago, would become so miserable!

Han Chi, who was on the side, had palpitations at first and was shocked by the power of Xiao Ning's fighting skills, but soon, he gloated and sneered.

This time, the Hong family was kicked on the iron plate. They provoked someone they couldn't afford to offend and were completely crippled!

Chen Yun slowly stood up, not paying attention to the Hong family Dou Huang who was badly hit. Instead, he stared in front of him. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was shocked all over, and his face was filled with horror. And Xiao Ning, at this moment, happened to turn around.

"I almost forgot, I missed one."

Immediately, he stepped forward and walked step by step in the direction of Shen Yun, with a calm expression on his face.

After Xiao Ning made a bold move and defeated Shen Yun and the Hong family in a devastating manner, the whole house was filled with silence!

His speed is not fast, but every step he takes is very steady, and he makes a distinct sound when he steps on the ground!

The sound of footsteps was like a life-threatening charm, causing cold sweat to break out on Chen Yun's forehead!

He gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Ning who was walking towards him step by step, with a crazy look on his face and shouted:

"You forced me to do this, kid. I didn't want to do this in the first place!"

Immediately, Chen Yun shouted loudly, and immediately took out two jade pieces that exuded a little fluorescent light from the ring!

The exquisite piece of jade, which was like a work of art, was easily crushed into pieces by Shen Yun's quiet force, turned into powder, and disappeared with the wind.

And the next second after Shen Yun crushed the jade piece, clouds were turbulent in the sky, dark clouds were sealed, and there was lightning and thunder!

Three powerful momentums were suddenly aroused and came together, which was quite terrifying!

Xiao Ning stopped, narrowed his eyes slightly, then raised his head, looked at the three people behind him, and murmured softly:

"Hmph, want to join forces?"

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