"Dou Wang, we have one too!"

As the words fell, there were six figures below, three in red robes and three in black robes. The fighting spirit wings behind them were activated and they flew up directly.

The people from the two forces, with their relative fighting strength, formed a faint encirclement in mid-air.

"Master Huangge, if you don't want to suffer serious consequences and lose face in front of your subordinates, please retreat!"

After the words fell, the leader of the Black Skull Tomb looked coldly. His rickety body looked extremely arrogant at this moment. He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation. The purpose was self-evident.

This is a heart-wrenching way to kill people!

The senior officials of Huangge, together with the sect leader and many elders, are now all out. If they retreat without any achievements at this juncture, then the reputation of Huangge will be ruined!

From now on, no one will care about Huangge, and there will be undercurrents in Black Seal City.

Even within the Huangge itself, people's hearts will be shaken unconsciously. Once people's hearts are shaken, it can be said that this force is almost falling apart!

Although the leader of the Black Skull Tomb did not take action directly, the soft knife passed towards the Huangge without any warning.

In the tense confrontation here, Xiao Ning, who was under the black robe, had a cold light in his eyes, and immediately sneered.

"Fan Qi of the Blood Sect, the leader of the Black Skull Tomb, there is no need to use such a dirty trick!"

"I just want to ask you a question!"

"Did Han Feng do it?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many Huangge elders behind Xiao Ning changed immediately and they were confused. They didn't know how this matter had something to do with Medicine Emperor Han Feng.

After hearing this, Fan Qi, who was dressed in luxurious blood-colored robes and had a cold face, was immediately startled, his pupils contracted slightly, and the Black Skull Tomb Sect Leader's whole body was also filled with black mist.

Obviously, Xiao Ning's words exceeded their expectations.

"Okay, I understand. In this case, there is nothing more to say!"

As soon as the words came out, Xiao Ning carefully observed the reactions of the two people. When he saw something strange, he immediately concluded the real situation. The two people were indeed instructed by Han Feng to make an enemy of Huangge.

"You have repeatedly provoked me, Huangge, and even dared to kill people. Blood Sect, Black Skull Tomb. Either you will die today or I will live!"

Immediately, Xiao Ning let out a loud roar, and immediately, the aura belonging to the origin of the origin came out of the body, and the energy and blood pushed it, like an oven under the sun, and emitted the sound of tiger and leopard thunder.

"The elders of Huang Pavilion listen to the order and follow me to kill the enemy!"

Immediately, Xiao Ning let out a loud shout, and then the black and purple wings behind his back suddenly flapped, and he rushed towards Fan Qi and the Black Skull Tomb Sect Master!

"Subordinates obey orders and kill!"

When the five Huangge elders behind him heard this, they all shouted loudly. They immediately followed him without fear and rushed towards the elders of the Blood Sect and the Black Skull Tomb!

When Fan Qi and the Black Skull Tomb Sect Leader saw this scene again, they immediately sneered and shouted:

"Members of the Black Alliance obey orders and respond to the enemy!"

Immediately, both sides fought together!

For a moment, colorful streams of fighting energy cut through the sky, mixed with fierce fluctuations, and spread. For a moment, even the sunlight was blocked.

High in the sky, the white clouds drifting lazily were torn into pieces by the radiating momentum, leaving no trace.

"Master of Huang Pavilion, do you really think you are invincible?!"

Fan Qi let out a loud roar, and a ray of light flashed out in his eyes. Soon his hands turned into afterimages, and he suddenly began to form seals.

In the blink of an eye, the aura all over his body surged, and immediately centered on himself, endless blood spurted out from the void.

The smell of blood immediately rose up, filling the entire space, and a thick sea of ​​blood spread for hundreds of meters, covering it immediately, with Fan Qian as the center, stimulating its ripples.

This is Fan Qi's favorite skill, and it is also one of his killer moves, sea of ​​blood!

Although they were joining forces to deal with powerful enemies, Fan Qi did not dare to be careless about it. After all, in terms of individual strength, the former Huangge Pavilion Master was above him.

The Black Skull Tomb Sect Master on the side did not hesitate at all. He saw the cane tapping lightly in mid-air, and with an old "spread" sound, the thick black mist with the Black Skull Tomb Sect Master as the center spread immediately. , it was so dark that even the light was completely swallowed up.

This is the signature fighting skill of the Black Skull Tomb Sect Master, the Black Mist Realm!

Neither of them dared to be careless at all, and directly attacked with all their strength, intending to suppress Xiao Ning directly with the power of thunder!

"Is this your trump card?"

Xiao Ning looked at their actions with cold eyes, flicked his fingers with a disdainful expression, and then thunder suddenly appeared on his fingertips, and the dazzling lightning spread out!

"That's it? Thunder Emperor's finger, break it for me!"

As Xiao Ning shouted violently, he pointed out countless lightning flashes with his finger. Behind him, a huge shadow of a vicissitudes of finger was pointed out at the same time!

"Stab it!"

Thunder exploded, and the sky suddenly flashed. The sea of ​​blood, black mist, and thunder fingers collided together. There was no earth-shattering explosion, but a tooth-piercing stinging sound!

It was like something was being corroded by violent poison, and the sound sent chills down the spine.

After a full minute, the sea of ​​blood, black mist, and lightning fingers all dissipated at the right time, and the uncomfortable sound dissipated from high in the sky.

"Damn it, where did he get his thunder attribute fighting skills?!"

Fan Qi's pupils narrowed slightly, and he immediately screamed in shock. Although it seemed that they were offset at the same time, it was him and the leader of the Black Skull Tomb who took action together. If he were alone, he would not be able to receive such a finger. !

"His strength is beyond imagination, don't hold back, join forces to suppress him!"

The leader of the Black Skull Tomb immediately looked solemn, his wrinkled face kept shaking, and a deep fear appeared in his cloudy old eyes.

"It can only be the!"

Fan Qi gritted his teeth and agreed immediately.

However, at this time, Xiao Ning had no intention of indulging them. The Kunpeng treasure technique was activated, and the purple and black wings behind him suddenly flapped, leaving afterimages in mid-air.

In an instant, he appeared not far from the two of them, then clenched a fist, raised it high, tensed his muscles, and then smashed it out through the air!

"Hmph! Want to escape? Break it for me!"

With a loud shout, Xiao Ning punched out with terrifying force, shattering the space. Countless air was squeezed on his fist, forming strong wind pressure, like a heavy air cannon. Fly directly towards the two of them!

The two people's pupils immediately contracted, and then their fighting spirit surged wildly, turning into shields to block them in front of them.


Immediately, a terrifying explosion swept across the sky!

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