"That guy Han Feng was hit too hard, and he's probably going crazy.

Fan Qi immediately snorted coldly and said with a bit of ridicule.

"His actions now are undoubtedly making enemies. It can even be said that he is a little neurotic."

"The students of Naganan Academy are just a bit like the master of Huangge Pavilion in their skills. In fact, the two are very different."

"Now that he is seeking death like this and letting the two of us take the lead, it's a bit unjustifiable."

The leader of the Black Skull Tomb on the side knocked on the ground and immediately said:

"Be careful what you say."

The old voice spread out and was quite loud, but only two people could hear it.

Hearing the words of the leader of the Black Skull Tomb, Fan Qi also snorted coldly and said immediately:

"Old guy, it seems you are scared out of your wits."

As old rivals, the Blood Sect and the Black Skull Tomb have rubbed against each other a lot, and there is even a lot of friction between them.

But now that both of them have joined Maple City's alliance, they now have the same hatred. If not, they would have started fighting long ago.

In the battle at Canaan Academy, everyone in the Black Horn Territory was defeated and retreated hastily. These forces, plus Han Feng and the two elders of Gold and Silver, all joined forces to form an alliance.

The Black Alliance is a powerful force, just to deal with the subsequent revenge of Canaan College. If any one of them encounters the revenge of Canaan College, they will probably be destroyed without any changes.

Only by joining forces can we have the power to protect ourselves.

Just when the leader of the Black Skull Tomb was about to reply and ridicule Fan Qi, the leader of the Blood Sect, suddenly the expressions of the two of them suddenly changed and they looked at each other.

In their perception, there were several powerful auras coming from a distance and approaching quickly.

There was no hiding or avoiding anything along the way, he was obviously coming for them!

Just when the two of them were still confused, suddenly, there was a sound outside, like thunder, rolling in and spreading to the entire area.

"People from the Blood Sect and people from the Black Skull Tomb, get out and die!"

Although there was no emotion in the voice, a sense of anger could be clearly felt from the unceremonious tone.

"Hmph, even cats and dogs dare to challenge my Blood Sect!"

The face of Blood Sect Master Fan Qi immediately changed, and a bloodthirsty gloom appeared on his sinister and cold face, making him look extremely violent.

Although the leader of the Black Skull Tomb on the side did not speak, at that moment, the black mist condensed on him became a little more solemn.

The two looked at each other, immediately stood up from their seats, and immediately turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the hall.

Just after the sound sounded, many people wearing costumes from the two forces below suddenly changed their expressions and raised their heads.

High in the sky, there were six figures with wings on their backs. They stood side by side without any cover-up!

These people are none other than Xiao Ning and the five elders of Huangge!

"Humph, damn guy!"

Elder Lin Mo, who had lost his arm, was still pale, but when he looked at the building below and the members of the two forces, he still showed unconcealable murderous intent and overwhelming anger.

Immediately, his momentum burst out directly from his body!

The surging momentum burst out from his body and swept across the earth. Immediately, those who were only Dou Masters were almost breathless and could only lie on the ground, shivering.

A strong fighting king is also an existence that can be defeated by thousands of people!

Just as he was displaying his own momentum wantonly, a cold snort suddenly came from below. Along with the sound, a bloody stream of light shot out from the air and headed straight towards Lin Mo.

"Humph, who was I then? I turned out to be the mouse from Huangge!"

"I spared your life last time, how dare you act so arrogantly now?!"

That bloody stream of light, with terrifying power, streaked across the sky, even raising three sound barriers, and attacking at three times the speed of sound!

"Hmph, who dares to bully my brother Huangge?!"

Before Xiao Ning could take action, the elders of Huangge, who had already been holding back their anger, couldn't hold it in any longer!

Even though they were bickering with each other during the meeting in the lobby and didn't want to give in at all, they were quite consistent on this kind of external matter.

Wang Tianba, the strongest man, immediately shouted loudly, and then a light flashed in his hand, and a strange earth-yellow spear appeared in his hand.

Immediately, the spear was smashed down from top to bottom by him, throwing out an arc that made people look sour.


The gun tip collided with the blood-colored streamer in mid-air, causing violent sparks and then exploded. For a moment, a small explosion appeared in the sky.

The smoke spread, the bloody light disappeared, and Wang Tianba's figure holding a spear appeared in it unscathed.

"Haha, it turns out to be Elder Wang from Huangge. You came out in full force this time. It seems that you want to make a complete break with the two of us?"

Another old voice sounded, and then a group of black mist suddenly appeared in the air. Next to him, a phantom-like bloody figure solidified in an instant, and suddenly, the two of them appeared high in the sky together.

When Wang Tianba saw the two of them, he didn't have a good expression, but he didn't answer the question. Instead, he stepped back half a step, bowed slightly, and left the seat of honor to the black-robed figure at the front.

At this moment, the Blood Sect Master Fan Qi and the Black Skull Tomb Sect Master noticed this figure, and their expressions immediately became a little solemn.

To be treated with such respect by Wang Tianba, the great elder of Huang Pavilion who is more than one person but less than ten thousand people, it is self-evident that this person's identity is the mysterious master of Huang Pavilion.

"It turns out that the master of the Huangge Pavilion is here. I thought these people had eaten something, but it turns out that the mastermind is back."

Narrowing his eyes, Fan Qi carefully looked at the black-robed figure in the distance and said with a slightly mocking voice.

"If you dare to touch my people in Huangge, you will deserve to die."

Xiao Ning, who was under the black robe, had no fluctuation in his eyes. He looked at the two people in front of him and spoke directly without any doubt in his tone. Obviously, he was very confident in his own strength.

The leader of the Black Skull Tomb on the side immediately laughed coldly and said:

"Hehehe, young people are just newborn calves and are not afraid of tigers. They dare to say such nonsense!"

"Both of us are five-star Dou Huangs, so what if you are a high-star Dou Huang? With our joint forces, being undefeated is even a matter of pride!"

Fan Qi, who was on the side, also clapped his hands, as if applauding the words of the leader of the Black Skull Tomb, and said with a smile:

"That's right. If you don't want to lose face, just retreat by yourself!"

"If you want to attack the two of us, do you think you look down on our power?!"

As the words fell, several Dou Wang auras burst out from the buildings of the forces below.

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