Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1255: Harden, he did it again!

Qin Hao's move was really tough. Harden's blow was a bit big. In the next few rounds, Harden was in a trance. He didn't perform much on the offensive end. On the defensive end, he was in a trance. Unable to prevent Qin Hao, even the organization of the offense was affected.

Thanks to Yao Ming's excellent performance today, shooting 2 of 3 from the three-point line, in addition to a low hook, a turn over jumper, and a second attack at the basket.

When the first quarter passed eight minutes, Yao Ming had already scored 12 points alone. He was the Rockets scoring person and supported the Rockets offense by him.

It's just that it's hard to be one-armed after all. He scored 12 points alone, the Rockets only scored 15 points, and the others only scored 3 points.

On the other hand, the 76ers scored more scattered here, and they played more points. Except for the insiders, Nene and Speights, who only scored three points, one goal and one free throw, Qin Hao and Igo on the outside Dara and Butler scored a total of 20 points.

At this time the score was 23:15, and the 76ers still led by 8 points.


The Rockets called a timeout.

Coach McHale began to change, gradually replaced the main players, replaced players, and made some arrangements before he waved his hand to signal the players to play.

Watching the players walk onto the court, Coach McHale sat down beside Harden and said, "hi, guy, you listen to me, it's just one or two goals, it doesn't matter. Qin's strength is indeed very strong. We knew it a long time ago, didn't we?"

"As for the withdrawal of the three-pointer, Qin didn't use it today. He had used it many times before. So don't take it to heart. It's just a coincidence."


Why don't I think so.

Harden smiled bitterly, but in the future, he can become a regular season mvp and has won the scoring champion more than once. Naturally, he will not be defeated so easily. He took a deep breath and his eyes recovered: "Coach, don't worry, I have adjusted Come here. Yes, Qin is very powerful. His three-pointer retreat is more beautiful than mine, but I don't just know this trick."

Coach McHale gave a relieved smile: "That's right, come on."


On the court.

You come and I go between the two sides, and the difference is quickly opened to 10 points, so that Coach McHale can't laugh immediately.

The reason why the Rockets can reach fifth in the Western Conference this season mainly depends on the starting lineup. Their bench lineup still has big problems. Asik, Morris Jr., Patterson, these three substitute players are also It's ok, not very good.

As for the backup guards Tony Douglas, Scott Machado and Carlos Delfino, they can't even count on it.

Yes, there is no Beverly, and there is no Jeremy Lin.

After being waived by the Heat for 10 years, Beverley went to Russia to play for the Spartak Saint Petersburg team in the Russian Basketball League.

Not to mention, they did a good job in the European arena, and even won the European Cup MVP in 2012.

Beverly is currently in a state of unemployed and has not yet signed a contract with the Rockets, but it is said that the two parties have already contacted and are discussing signing matters.

As for Jeremy Lin, he is still in the Knicks.

Speaking of Qin Hao's reason, because of Qin Hao's suggestion, Anthony discussed with the Knicks management. Nash was brought in last season, and Anthony did not have much injury, so Jeremy Lin had no chance of "Lin Crazy". At the same time, because of Nash's age, the Knicks chose to keep Jeremy Lin.

So there is really no one on the Rockets bench.

But having said that, the Rockets seem to have always had a tradition. There are not many people who can play. In the memory of Qin Hao’s last life, the Rockets a few years later will directly rotate seven or eight players, from the regular season to the playoffs. , There are only so few players.

Seeing the point difference stretched to more than ten, Coach McHale shook his head reluctantly and replaced Harden again.

Yao Ming and Scola cannot continue to fight, after all, they are both over 30.

After Harden returned to the court, he changed from the previous trance. He did it again. He first made a breakthrough layup, then hit a three-pointer and scored 5 points in a row to help the Rockets stabilize the situation.

"Hmph, that is, Qin is not on the court, otherwise..." Blakins said uncomfortably.

"Okay." Qin Hao raised his hand and interrupted, "Don't say that, it's not very polite, even though I'm not on the court now."

Blakeins is a little dazed, how do you feel going around?

The point difference has shrunk to less than ten, but coach Luke has no plans to call a timeout or a substitution. That will hurt the confidence of the bench players. Second, there is not much time left in the first quarter.

When the first quarter ended, the score was 29:23, and the 76ers led by 6 points.

Rest between festivals.

Coach McHale did not forget to cheer up the players and encourage everyone, saying that although we are 6 points behind, this is only the first quarter. Besides, Harden didn't play much in the previous half of the quarter. Now he has adjusted it, etc. Next he broke out with Yao Ming and could catch up with the score soon.

After some flickering, oh no, with some encouragement, the Rockets quickly recovered their morale.


Entering the second quarter, the 76ers are still on the bench.

The Rockets didn't dare to do that. Coach McHale sent Parsons and Scola to strengthen the bench.

However, it was useless.

This is actually obvious. With the 76ers' bench lineup, Sessions, Lu Wei, Jr., Thaddeus Young, Mozkov, these people can start on some other teams. Unless the Rockets replace Yao Ming or Harden with one, Scola and Parsons are really not enough.


Seeing that the point difference went by more than ten minutes, Coach McHale could only substitute, hesitated, and replaced Harden.

Young people have good physical strength.

Here, Coach Luke narrowed his eyes, chuckled, and shouted: "Qin, you go up, replace Sessions."

"Yes." Qin Hao stood up and walked onto the court.

After this replacement, it became Qin Hao and Harden's matchup again.

Harden pushed the ball to the frontcourt, saw Qin Hao greet him, frowned, and then chose to attack by himself, but instead of singles, he asked for a pick-and-roll, got rid of it, and then rushed inside. Mozkov quickly stepped forward and blocked Harden.

At this time, Harden suddenly hugged the ball, took a step to the right, and then suddenly changed direction, a European step swayed over Mozkov and scored with the left hand basket.

"Oh, did you change your tactics?" Qin Hao smiled, and after coming to the front court, he gestured to his teammates and signaled his teammates to come up for the pick-and-roll.

In the next moment, Qin Hao got rid of Harden and attacked the inside line, just like Harden just now, also using a "European step."

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