Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1254: Step-by-step teaching

76ers offense.

Qin Hao came to the front court, and Harden quickly greeted him with a serious expression. He opened his hands and stared at Qin Hao closely.

Taking a look at the situation on the court, Qin Hao called for a pick-and-roll. Nene mentioned that he was on the line. Qin Hao moved laterally, and Yao Ming quickly rushed forward and delayed.

Qin Hao suddenly changed direction. Yao Ming's heart jumped and he turned around subconsciously, because he knew very well that he could not keep up with Qin Hao at his speed. Qin Hao could pass him only by accelerating in a disguised form. It must be too late to retreat, so I can only turn around and pursue it.

But just as he turned around, Qin Hao dribbled the ball from the crotch in the opposite direction, pulled the ball back, and returned to the three-point line.

"That's awful." Yao Ming cried out secretly, but he just turned around. If he wants to turn around again to cover Qin Hao, he can't do it anymore.


With a soft sound, Qin Hao hit a three-pointer.

Coach McHale looked a little ugly, Yao Ming raised his hand and motioned to blame himself for the ball. He was just a subconscious action just now, and he didn't have time to think about it.

In the next round, when Qin Hao used the pick and roll again to form a dislocation, Yao Ming no longer wanted to turn around and pursue it.

With his height, he kept raising his hands and facing him horizontally, Qin Hao also had a headache. He didn't continue to make a three-pointer, and began to organize the offense, passing the ball to Butler.

From the perspective of lineup matchups, the 76ers are at a disadvantage in the interior, but they have advantages in the 3rd, 2nd and 1st positions, especially the 2nd and 3rd positions, Courtney and Parsons. Against Iguodala and Butler, it is obvious that the strength is much inferior.


Butler took the ball to break through. Parsons didn't react slowly and quickly retreated, but Butler suddenly stopped and hit an emergency stop jumper.

With Butler and Iguodala hitting the ball continuously and attacking the weak points of the Rockets, the 76ers quickly gained the upper hand.

Upon seeing the situation, Harden frowned and decided to stand up for himself.

After coming to the front court, Harden made a gesture to his teammates, motioning to his teammates to pull away, he singled Qin Hao.

Harden had played against the Thunder more than once before, and it was not unfamiliar, but at that time Harden was still the "sixth man on the team."

Now he is the core player of the team, and his whole temperament has changed a lot. He has become more confident. The basketball jumps in his hands like an elf. I saw him dribble the ball continuously, and then suddenly accelerated, breaking through from the left.

"This way..." Qin Hao couldn't help laughing secretly, he saw through Harden's intentions at a glance, and took a half step back.

Sure enough, the next moment Harden retracted the ball, his toes moved on the floor, and he took a retreat, stepped back to the three-point line, and jumped to shoot.


With a crisp sound, Harden's palm was empty, and he couldn't help being stunned-he was blocked!

Yes, he was blocked by Qin Hao.

This is not to blame Harden, but Qin Hao's understanding of him far exceeds his knowledge. Qin Hao knew that he was definitely going to do this when he saw Harden's actions before, so he was prepared for it, and he had to retreat half a step back. It was just to confuse Harden and make him think that his actions had achieved the desired effect.

And just when he made the last shot, no, it should be said that when he retreated and backed out of the three-point line, Qin Hao quickly stepped forward and jumped up.

The final result was that Harden was blocked!


Qin Hao controlled the basketball, yelled, and quickly launched a counterattack.

At the same time, Butler and Iguodala also rushed to the front. The three had a tacit understanding and the finished font hit the frontcourt. Qin Hao scored the ball to Iguodala, and Iguodala took a step forward. , And then hit the ground one by one, and the basketball bounced from Courtney's feet back to the defense, flew to the other side, and fell into Butler's hands.


Butler flew up, clutching the basketball in his right hand, and staged a uniform buckle.

The point difference opened to 8 points.


Coach McHale called a timeout immediately.

Against a team like the 76 team, he has to be cautious, step by step, and can't let the point difference go beyond 10, because once it goes above 10, it may be difficult for you to get it back.

After a few players came down, Harden lowered his head, Yao Ming patted him on the shoulder, and comforted: "It's okay, it's just a block."

Harden grumbled.

Coach McHale also comforted Harden, then spread out the tactical board and rearranged the tactics...

After a while, the two sides returned to the court.

The Rockets attacked. Harden made a gesture after pushing the ball to the frontcourt. Yao Ming came up for the pick and roll. Harden used the pick and roll to break through and hit the inside. Then he passed the ball back to Yao Ming. Yao Ming shot directly from the three-point line, accompanied by " With a hush, Hollow hit.

"I've already jumped on it." Nei Nei shook his head depressedly.

It's useless to pounce, after all, Yao Ming is too tall, a full ten centimeters higher than Nene, so you can make a three-pointer, unless you pounce in front of him for the first time and don't give him room to play the ball, otherwise it's true. no way.

A center with more than two meters and more than 20 meters shot a three-pointer, which has never been seen in the history of the NBA.

"It's okay." Qin Hao clapped his hands, took the ball in the backcourt, and gestured to his teammates when he got to the frontcourt, "pull away."

Just now Yao Ming hit a three-pointer, and the point difference was reduced to 5 points. As the team's trump card, Qin Hao must stand up and return.

The others pulled away, Qin Hao singled Harden, crouching and dribbling the ball continuously, the center of gravity was very low, Harden opened his hands and stared at Qin Hao, always feeling strange.

At this moment, Qin Hao suddenly activated and broke through from the right side.

"Right." Harden hurriedly backed away, preemptively to get into position.

But at this moment, Qin Hao pulled the ball back, moved his toes on the floor, retreated to beyond the three-point line, and jumped up.

Harden's heart trembled and he suddenly woke up. No wonder it felt weird. Isn't this just what I did just now? It's exactly the same.


This is Harden's action. Qin Hao has used it many times. At the beginning, he learned Harden, but he learned Harden at the peak, not Harden today.

Although this trick was learned by Harden, Qin Hao had already practiced it for a long time, and because the three-point ability was extremely good, it was even more beautiful than Harden today.


With a soft sound, the ball is scored.

Harden raised one hand and tried to interfere as much as possible, but it was still useless after all. He turned and looked at the basket, feeling really depressed.

His retreat was blocked by Qin Hao by three points. At this moment, Qin Hao also used the exact same movement as him, like teaching on the spot, giving him a demonstration, and he made a steady hit.

This is too shocking.

"Nice job." Butler ran over, gave Qin Hao a high-five, and blinked at Qin Hao slyly, "Your trick is too bad."

Qin Hao rolled his eyes, my name is wisdom.

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