Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1250: Pursue a new realm!

Every time Qin Hao makes a shot, his actions are almost exactly the same, as if he is a mirror copy, so his shots are exceptionally stable, and there are several, even a dozen, in succession.

Moreover, almost all of Qin Hao's shots were hollow shots.

This is also a stable manifestation, every time the ball is very positive, every time it is almost hollow, and after a certain movement deviation, because the position is sufficiently positive, there will still be a considerable probability of going in.

This is why some people will pop up when they shoot on the rim, but some people can always jump in when they hit the rim.

Angle, strength, parabola... When these are all positive enough, then even if a hollow hit is not possible for some time, there is a considerable probability of making it.

In normal training, some coaches will ask the players to shoot at the positions on both sides of the basket, but they cannot use the scratch board, and they must be hollow and not touch the basket. In fact, they are also used to train the players and let the players' shooting angles. The parabola is positive enough.


Finally, Qin Hao hit the iron.

But soon he adjusted and started hitting again.

Butler watched and admired: "It's too accurate, and the shot is very fast, almost shot on the catch, if I shoot like him, the shooting rate will definitely be horrible."

Sneek twitched his mouth, saying that you shouldn't compare with Qin Hao.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Hao had already made two hundred shots. He finally stopped, leaning on his knees and panting, sweat dripping down his chin, clattering, falling into tiny pearls.

"Qin, take a break," Butler shouted.

Qin Hao nodded and went to the sidelines to rest.

But just rested for ten minutes, and then resumed training.

This made Butler, Xiaoka and others couldn't help but frown. In the past, Qin Hao would also target training three-pointers every day, but he didn't fight like that, it only took half an hour.

But today he has been training for forty minutes, but he has no plans to stop, he is still training for three-pointers.

"This is too hard." Snake slapped his tongue: "Qin's three-pointers are so accurate, there is no need to practice so hard, right?"

"You know what a shit." Butler squinted at Snake, "How do you think Qin has the current strength, why is it so accurate in three-pointers? It's not like me, it all depends on hard work."

Sneek let out an "Oh" and slandered secretly. If it weren't for Qin's urging, would you work so hard?

Although I don't understand why Qin Hao is so hard today, I can't watch him practice alone. Butler and Xiaoka also started to join in and start training.

Of course, they naturally would not understand that the reason why Qin Hao worked so hard was because he saw hope and had a new goal, and he was pursuing the next transformation.

With his current three-pointer ability, he is already the first echelon in the NBA, and it can even be said to be one of the few people in the hand.

So if it changes again and goes up to the next level, what kind of state will it reach?


There was a muffled sound, and the iron was struck again.

Qin Hao stopped his movements, his arms were already a little sore, he signaled to Wood, asking him to stop for a while, breathing for a while, mixing his breath, and then continuing.

Starting from this day, Qin Hao's training intensity has increased a lot, forcing Butler and Xiaoka to increase their training intensity and time.

The two of them felt so bitter, they could only clenched their teeth and persisted.


Two days later, the 76ers rushed to the away game to challenge the Phoenix Suns.

The game has reached the second quarter, and the 76ers are leading by 11 points. At this time, the second quarter is already halfway through, and coach Luke has begun to replace Qin Hao and Butler.

When he arrived on the court, Qin Hao pushed the ball to the front court and took a look at the situation on the court. He saw that the opponent did not assist in defense and double-teaming. It was a breakthrough. The defender's heart jumped and he quickly retreated. Hao stopped and backed out of the three-point line, raising his hand to make a three-pointer.


The goal was not scored.

After a while, Qin Hao ran back to take the ball, and the defender chased behind him, but he didn't hesitate at all. He received the ball and made another three-pointer.


This time there is.

On the 76ers bench, the players applauded.

Assistant Harry was also applauding, but then he whispered to Coach Luke: "Coach, do you think Qin took a lot of three-pointers in these two games?"

Coach Luke nodded.

It doesn't matter how many three-pointers are shot. After all, Qin Hao's three-pointers are accurate, and the situation dictated the situation in the previous game.

But today this...

Coach Luke glanced at the scoreboard. He was already a dozen points ahead, and the opponent did not defend or double-team, but Qin Hao shot three-pointers again and again, which was indeed a bit unusual.

In the first half, Qin Hao made 8 three-pointers and hit 4. The shooting percentage was pretty good, reaching 50%.

It’s just that Coach Luke noticed that sometimes the chances are not good and it is not suitable to shoot three-pointers. At least it is not the best choice. With Qin Hao’s ability, he can break through or end with other methods, but he still chose Shoot three points.

"Coach." Assistant Harry said: "Wait, do you want to ask?"

"No need." Coach Luke shook his head. He has a safe trust in Qin Hao, and he understands Qin Hao. Qin Hao has a definite goal in everything he does. He knows that there is no need to interfere.

What's more, isn't it a ten-point lead right now?

As the two of them were talking, Qin Hao made another three-pointer, this time it was a three-pointer with a horizontal retreat, and shot against the opponent's defense, but it missed a bit and missed.

Butler, Iguodala and Nene glanced at each other, and they naturally noticed that Qin Hao made a little bit more three-pointers today.

At the end of the three quarters, Qin Hao made 14 three-pointers, and he only made 16 three-pointers, which means that more than half of them were three-pointers and made 6 of them. The first half of the game was good before, but the third quarter was slightly lower. It also led to the Suns chasing some points.

"Is there only 7 points left?" Qin Hao couldn't help but frown as he watched the score. Today's feel is indeed not very good. He took a deep breath and said to Butler and the others: "Sorry, I made a three-point shot too much today. too much."

"It's okay." Butler smiled: "You just shoot, I'll help you rebound."

"And I."

"Yes, the rebounds will be given to me and Nene."

The teammates said one after another.

Qin Haolu smiled, nodded to his teammates, and said "thank you", but he didn't explain why he took so many three-pointers because it was unnecessary.

From teammates to coaches, no one raised objections to Qin Hao's votes, and everyone trusted him unconditionally.

Of course, Qin Hao wanted to pursue the transformation of the three-pointer, but he would not ignore the game. After entering the fourth quarter, he increased his breakthrough and soon led the 76ers to widen the point difference.. ....

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