Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1249: Is Xiao Young so fierce?

"This goal... actually scored."

"It's just one point short of being a lore."

At this moment, the audience fell into silence collectively.

The 76ers originally led by one point, with a score of 120:119, but in the last ten seconds, Rose actually staged a lore, rewriting the score to 121:120.

One point lore!

"Gan." Butler cursed secretly, his face full of unwillingness.

The others are the same. Forty-eight minutes of fierce battle, reaching this point, the result was a lore by Ross, which was too unwilling to be reconciled.

Who could have expected that the last ball Rose would choose to make an emergency stop jumper, looking at his appearance, he was obviously going to hit the basket, but it turned out to be a jumper.

"Now Rose has become more confident in his shooting, and he has indeed become more comprehensive and mature." Qin Hao shook his head, also a little depressed. The only comfort may be the strange feeling that suddenly appeared. He has a clear direction and goal, "The Bulls are indeed very strong. If we encounter them in the playoffs, we may not have the chance to win."

Qin Hao took a deep breath and secretly told himself that he must not let go, he must work harder, he must complete further transformations, and make himself stronger.

Only in this way, waiting for the playoffs, will have enough strength to beat the Bulls.

And, in addition to the Bulls, there is also a defending champion Heat team in the East!

A group of Bulls players surrounded Rose in the middle. Today, Rose scored 36 points, plus 5 rebounds and 8 assists. The final lore was invaluable and precious.

After a while, Rose was freed from the crowd and walked towards the 76ers to hug Qin Hao and Butler.

Qin Hao scored 38 points today, higher than Rose, because he made a lot of three-pointers, in addition to 6 rebounds and 10 assists, but it was a pity that the game was lost.

A game came to an end, and the home fans left unwillingly.

Players from both sides also left.

An hour later, in a Chinese restaurant, Qin Hao, Butler, Lu Wei, Nene, Xiaoka, Rose and Brother Flathead were sitting together.

Today, Qin Hao and Rose performed very well, and the others were a lot less. However, the performance of Xiaoka was really impressive. The audience scored 17 points, plus 5 rebounds, 4 assists, and Butler scored also. But only 19 points.

Among a group of people, the flat-headed brother is the least present.

Despite being covered by Rose, he is a rookie with a low draft pick. His playing time is limited, and when most Bulls lead a lot or fall behind a lot, the score has always been anxious, like today’s game. There is no chance to play.

This is not surprising, even Butler, in the Pistons' first season, actually did not get many performance opportunities.

For example, the flat-headed brother, in the first season, mainly exercises and studies, and is a pure little brother role.

At this moment, Brother Flathead is responsible for serving the tea and pouring water, and his self-consciousness is still good.


at the same time.


It was late at night, but Coach Spoelstra was still busy. He watched the live broadcast of the 76ers vs. Bulls today, and then analyzed and sorted it out. Then he put down his pen and looked at the notebook. I rubbed my eyebrows with a bunch of things underneath, and my brain hurts for a while.

"How long has it passed. The Sixers have become so strong. Both the main lineup and the bench lineup are very strong, especially on the outside." Coach Spoelstra shook his head and said to himself: "There is also The Bulls have clearly improved a lot from last season, especially Rose."

A 76ers team, a Bulls team, last season's playoffs created huge trouble for the Heat, allowing the Heat to play two tiebreakers.

And this season the 76ers and Bulls have become stronger, and the pressure on the Heat has also increased. What will happen to these two teams in the playoffs?

"If we encounter the 76ers or the Bulls, how should we respond?" Coach Spoelstra picked up the pen again and began to write and draw.

This is a difficult problem.


This is a mansion located in Miami Beach, which belongs to the well-known affluent area of ​​Miami and is a series of coastal villas.

James, Wade and Bosh all bought villas in Miami Beach, and Zhan Wei often visits them.

At this time, James was at Wade's house and watched the 76ers vs. Bulls game. The game was over at this time, but they were still discussing.

"It's really strong." Wade exclaimed: "How long has it passed since these two teams are a lot stronger than last season's playoffs. Especially the 76ers, it really surprised me."

Although the 76ers had a tie-break with the Heat last season, it was created by various factors. Iguodala’s outbreak, Iverson’s strong and strong, the role of players, their crazy three-point rain, Qin Hao's super **** performance and so on...

But when it comes to the strength of the lineup, everyone knows that the 76ers are not as good as the Heat.

But this season, looking at the 76ers again, Wade felt threatened, and the current Heat team seems to be no less inferior to them in terms of lineup and strength.

"After all, it's a group of young people." James said: "The 76ers and Bulls are considered young teams, and there are many young people in the lineup. Don't forget, Qin is less than 23 years old, Butler is 23, and Rose is 24. They are still very young, still growing, and it is not surprising that they are making progress."

Wade smiled bitterly. It's not surprising that progress is made, but is this progress too fast?

Is Xiaoyoung so fierce now?

"LeBron." Wade pondered for a while, and then said: "Do you think... do we need further reinforcement?"

"Reinforce?" James raised his brows. "Of course it is good to reinforce. Our bench depth can still be reinforced." As he said, he spread his hands, "But how to make up?"

"This..." Wade smiled helplessly.

Yes, there is no way to make up.

First of all, the Big Three locked up the team's salary. In addition, this is the mid-season, not the summer trading period. There is no cheap and practical, or free agents who are willing to cut their salaries to join. They need to be strengthened by trading, and the Heat obviously have nothing to do. Bargaining chips.

It's lucky to have one more Leah-Len this season.


Going up the next day, the Bulls boarded the plane and left.

Naturally, Qin Hao didn't go to see him off. After all, they are a team. He came to the arena early to start a day of training.

Butler and Xiaoka are also there.

In addition, Qin Hao's trainer Barry and Wood, Butler's trainer Snake, etc. were all there. All of them looked at Qin Hao, and they saw Qin Hao standing on the three-point line. Barry and Wood were in charge of passing the ball under the basket. , The ball was given to Qin Hao, and Qin Hao immediately shot it. Accompanied by the sound of "swish", he saw the basketballs as if they were connected, and one by one followed the nets obediently...

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