Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1155: A desperate solution

Rest between festivals.

Li Nan approached the coach Deng Huade and whispered: "Coach, our bench lineup is indeed inferior to the opponent. We must find a way to do it."

Coach Deng Huade asked: "Then what do you suggest?"

"My idea is to let the main players play more time." Li Nan said.

In recent years, the Chinese team has not encountered such a situation, or encountered it every time. The solution is also very simple and rude. When encountering a strong team or a key game, it is to let the main players play more.

This kind of solution is not uncommon, not only the Chinese men’s basketball team, but even the NBA. Some NBA teams have more than a dozen people playing in the regular season. In the playoffs, it becomes an eight-man rotation or even a seven-man rotation. , It feels very outrageous, but in fact it is very helpless.

Why does the Chinese men's basketball team have to play in Yao Mingzhen every time in these years? Why does Yao Ming play so tired every time?

This is the reason.

"Well, that's the only way." Coach Deng Huade glanced at Yao Ming and Qin Hao, and finally nodded in agreement. This was a desperate way.

After that, Coach Deng Huade stopped Qin Hao, Yao Ming, Sun Yue, and Yi Jianlian, and said: "You have seen the situation now. The opponent has a very strong bench lineup, so it may be necessary for you to play more time. Is there any problem? "



Yi Jianlian, Sun Yue, and Yao Ming all nodded together.

At this time, it is natural to have no hesitation, where is there any reason to shrink?

Qin Hao frowned. Seeing everyone looking at him, he smiled slightly and said, "Of course I am obliged to do so. But coach, I have a suggestion to let Ming Ge take a break. Me, Sun Yue, also With Uzbekistan, we are young, so it’s okay to play more time."

Hearing that, Yao Ming took a deep look at Qin Hao, his nose was a little sour. He knew that Qin Hao was doing this to protect himself, and he was afraid that he would consume too much and fight too hard, because it was easy to get hurt.

Qin Hao smiled at Yao Ming, then looked at Sun Yue and Yi Jianlian: "Are there any problems?"


"No problem at all."

The two said quickly.

Of course they will not disagree. Yao Ming is also their eldest brother, and he usually takes care of them. What's more, Yao Ming is 32 years old and has all kinds of old injuries. In case of injury in the Olympics, it may be devastating for his career. No one wants to see that happen.

"I..." Yao Ming opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

"Brother Ming." Qin Hao interrupted with a smile: "Don't say it, I know you want to help the team, but you can't always squeeze yourself to support the national team. Sooner or later, the burden will fall on us young people. Isn't it on your body?"

Hearing this, Yao Ming took a deep breath and finally nodded: "Okay, come on."

"come on!"

Everyone said in unison, but the mood was a little heavy, and the situation was not optimistic for them. The main players had to play more time, so the physical consumption would be greater. When the last quarter came, the bayonet saw the red and the winner was divided. At that time, what did you use to fight the opponent's main lineup?


After a while, the second quarter is about to begin.

Coach Deng Huade looked serious, and started to point: "Wang Zhizhi, Yi Jianlian, Zhou Peng, Qin Hao, Liu Wei, you guys." After that, he opened the tactical board and made some arrangements, "Qin, you want to To put more energy on scoring, we need you to stand up and score."

"Yeah." Qin Hao nodded, and the coach replaced Liu Wei, which was what it meant.

The second quarter begins.

The two sides came to the field, and the Spanish team's lineup has undergone some changes. Gasol, Ibaka, Ruhr, Navarro, Rodriguez, Ibaka and Gasol can be matched, but Ruhr , Navarro and Rodriguez are all guards, which makes this lineup look a little different.

For the Spanish team's possession, Rodriguez asked for a pick-and-roll after pushing the ball to the frontcourt, then broke the ball and passed it to Ruhr.

Ruhr (Sergio Ruhr) is not much worse than Navarro and others. He was selected by the Denver Nuggets in the 34th round of the 2009 NBA Draft and was then traded to the Houston Rockets. There was also a chance to log in to the NBA, but he never reported.

Although he has not played nba, his strength is not weak. He has many honors in the European arena. He has won the Copa del Rey MVP, Spanish Super Cup MVP, FIBA ​​International Cup MVP, Spanish League Finals MVP, etc., and has been selected to Spain many times. The best team in the league.

At this time, it was Zhou Peng who was facing Ruer. He was only 192 cm tall, which was a dozen centimeters worse than Zhou Peng, but he played very resolute. Stopped, raised the ball, Zhou Peng subconsciously jumped to block the block, but Ruhr seized the opportunity and deliberately committed a foul.

"Zhou Peng is still too young." Li Nan sighed secretly.

Ruhr walked to the free throw line and made two free throws.

The Chinese team attacked, Qin Hao advanced with the ball, and after reaching the frontcourt, he passed it to Liu Wei, organized by Liu Wei, and he moved quickly, circled the inside line, and came to the right three-point line to receive the ball.

"Be careful he shoots three pointers..."

People yelled to remind the Spanish players.

The Spanish player's reaction was not slow either. They quickly switched defenses and Ibaka pounced on Qin Hao, but when he did, Qin Hao had already made a shot.


With a soft sound, a three-pointer hit.

The ball hit, the Spanish players couldn't help but sigh. The Spanish coach also frowned and shouted at the court: "Be better guarded."



Several players responded.

Gasol stopped his teammates and told them: "You must be fast when you change defenses. Don't let Qin make a three-pointer. He wants to strengthen his personal offense."

Sending such a lineup from China, and Qin Hao handed the ball to Liu Wei just after halftime, and let Liu Wei organize it. The Spanish players have already understood.


With a muffled sound, Ibaka shot the ball and hit the iron.

This time he faced Yi Jianlian. Yi Jianlian defended well. With Wang Zhizhi's timely defense, he interfered with Ibaka. Then Yi Jianlian took the rebound and passed it to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao came to the front court and passed the ball to Liu Wei. He started to run. Others were also covering for him. However, the Spanish team changed their defenses very quickly. Qin Hao could only catch the ball at the top of the arc, away from the three-point line. A full two meters. In front of him is Ruhr, and at this moment Ruhr is staring at Qin Hao carefully, the center of gravity is very low.

However, the next moment, to Ruhr's surprise, Qin Hao actually jumped directly, just two meters away from the three-point line and directly jumped to shoot a three-pointer.

This caught Ruhr by surprise. After all, it was the first time that he played face-to-face with Qin Hao. He didn't have time to pounce on him, but he turned his head subconsciously and looked towards the basket.

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