Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1154: Substitute gap


In an instant, Calderon and Crafer's hearts trembled, but it was too late to stop, the basketball was robbed, and they were robbed on top of their heads.

In the audience, people's eyes widened, and exclamations rang out.

"Fuck, Qin Hao is too fierce."

"This is one grab for two, with the hat off the top, it's too good to break."

The people screamed in excitement.

The fans of the Spanish team looked depressed, looking at Calderon and Crafer in discomfort. Calderon is 191 cm tall and can't beat Qin Hao. However, Craver was 206 cm tall, nearly ten cm taller than Qin Hao, and it was shameful for Qin Hao to grab a rebound on top of his head.

Craver himself felt embarrassed. He didn't expect Qin Hao to bounce so well and speed so fast, so his reaction was a little slower, and the ball was snatched away.

"Hmph, even fouls won't let you score." Crafer became angry, ready to pull Qin Hao down even if it was a foul, and would never let him into a second attack.

However, at this moment, Qin Hao actually passed the ball and passed it to Zhu Fangyu.

Craver was stunned, Zhu Fangyu was also stunned, but soon he reacted and jumped up quickly, shaking his wrist...


Go in this time.

"Yeah." Zhu Fangyu shouted excitedly, waving his arms.

Although he missed one shot, he seized the opportunity for the second one.

Of course, I have to thank Qin Hao. He rushed to Qin Hao and high-five Qin Hao. The two quickly retreated and returned to their own half to set up a defense.

Unknowingly, the Chinese team had already overtaken the score, making the Spanish team's coach secretly frown. Today's game is really not easy to win, and Qin Hao is a big trouble.

In the next few rounds, Qin Hao played a very important role in the defense of Ferrandes. Ferrandes couldn't make it through suddenly, and he didn't want to make a good shot, as if he was suddenly turned off.

However, the Spanish team still has an advantage in position 3 and position 4. Fortunately, under the lead of Qin Hao on the Chinese team, Yi Jianlian, Zhu Fangyu and others also started to score and kept the lead.

The first quarter played more than seven minutes, and the Chinese team led by 4 points.


The Spanish team called a timeout and began substitutions.

Coach Deng Huade of the Chinese team also began to change, gradually replacing the bench lineup, replacing Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, Qin Hao, etc., into the rotation time.

But when the two sides switched to the rotation lineup, the Chinese team immediately fell into a disadvantage.




With a crisp sound, Zhang Zhaoxu's beater fouled, and the referee blew his whistle to signal that Zhang Zhaoxu's beater fouled, and Gasol also scored the ball.

Zhang Zhaoxu's face was depressed, and he felt helpless. He didn't want to foul, and he wanted to guard against it, but he couldn't do it.

"To face Gasol, Zhang Zhaoxu has suffered too much." Li Nan shook his head and suggested to Coach Deng Huade: "Coach, how about a substitution?"

"Substitution, who to change? Yao Ming?" Coach Deng Huade asked rhetorically, shaking his head: "This is only the first quarter. At this time, we have to replace Yao Ming at the rotation time. What about the latter? Does the rotation time need to be changed? Let Yao Ming go, can his physical strength be eaten up?"

"This..." Li Nan sighed again as he was speechless.

The reason is this, but if you don't get Yao Ming, neither Zhang Zhaoxu nor Wang Zhizhi can prevent Gasol.

In fact, there is another reason why coach Deng Huade did not change Yao Ming. At this time, the Chinese team fell into a disadvantage not only because of Gasol, Zhang Zhaoxu really could not prevent Gasol, this point completely fell into the disadvantage, but other Do points have an advantage?


At this time, the Spanish team is on the full bench, center Gasol small, power forward Felipe Reyes, small forward Fernando San Emetrio, shooting guard Juan Carlos Navarro, Point guard Sergio Rodriguez.

It goes without saying that Gasol has Wang Zhizhi on the Chinese team's power forward position, which is basically equal to the other side. The small forward position is Zhou Peng. After all, he is only 23 years old. Austria is inferior in comparison, and the Spanish team at the back line has the upper hand.

Shooting guard Juan Carlos Navarro, nicknamed "Bomb", played for the NBA Grizzlies, and later returned to play in the European League. He has won the Spanish League Championship and the European League Championship many times, and has won many times. MVP, scoring champion and player of the year and other titles.

Pointing guard Sergio Rodríguez, nicknamed "European Magician" and "European Chocolate", participated in the NBA Draft in 2006 and was selected with the 27th overall pick in the first round. He moved to the Suns, Trail Blazers, Trail Blazers, and Knicks. Wait for multiple teams.

Later returned to Europe, won the Spanish Super Cup MVP, was selected for the 2014 Spanish League Best Team, won the European League MVP, was selected as the first team, European Player of the Year...

Against the back line formed by Navarro and Rodriguez, the Chinese team is totally not opponents with Liu Wei, Guo Ailun, and Wang Shipeng.

Of the five positions on the field, none of the Chinese teams can have the upper hand. Position 1, No. 2, and No. 5 are completely at a disadvantage. How can they not be at a disadvantage?


With a soft sound, Gasol made a free throw and scored 2+1.

Coach Deng Huade finally chose to replace Qin Hao and Yi Jianlian. After the two played on the field, the situation improved a bit. However, Coach Deng Huade frowned and worried-the replacement lineup was too different. How to solve this problem?

A moment later, the first quarter ended, the score was 23:20, and the Spanish team led by 3 points.

This score is not satisfactory to the Chinese team fans. It is necessary to know that when Qin Hao and other main players are replaced one after another, the Chinese team is leading, and by the end of the first quarter it becomes 3 points behind.

"The bench is not good."

"There is no way, the lineup gap is too big. Several players from the other side have NBA backgrounds, and Gasol is led by the NBA All-Star player, how do you let Liu Wei play with them?"


In the audience, the fans were discussing, all sighing.

Why the Spanish team is regarded as "the strongest in Group B" is not only because they have Gasol brothers and can put up a starting lineup of all NBA players, but also because in addition to the starting lineup, their bench lineup is also very strong. Many players who have played for the NBA are not the Spanish League mvp or the best player in the European League.

In comparison, the Chinese team's bench is too inferior.

By the way, the Spanish team is missing Ricky Rubio. The "European Golden Boy" missed the Olympics because of a knee injury, otherwise the Spanish team will be stronger.

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