Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1139: Brothers join forces


In the apartment, Butler leaned on the sofa, and American dramas were playing on the TV screen, but he was not interested, his eyes lost, as if sleepwalking.

Butler is in a bad mood these days.

Although he was mentally prepared for a long time, he still felt uncomfortable when he learned that he was put on the shelf and might be traded by the Pistons.

"After all, I will be traded..." Butler whispered to himself.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Butler recovered from his chaotic thoughts, picked up the phone, and after hearing only one sentence, he jumped up: "What did you say? The 76ers?"

The call was made by an executive of the team's management. He is one of the few people who have a good relationship with Butler. He told Butler that the 76ers are contacting the Pistons, seeking a deal, and wanting to use Brand. Trade him.

How to trade Butler didn't care, he cares about the 76ers.

When I hung up, Butler's mind was still buzzing, and his mood was very complicated.

Although Qin Hao has not called him, he can guess that there is definitely Qin Hao's relationship here. Otherwise, why would the 76ers want to trade him?

There are many choices for the 76ers, and he is just a second-year player who has just experienced an injury and even his team has concerns about him. Why?

"Also, if you can go to the 76ers, you can play with Qin again." Butler exhaled, he didn't really have any feelings for the Pistons.

It seems not bad now.

Only soon Butler got news that the Pistons rejected the 76ers' proposal. They were not satisfied with the 76ers' conditions and didn't want Brand. After all, where is Brand's situation, and his salary for the next year reaches 18 million US dollars, it is completely a hot potato.

In fact, the 76ers are not surprised by this result

Brand's transaction value is indeed not high. The 76ers are suspected of "shocking the pot". As long as the Pistons are not fools, they will not agree to this plan.

The 76ers then modified the plan to trade Butler with Brand, plus a future first-round non-lottery pick.

As a result, the Pistons refused again.

This time the Pistons put forward their own terms, they hope to get Leonard and Lou Wei, plus a future first-round draft pick, to trade Butler.

This was obviously the Lion's big mouth. Stefansky refused without thinking about it. Only Leonard and Lu Wei felt that he was losing, let alone a pick.


After that, the two sides started to arguing, one asking for a wild price, and the other repaying the money on the spot.

Looking at the 76ers and Pistons for Butler's inking, other teams simply stepped in and ran to make trouble. The Mavericks and Hornets jumped out and joined the fight.

Butler was so anxious this time. He didn't want to go to the Mavericks or the Hornets. Who knows what will happen if he goes, will it be the same as the Pistons, or worse.

Butler immediately told the Pistons that he only wanted to go to the 76ers and I only love my good brother!

Finally, after some wrangling, the 76ers revised the trading plan, and the Pistons also nodded in agreement-the 76ers sent Brand + Holiday, plus a future first-round non-lottery pick, in addition to this year His two second-round rookies, namely Justin Hamilton with the 45th overall pick, and Tonick Sangilia, the 54th overall, were packaged and sent to the Pistons to get Butler from the Pistons.

This is tantamount to a 4-for-1 and a future first-round non-lotto draft pick.

But there is no way. The Pistons don't want to take Brand's plate. The 76ers want to get rid of Brand's contract and clean up the cap space, so they have to pay some price.

Another point is that the Sixers’ deal with Holiday was to sign first and then change. They first signed a 4-year $38 million contract with Holiday, and then sent Holiday to the Pistons.

This can be regarded as a compensation to Holiday, which is equivalent to he got a big contract in advance. Although he was traded to the Pistons, at least he doesn't have to worry about his contract.

The reason why Holiday was given away, not others, besides needing a valuable bargaining chip, was because of Holiday himself.

Now that the 76ers have Qin Hao, Holiday can only be used as a substitute. He is not willing to be a substitute all the time. He is still very young. He wants to make a breakthrough. He has a chance to become a starter in other teams. There will be more opportunities to play, more opportunities to show their talent and strength.

For this reason, Stefansky also specifically discussed with Qin Hao.

Qin Hao also talked to Huo Ledi, and finally had a "sign first and then change" to send Huo Ledi away.

Qin Hao also understands Holledi. In the memory of his last life, Holledi left the 76ers and went to the next Pelicans, where he made a stable starting position for the Pelicans. A few years later, he won 131 million in 5 years. Big contract in US dollars.

But if he stays in the 76ers and works as a substitute, it is impossible for him to get a five-year contract of 131 million yuan, and his talent may also be buried.

Therefore, sending him away is not a bad thing.

The deal between the two sides was quickly reached, Brand, Holiday, Justin Hamilton, Tonick Sangilia, four were sent to the Pistons, and Butler became a 76ers player.

After this transaction, Butler moved to Philadelphia, Qin Hao and him hurriedly met, and then had to leave. The team's lineup has been basically determined, Butler has also come to the 76ers, and then the team has to sign those free agents Qin Hao does not intend to intervene, it has to give Stefanski a bit of face.

There is also the London Olympics at the end of July. The Chinese men's basketball team has already started training. Qin Hao has delayed a lot of time and must return to China.


Philadelphia, airport.

Qin Hao is about to return to China, and Jiang Xue will go back with him. There are some domestic affairs that need to be handled by him. First, some affairs of domestic investment company branches, and the additional investment in "Byte Beat" needs her to personally discuss. By the way, I also went back to see her family. She hasn't been back for a long time.

Those who came to see off were Butler, Xiaoka and others.

"Go back." Qin Hao waved to everyone.

"Qin, take care all the way." Butler and Qin Hao hugged, and finally said "thank you".

Qin Hao smiled and patted Butler on the back, and said to him: "I know your strength, when I come back, we will work hard together next season, I believe we will be able to go further."

Butler also smiled and nodded.

A plane rushed into the sky, and Butler, Xiaoka and others also left the arena. Butler did not return to his apartment, but went directly to the training arena with Xiaoka.

This summer, he is going to spend in the arena. He wants to improve himself and make himself stronger, because he can't let Qin Hao down, but he has to prove himself.

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