Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1138: One hundred and eighty degrees of change

Qin Hao knew what he was thinking by looking at Stefansky's expression.

However, the reason why Qin Hao wanted him to trade to Butler was not just to help Butler. Others may not be optimistic about Butler, even if Butler has shown a little rosy this season. But Qin Hao knew very well that Butler's injury had fully recovered and had no effect. He was still that "tough guy".

In fact, Butler today is much stronger than Qin Hao's memory of the same period. If he grows like this, he will become an All-Star in the future.

Such a future All-Star player was put on the shelf by the Pistons. In Qin Hao's view, this is a "big sale at a loss", and it would be a loss if he didn't buy it.

"Ed." Qin Hao said: "Please believe me. Although Butler and I are good friends, his strength and talent will never let you down. Trade him over and you will definitely make a lot of money."

"This..." Stefansky frowned.

He didn't believe Qin Hao's statement very much, and he still felt that Qin Hao was because of his personal relationship with Butler.

But thinking of last year’s draft, Qin Hao asked him to pick Leonard. Later, it turned out that Qin Hao was right. Leonard's performance exceeded expectations. The Sixth overall made a profit with the 16th overall pick in the first round.

Moreover, Qin Hao's decision seemed to be correct every time.

"Okay." Stefansky finally chose to compromise. Anyway, I have compromised several times just now, not bad this time.

Another point is that if you do not trade Iguodala, Speights, Lu Wei and others, then the 76ers will not have enough chips to chase all-star players like Howard.

Then the second best thing seems to be a player like Butler.

Seeing that Stefansky was still very depressed, with a look of unwillingness, Qin Hao stood up and said goodbye, gave Stefansky a hug, patted him on the back, and said, "Believe me, Butler will never Let you down. Even without Howard, next season we will be stronger than we are now."

Hearing what Qin Hao said, Stefansky was in a better mood, but did not let Qin Hao go. He grabbed him and licked his face and said, "Well, Qin, let's talk about investment... "

The two talked for more than ten minutes before Stefansky sent Qin Hao to the door.

At this time, Stefansky's face was no longer depressed, full of smiles, and the assistant who looked at the door was very curious, wondering what the two were talking about?

After watching Qin Hao disappear at the end of the corridor, Stefansky looked back. He rubbed his smiling stiff face and couldn't help sighing. How did he feel that his general manager had become a tool man?

But think about the benefits Qin Hao has brought to myself...Well, there is nothing wrong with being a tool man, as long as you can make a fortune with Qin Hao, it is actually quite happy to be a tool man.

Then Stefansky ordered his assistant to convene a meeting with Jonathan and others.


In the meeting room.

After being scolded, Jonathan and the others, who hadn't adjusted, were sitting in a dreadful manner.

"Jonathan." Stefansky asked: "How is the trading plan you asked you to do?"

Jonathan trembled all over. He was just worried about whether the general manager was going to ask him if he caught the traitor. Fortunately, it wasn't the question. He breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "It's done." Then, he said. Take out a folder from the briefcase and pass it to Stefansky, "These are..."

As a result, Stefansky waved his hand and didn't mean to accept the folder. He interrupted directly: "Okay, the plan has changed. I suddenly discovered that Howard may not be suitable for us. Also, Iguodala, Si Bates, Lu Wei and others have paid a lot for the team. Especially Iguodala, if he risked injury to save the fourth game of the playoffs, Iverson can complete the lore, we can Did it make a tie-break with the Heat?"


Jonathan looked dumbfounded.

A group of management also raised their heads and looked at Mr. General Manager in amazement. They said that you nodded before, and also said that everyone except Qin can trade. Did you forget?

"Cough cough." Stefansky was also embarrassed in his heart. He gave a light cough, but his expression remained the same, as if he said that those people were not him, and continued: "This season just ended, our results are very good, it proves This lineup is feasible, there is no need to send the players out, even if it is exchanged for Howard, the lineup will change drastically when the time comes, and what should we do if we fail to achieve good enough results?"

"Well, it makes sense."

"Also, in case Howard and Qin fail to produce a chemical reaction..."

Everyone agreed.

I have to say that Stefansky still has a strong control over the management.

Of course, the reason he was looking for was justifiable, and at this time, the rumors from the outside world were raging. At this time, the general manager had changed, so as to calm people's hearts, which is understandable.

"But..." Stefansky said again: "Reinforcement still needs to be reinforced. I have an idea, use Brand to trade Jimmy Butler with the Pistons. What do you think?"


"Use Brand to trade Jimmy Butler? Wait, why is Jimmy Butler?"

Everyone was in a daze again.

Wait, let me stroke my mind a little bit.

"Is it because of Qin?"

It was Jonathan's mind that turned fast, or he was the deputy general manager. He immediately remembered Qin Hao's arrival before, and then thought of the relationship between Qin Hao and Butler, it seemed that everything was clear.

However, Qin Hao's tone of the general manager changed one hundred and eighty degrees after this one, which still made Jonathan feel incredible.

Some people also reacted, thinking of Qin Hao, they couldn't help being surprised.

Of course, they won't ask in person, or where should the general manager's face be put?

"What do you think?" Stefansky asked.

"I have no opinion." Jonathan started.

This time he didn't say yes, only said no opinion.

Others also expressed that they had no opinion and did not understand the truth, but they did not want to take responsibility. Anyway, the general manager made the decision by himself and took the responsibility. It has nothing to do with me.

"That's it." Stefansky said: "You can discuss the specific details, and then hurry up and get in touch with the Pistons."

"Yes." Everyone responded.

The crowd broke up.

Stefansky sat in the chair and suddenly felt a little headache again. Although his subordinates were very obedient, he still had to find a way to persuade the boss, but he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to give up chasing Howard and trade for Butler. But at this time, I can only bite the bullet and dry up.

I hope Qin is right.

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