Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1133: End of training camp

"What a pity."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Derek's injury, maybe the Bulls would have won in the end."

"Although I lost the tiebreaker, the most important thing is Derek's injury. I hope he didn't hurt too much."

In the villa.

Everyone is talking about it.

Qin Hao was also a little worried about Rose, but since Rose can return to the sidelines after going back to the locker room to check, then the problem shouldn't be too big.

However, Qin Hao called Rose overnight, and received the news that Rose could barely walk freely. Although his knee was painful but not severe, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then comforted Rose for two consecutive years. To the Heat, especially this time he was injured and failed to play the entire game, he must be very unwilling.

On the phone, Rose's tone was still calm, but Qin Hao felt unwilling and annoyed under the calm, and he must be the same if he changed it.

The next day, Qin Hao called Ross again and asked about the detailed inspection results.

When Qin Hao hung up, Butler, Curry and others quickly asked, "How is it?"

"Fortunately, it's just a first-degree sprain. It's not very serious." Qin Hao said, happy for Ross. Although he lost the tiebreaker, the injury was not serious. The first-degree sprain had no structural damage and the ligaments were intact. It takes 1-2 weeks to recover, and there will be no sequelae, which is a blessing in misfortune.

"That is not bad."

"Huh, I really sweated for Derek. Fortunately, it's not a big problem."

"It's okay to lose the Eastern Conference. As long as he stays healthy, he will come back next season. Derek is still very young and maybe they can get stronger next season."

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the topic talked about the Heat.

"This time the Heat's chances of winning the championship have greatly increased."

"I have to say that the Heat are very lucky. They won the two tie-breaks in the end."

"Hey, the Heat will face the Thunder in the next finals. The Thunder will be in full swing. The Heat will face them after two rounds of tie-breaks. It's a good show."

"Maybe this time the Heat won't win the championship..."

The Eastern Conference Finals is over, and the Western Conference Finals is over. The Heat and the Thunder will join in the finals. The Heat have James, Wade, and Bosh, and the Thunder also have Durant, Westbrook, Harden, and Ibaka. It is indeed exciting. .

However, Qin Hao is still not very optimistic about the Thunder. The Heat can laugh at the end of two consecutive rounds of tie-breaks, which is enough to explain a lot of problems, and after two rounds of tie-breaks, they are obviously better at fighting tough games than the Thunder.

Of course, the talent of the Thunder is absolutely unremarkable, no worse than the Heat, but they are still too young in the end.



The Bulls players have returned to Chicago. Rose, accompanied by the team doctor and coach Thibodeau, underwent an MRI at the Bulls Cooperative Hospital.

There is no structural damage, the ligaments are intact, just a first-degree sprain.

This made everyone feel relieved. The team doctor took the inspection report and said to Rose: "It's really lucky this time. Fortunately, you dropped the basket at the time. If you fall directly, I'm afraid it's not just a first-degree sprain." Then, he looked at Coach Thibodeau, his tone a little annoyed, "Coach Thibodeau, you should be thankful that I stopped you. If you really let Derek come on the court with an injury and finish the last quarter, the result may get worse. ."

"Yes." Coach Thibodeau also had a lingering fear at this time, and did not refute the accusation of the team doctor. "I admit that I was a little bit too calm at the time. I should respect your professional advice."

At that time, Rose returned to the locker room for a check. Although it was still painful, at least he could walk. Rose returned to the court and wanted to play with his injuries.

Coach Thibodeau also does not want to lose the tiebreaker. They are so close to the finals and support Rose to continue playing with injuries, hoping to win the game.

Fortunately, the team doctor stopped in time.

In fact, Ross's character would have to fight even if he was injured, but he suddenly thought of Qin Hao's advice to him, and in the end he didn't insist on it.

"Thank God, but also Qin." Rose muttered to himself.

Because Rose himself knew that if Qin Hao didn't repeatedly dissuade him and suggest him to change his playing style, then he would definitely be the same as before, frequently changing directions without slowing down, dunking without hanging up the frame.

As the team doctor said just now, if he hadn't changed his habit, hung up the basket after dunking, and removed some strength, this time it would not necessarily be a first-degree sprain.

It's just that because of an injury, he has to rest for 1-2 weeks, so "Rising Stars Training Camp" Ross is definitely not catching up.


It was the end of June in a blink of an eye.

In the basketball hall of Syracuse University, the players of the Tomorrow Stars Training Camp ended their day of training and began their daily repertoire-heads-up.

This time Qin Hao didn't go there, and gave the opportunity to others, so people have to enhance their sense of experience.

There is another reason, because today is their last day of training. After today, the training of the "Rising Stars Training Camp" this year will also end.

"It's so fast." Butler stood beside Qin Hao and said with emotion: "A month has passed in a blink of an eye."

"Yes." Qin Hao was also a little bit sad.

If it is other times, everyone can actually train together for a longer time, but because of the Olympics this year, Qin Hao needs to participate in the London Olympics. In addition, Pingtou will participate in the draft and Browning will also participate in trial training to prepare for the summer league. The two have left early more than ten days ago.

So this time everyone can only train together for one month.

On the field.

At the end of the round of heads-up, Jiang Feng and Wang Lei were both brushed down.

The two came to Qin Hao, and Wang Lei asked, "Are you going back to China with us?"

Qin Hao glanced at Butler next to him, and said, "I'll wait a few more days to deal with some things. You go back first. I've already told him on Brother Ming, and I won't delay the national team training."

July is the London Olympics.

This Olympics is very important for the Chinese men's basketball team, because this may be Yao Ming's last Olympics. The Chinese men's basketball team must seize this opportunity to strive for better results.

Thinking of the Olympics, Qin Hao's heart moved: "I don't know if this Olympics will be the same as in my last life. Will James, Durant and Westbrook participate?"

Because the Heat played two consecutive tiebreaks in the Eastern Conference this year in the NBA playoffs, and the Heat and Thunder in the finals played until the sixth game before they could decide the winner, the playoff schedule was stretched for a long time. It ended yesterday.

In the end, the Heat beat the Thunder 4:2 to win the 2011-2012 NBA championship.

Only then did the finals come to an end. July is the Olympics, and Qin Hao is not sure whether James, Durant, and Westbrook will participate in the Olympics.

PS: Although it's a pity that the Clippers were eliminated, the Suns played really well, and Brother Gunner was really top-notch!

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