Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1132: Forge ahead

Syracuse University, New York.

In the basketball arena, players from the Tomorrow Stars training camp are training.

"Barry, you go to help Jiang Feng and Wang Lei, mainly to correct the details of their shots." Qin Hao said to Barry, then turned around and came to Clay's side, "Klay, your way is right, believe me. Me. You only need to do two things well, shooting and defense are enough."

"What about breakthroughs, don't you need them at all?" Clay frowned and asked.

"Never mind that, practice shooting and defense." Qin Hao rolled his eyes, and said to his heart that you have no points in your own control skills?

In the memory of Qin Hao's last life, Clay was a top 3D player, the top scorer in the league, once he was accurate, he was no worse than Curry.

Clay is still very young now, Qin Hao can actually give him some other suggestions, but he did not intervene after thinking about it, because the Clay in his memory may be the best Clay.

After that, Qin Hao came to Curry and suggested: "Steven, your three-pointers are good enough, but I think you should strengthen your breakthrough, and the combination of sudden shots is the kingly way. When everyone knows that your three-pointers are accurate, against defense When you make a three-pointer, the breakthrough becomes very important."

"Yeah." Curry nodded, but frowned, and said with a wry smile: "But my physical talent is not particularly good, and I have no advantage in height. After breaking through, I feel a bit disadvantaged to hit the inside."

The reason why Curry scored the highest average of 28.6 points per game in the United States at Davidson Academy, and also averaged 4.4 rebounds, 5.6 assists and 2.5 steals per game, but he was not favored when he participated in the draft, the biggest reason. It is that his physical talent is not outstanding.

In Curry’s scout report, he wrote: “This is not a real point guard. He always swings between the first and second positions. Shooting options need to be strengthened, defensive ability is poor, breakthrough speed is not strong, it seems There is no room for improvement. Athletic power, wingspan, and body shape are average, and they are not suitable for gaining muscle, and they rely too much on outside shots, so the upper limit is not high."

Although the face of the person who wrote this scout report was swollen afterwards, Curry himself had to admit that his physical talent was average.

The height is not enough, the wingspan is average, the explosive power and the jumping are average. Such conditions make Curry really suffer from the muscular inside line of the NBA after breaking through.

"No." Qin Hao said: "You don't have to fight hard with those devil muscles. You have excellent hand feeling and skilled ball handling skills. You have to learn to use these. Use rhythm to confuse opponents, avoid blocks, and use your skills to go. End the offense, such as throwing shots, high boards, drawbars, etc..."

Curry's eyes lit up and he nodded again and again: "Qin, thank you, I think I understand what to do."

In the past few days, in addition to training with everyone, Qin Hao is also observing everyone, and then using his "foresight" and current professional knowledge to give a lot of suggestions to the friends.

After listening to Qin Hao's advice, everyone had different gains, and they became more and more convinced by Qin Hao.

After an hour of free training.

The players stopped, rested for a while and began to fight in groups.


With a soft sound, Qin Hao hit a jumper.

On the edge of the court, several trainers such as Wood, Barry, Snake, Hans and others gathered together, watching the match on the court while talking.

"Enter another one." Hans asked: "Barry, Wood, I've been training Qin's mid-range shots a lot these days. I'm also practicing during free training. What's the situation?"

"Does your home have no internet?" Before Barry and Wood could speak, Sneek took the conversation. "Did you not watch the 76ers and the Heat series? The Heat's defense of Qin in the entire series is limited to three-pointers. And break through the frame and let Qin CIC, because Qin's mid-range is not very stable, he is aiming to improve and make up for his shortcomings."

"Really?" Hans looked at Barry and Wood.

Barry and Wood nodded, saying that's it.

Hans looked at the court again, and for a while, he was puzzled: "But I think Qin's mid-range is very stable, and his shooting rate is so high that it is called a shortboard? Then don't everyone else have shortboards all over?"


For a moment, snooker was speechless.

At this time, Qin Hao's mid-range shooting was indeed accurate and stable, and it was not at all noticeable that his mid-range shooting was unstable.

This made Barry and Wood, the two Qin Hao trainers, didn't know how to explain. Observing carefully, Qin Hao's middle distance seemed to be more accurate than in the Eastern Conference semifinals.

But how long is this?

Is it an illusion?

This is not an illusion. On the one hand, the defensive intensity of the matchup at this time, and the intensity of the game is not a level compared to the Eastern Semifinals; on the other hand, the "critical point" has appeared again in the past few days, and it has become more clear, so Qin Hao's mid-range shots have become more handy, naturally, he has to be more stable.

With so many NBA players gathered together, some of them will become NBA All-Star players or even superstars in a few years. They train together. It can be said that they are forging ahead and are of great benefit to each other. Individuals are making rapid progress, including Qin Hao of course.

In the past few days, it is not just Qin Hao helping everyone, everyone is actually helping Qin Hao. During the confrontation training, Qin Hao is tempering his mid-range shooting, hoping to complete the transformation quickly.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, the training is over.

Everyone returned to the villa and sat in the living room after dinner, waiting for the final tiebreaker.

Today is the tiebreaker, which is highly anticipated.

From the beginning of the game, the Heat relied on their home court advantage to take the lead, and quickly gained an 8-point lead. However, the Bulls quickly counterattacked, leading the score in the second quarter.

After that, the scores of the two sides have been anxious, leading alternately, and the match was particularly tragic. After all, it was a tie-break, a battle of life and death, not to mention that the two sides were still rivals.

Entering the third quarter, the Bulls hit a wave of shock waves and suddenly extended their lead to 9 points.

But at this moment, Rose exploded with both hands after a breakthrough, but when he landed, he twisted his knee and fell to the ground in pain, and then he was helped by his teammates and returned to the locker room.

This accident became a turning point in the game. The Bulls lost their core leader and became a little flustered. The Heat seized this opportunity to catch up with the score.

Although Rose returned to the court in the fourth quarter, he couldn't get on the court. His knees were already wrapped in an ice bag and he could only sit on the sidelines in frustration.

When the game ended, with a score of 107:98, the Heat defeated the Bulls, won a tie-break, won the Eastern Conference championship for two consecutive years, and reached the finals.

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