Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1016: Get serious!


The second quarter of the game was over, but the fat brother was still howling. He was excited. Seeing Qin Hao and Rose's empty dunk dunk, he felt the adrenaline soaring, not screaming.

Originally, for Qin Hao's first All-Star selection, Peng Jun also felt that it would take ten minutes. After all, Yao Ming only scored two points in the first All-Star game.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hao had already scored 13 points in the first half, and almost every goal was very exciting, three three-pointers, and slam dunks, bull!

"Fat brother." The roommate reminded: "It's almost done, wait for the uncle in charge to come up and knock on the door."

"Fear of a hammer." The fat brother cursed, but he stopped howling, and sat back in front of the computer again, "This is only the first half, do you think Qin Hao can get 20+ today?"

"20+, this may be a bit hanged, the first half hit rate is too high, the second half may not be able to maintain this hit rate..." a serious analysis of one person, before he finished, Fat Brother's "death gaze" "When it comes, he immediately changed his words, "If you want me to say, isn't it 20+? It's absolutely no problem, I can."

"Yes, I can do it."


Everyone said one after another.

Fat brother nodded his head with a serious expression. Everyone thought so, that would definitely be okay. If Qin Hao scored 20+ for the first time participating in the All-Star Game, he would be able to play for a long time.


Southern province.

Yunlong team.

A group of Yunlong players sat in the conference room, a group of people staring at the projection screen, watching the NBA All-Star Game.

This is definitely not the case for other cba teams, but it is normal for the Yunlong team, because Jiang Feng and Wang Lei are good brothers with Qin Hao.

"Qin Hao played very well today, already 13 points."

"Ross also played very well. The two of them cooperated really well, and people were very excited. Look, this is it, that's it..."

It was the intermission time. The broadcast screen was showing the highlights of the first half, including the wonderful cooperation between Qin Hao and Rose, and it happened that Rose passed the ball behind his head, and Qin Hao took off and picked up the dunk.

Not to mention that this ball is a fan, it is the CBA professional players of the Yunlong team that are full of enthusiasm, and they only feel that every cell in the body is roaring.

Jiang Feng didn't say anything, nor did he participate in the discussion, but the corners of his mouth were raised with a smile.

Wang Lei talked a few words with his teammates, turned his head and looked at the wonderful cooperation between Qin Hao and Rose on the projection screen, and suddenly became a little depressed. How good would it be to cooperate with Qin Hao?

Unfortunately, Qin Hao is now an NBA star, and he can only play cba. There is a huge gap between two different leagues. Is there still a chance to fight with Qin Hao?

"Don't worry." Jiang Feng suddenly spoke, and whispered to Wang Lei: "The NBA may be a bit far away, but as long as we can enter the national team, we can still play with Qin Hao."

"Yeah." Wang Lei's eyes lit up and he nodded heavily.


Yuyang City.

Qin Hao's house.

Seeing the picture of Qin Haofei's body bursting on the TV screen, Qin Hao's grandparents, grandparents, and the four old people couldn't help but widen their eyes, exclaiming "jump so high."

Qin Zhenguo couldn't laugh or cry. He had been popularizing science for the old father-in-law for a long time, but it didn't seem to have any effect. The old man asked "Why didn't Qin Hao score a goal" after a while, so he couldn't say anything.

With 13 points in the half, there are indeed not many games compared to Qin Hao's usual games.

But this is the All-Star Game!

In fact, countless fans across the country are cheering for Qin Hao. Qin Hao's score of 13 points in half is enough to make them excited, not to mention there are several wonderful goals.

In addition to Qin Hao, Yao Ming has already scored 10 points and scored in double figures, instead of taking a cut-off in the All-Star Game as before.

Thanks to Yao Ming's transformation, his style of play has changed. His autumn style was really not suitable for the All-Star Game, so his presence in the All-Star Game has always been low.


Orlando, United States.

The intermission is over and the second half begins.

The western troops sent Yao Ming, Love, Durant, Kobe, and Paul. On the east side are Howard, James, Anthony, Wade, and Deron.

Neither Qin Hao nor Ross came.

This is actually a good thing. Both are the starters of the Eastern Conference All-Stars. Coach Spoelstra can actually send one of the two, but no, it means that we will let them both partner later.

There is no doubt that Qin Hao and Rose are definitely better than being separated and playing together with other players.

On the court.

Forming a change of defense, Paul confronted Howard, and immediately came to a "small fight big" teaching, howard awkwardly awkward, and finally Paul hit a jumper.

After Paul broke through the ball and passed it to Yao Ming, Yao Ming made a three-pointer, and after attracting the defense, he threw the ball inside, and Durant made an open cut, which was an empty dunk.

"nice shot."

The audience cheered.

Qin Hao couldn't help but applaud, and said to Rose: "It seems that the opponent wants to widen the point difference, and the defensive strength and offensive attitude are much stronger than the first half."

"Yeah." Rose nodded, frowning slightly, "If we don't increase the intensity here, I'm afraid we will suffer."

Entering the third quarter, the West troops were obviously more serious than the first half, and this change was reflected whether it was on the defensive end or on the offensive end.

It's just that the East team did not make changes in time. Neither James nor Wade were too serious and were still feeding Anthony the ball. However, Anthony shot too much today and relied on shooting too much. Faced with Durant's defense at this time, he should choose more breakthroughs, after all, Durant's height and wingspan are there.

But not.

So Anthony's shooting percentage began to decline, but Deron passed two good shots to Howard, assisted Howard twice in a row and staged two-handed dunks, but it was only a drop in the bucket.

But in a moment, the difference between the two sides began to widen.

"Request a timeout."

After four minutes into the third quarter, coach Spoelstra called for a timeout for substitutions, replacing Wade, Anthony, and Deron together, replacing Qin Hao, Rose, and Roll Deng.

Roll Deng replaced the injured Joe Johnson in the All-Star Game. He also participated in the All-Star Game for the first time. He didn't play much in the first half and only played for a few minutes.

"We have to be more serious." After the substitution, coach Spoelstra said in a deep voice: "Now we are behind by 9 points. We have better defense and reduced the score, understand?" After finishing, he watched Rose. At a glance, the heart said that I put Qin Hao and you together, and added Rohr-Deng to you, don't let me down.

"Understand." Several people agreed.

After a while, the pause ended.

The two sides returned to the court, and the Western troops also replaced Paul and Yao Ming, replaced by Westbrook and Griffin.

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