Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1015: Best shot of the day

Anthony has scored 16 points, and Rose has only scored 9 points, the gap is not small.

And looking at this situation, Anthony feels good. James and Wade are helping him again. Anthony will definitely continue to score. The first 20 minutes is not a big problem. Qin Hao feels that Rose must hurry up to catch up and don’t let both sides. Score too much.

In the first few minutes of the first quarter, Qin Hao passed the ball very well. Except for not shooting, he passed the ball to James, Howard, Anthony, and Rose around him almost the same. He controlled the ball well and did not favor Rose. . In those few minutes, it was Howard who made the most shots, but Howard was too inefficient and always hit the iron.

Because the game has just begun and there are starters on the court, Qin Hao, as a young man who was selected for the All-Star for the first time, naturally has a tie.

Until later, when he was replaced, Spoelstra left him and Rose on the court. Qin Hao knew the time had come and Spoelstra recognized them, so he could feed Rose more.

Now that the second quarter has come, there is no need to have too much scruples.

What's more, Ross played very well today. All the goals that should be scored were scored, and there was almost no waste. Now, if Qin Hao gives Ross but not Howard, no one can say anything.


Qin Hao gave Rose a wink, and then accelerated in a disguised manner. After passing by, he showed off a pass from behind and passed it to Rose, who had slipped along the baseline.

Rose caught the ball and jumped up, with Yao Ming standing in front of him. However, given the relationship between Yao Ming and Qin Hao and Rose, he would naturally not embarrass Rose in this kind of game. He just stretched out his hand symbolically.


Rose flew up and buckled his hands.

There was another cheering in the audience, wishing to turn the All-Star Game into a slam dunk contest. They liked the cooperation of Qin Hao and Rose even more. Many people were yelling for them to come again.

"Hey, why don't I have a good brother like Qin?" Howard was depressed. In such a game, it is really too difficult for no one to feed him the ball.

Can't show it!

A moment later, Qin Hao took the rebound and launched a counterattack. After reaching the frontcourt, he passed it to Rose, who had already reached the three-point line and rushed to the rim after receiving the ball. However, he didn't make a layup or slam dunk himself. Instead, he jumped up and passed the ball behind his head, threw the ball into the air, and yelled, "Qin."

Qin Hao understood, immediately jumped up, grabbed the basketball in the air and dunked it.

At this moment Ross hasn't landed yet, and Qin Hao has taken off. The media reporter under the basket has eyes glowing, clicks on the shutter, and when Qin Hao slams the ball in, he pats his camera contentedly and muttered to himself: " The best shot of today is there."

This is a beautiful air-coupling, which drew cheers from fans.

However, Qin Hao frowned and came to Rose's side and asked, "Derek, you can deduct this ball directly. I pass it to you to let you score. You..."

"Qin." Ross interrupted: "I know you want me to score more points and help me fight for mvp. But in my opinion, having a good brother like you is much more precious than the All-Star Game mvp."

Upon hearing this, Qin Hao's heart was shocked.

Ross is actually not very good at expressing his feelings, but Qin Hao is kind to him, and he thinks he should be kind to Qin Hao.

This is Qin Hao's first time to participate in the All-Star Game. In the audience, there are countless fans all over the world, especially China, who are paying attention to this game, paying attention to Qin Hao, hoping that he can have a good performance.

Rose knows this, so he doesn't want Qin Hao to give him all the chances in order to help him score. He also hopes that Qin Hao can have an outstanding performance and make his first All-Star tour even more exciting.

"Derek." Qin Hao took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and gave Rose a high-five, and smiled: "Thank you, I will perform well, and I will shoot when it's time to shoot. But you have to resolutely shoot when the chance is good."

"Okay." Rose nodded with a smile.

At this moment, mvp is not so important anymore.


The game continues.

The score between the two sides has been stalemate, and the difference is only a few points. The West Army is indeed very strong. Kobe played very well today, and Paul's organizational ability is undoubtedly revealed. On the East side, Howard was in a bad state and had a bad feel. He was replaced by Coach Spoelstra, replaced by Pierce, and simply didn't want to be inside.

Although there was no inside line, the East team made a very good shot from outside. Qin Hao scored another three-pointer, and it was an ultra-long three-pointer. He has already scored three three-pointers today and made 3 of 3 shots.

Rose scored a quick counter-attack layup and scored two points. Then Rose scored the ball to Qin Hao. After Qin Hao received the ball, a fake shot was passed to Rose who cut the ball, and Rose staged a two-handed dunk.

In addition, Pierce and Deron, who was just replaced, also scored points.

For a while, neither side was able to take advantage of it, but the fans were particularly enjoyable, especially for the performance of Qin Hao and Rose.

Coach Spoelstra was also very satisfied with the performance of Qin Hao and Rose. Qin Hao made 100% of his three-pointers and only missed one two-pointer, which was extremely high. Rose's shooting rate is also very high. Without James, Wade, Bosh, Anthony, and Howard has no sense of touch, the Eastern Forces can fight the opponent equally, and Qin Hao and Rose have made great contributions.

So after being replaced in the second quarter, Qin Hao and Rose have not been replaced until the end of the second quarter.

"65:64, tusk, this game is really anxious, the Western team only leads by 1 point."

"Today the West team played very well. Paul has sent out 8 assists. Kobe scored 19 points now, and he is going to score 20 points. Westbrook and Durant also played well. But the East team is not bad, especially Qin and Rose cooperated very tacitly. Those cooperations were really beautiful."

"Indeed, the cooperation between Qin and Rose is really good. James and Wade didn't play much today, but Qin and Rose carried the banner. How many points did Rose score? Oh, it's already 18 points."

"Qin has already scored 13 points."

"Tsk tut..."

During the intermission, the fans in the audience were discussing the first half of the game. Qin Hao and Rose performed very well and became one of the focuses of the discussion.

People are not surprised that Rose scored 18 points.

On the contrary, Qin Hao scored 13 points at halftime, which surprised many fans. After all, Qin Hao only participated in the All-Star Game for the first time, and it seemed that he didn't take many shots. He actually scored 13 points.

Indeed, Qin Hao didn't make many shots, but his shooting percentage was high. He made 5 of 6 shots, including three three-pointers, so he didn't seem to make a lot of shots, but he had already scored 13 points.

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