Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 354: Opponent is too weak

"Li! Li! Li!"

When Li Nan appeared on the stage, the audience all screamed. The momentum seemed to lift the arena to the top.

Feeling the warm atmosphere at the scene, many people who came to the scene for the first time today were also extremely excited.

Li Yapeng kept standing and applauding, Yang Wanli's face became even redder, Wang Zuxian kept shouting "Li Li Li", Yi Jianlian and the few players admired their faces, Liu Yudong and the others smiled proudly, Qian Coach Chenghai is always very relieved.

Little actor Yang Mi is a little confused. Why do these people respect Li Nan so much?

"Li Nan doesn't look handsome, that is, he is a little taller than ordinary people. Is it necessary to be so sought after? Or my Yapeng brother is more handsome."


Beep beep!

The starting players from both sides appeared.

76ers: Eric Snow, Allen Iverson, Li Nan, Derek Coleman, Ben Wallace,

Trail Blazers: Damon Stoudemire, Isiah Ryder, Brian Grant, Rashid Wallace, Avidas Sabonis.

Both sides stand in the middle circle.

Before the referee's whistle sounded, the people on both sides were already rubbing shoulders. Especially Coleman and Rashid Wallace in the circle.


A whistle!

The referee threw the ball, and the two jumped up.

Coleman grabbed the ball from Wallace who was 3 cm taller than himself!


Just a ball, the 76ers fans on the scene are excited.

When the 76ers took possession of the ball, both players still began to turn around and walk towards the Blazers' backcourt.

It was in this relaxed gap that Iverson, who had taken the ball, suddenly passed the ball diagonally to Li Nan. Li Nan chased and killed him and shot a three-pointer with a cold arrow.


A hollow three-pointer hit, and the clear net win resounded through the audience.

At the scene that had just been quiet for a second, many 76ers fans who had just sat down suddenly became noisy.

"Yeah! Good shot!"

The little girl Yang Mi blinked, and she didn't feel much about seeing Li Yapeng and they were very excited.

"Isn't it just a goal? What's so exciting?"

Li Yapeng was unhappy, "That's a three-pointer. I shot it so far, isn't it great?"

"Isn't it normal for them to throw basketball every day when they play basketball?"

Li Yapeng shook his head. For a basketball player, he really didn't want to say much.

The game continued, Li Nan was still scoring, and the fans at the scene kept applauding him.

Yang Mi's eyes opened wide, and she tried hard to understand what Li Nan was really good about. However, she just couldn't find out.

"Isn't Li Nan just able to run? Isn't it just a lie? Isn't it just relying on his teammates to cover and shoot the ball accurately? But, where does he have that small No. 3 guy?"

Hearing her saying this, Li Yapeng also shook his head, "Iverson's tricks and Li Nan will also!"

"Cut~ I don't believe it! If he knows, why not use him?"

As soon as Yang Mi's voice fell, Li Nan suddenly came on the court with a butterfly and walked past Grant, and attacked a dunk under the basket.

Li Yapeng smiled openly, "I see, this is Li Nan's strength."

There are small stars in Yang Mi's eyes, but her mouth is still stiff.

"It's really something, but it's normal. Li Nan grows so tall, and he specializes in basketball. It's nothing great to know this."

Strong words! Unreasonable!

Li Yapeng didn't bother to care about her, it was his own.

No one cares about herself anymore, and Yang Mi also sees herself. She stared at the man on the court.

"Hey, why does that guy keep running? Why doesn't he stop and take a break? Isn't he tired? If I can't run anymore."

"Is there a spring under his feet? He jumped too high, right? His head is about to hit the basket."

"Damn it, the guy behind it actually pulled Li Nan's jersey. That's a foul! That's a foul!"

"Huh~ Li Nan actually slapped someone's hand with a slap, so smart. It shouldn't be a foul, right? The referee shouldn't see it? It's okay!"

Sometimes happy and excited, sometimes sad and angry, sometimes worried and afraid. Yang Mi's thoughts involuntarily followed the game. Although there was no one to help her solve her doubts, she was more devoted.


On the field, the 76ers are mainly defensive, catching the Trail Blazers from time to time. Whether there is a chance or not, it is a fast break.

The Blazers are trying their best to slow down. Their average height is a bit too high. Even the small forward Grant is 206 in height.

The Blazers attacked Grant at the beginning, trying to use Grant's height to force Li Nan. It turned out that it was not so easy.

At this time, it was Grant Li Nan who was back single again. Moving forward, unable to squeeze, Grant finally chose a small throw that was high and high.

But when Grant jumped up and shot, thrust came from the ground.


The ball missed!

Coleman scored the rebound, the 76ers counterattack again!

The Blazers couldn't defend enough, and Iverson stole another one.

In this way, after half of the game, 8-16, the 76ers led by 8 points.

The Blazers can't stand it. Especially the big Sabonis.

What the Trail Blazers fear most in the West is the Mavericks. If it wasn't for the Rockets to kill the Mavericks, maybe the Mavericks now enter the finals.

Sabonis 221 is tall and weighs 127 kg. It is too difficult to run back and forth like this.

However, Sabonis is the center of the offense and defense, and the Blazers are in control of the rhythm on offense and defense.

If Sabonis is replaced, the speed will indeed rise.

But in that case, the pioneer's complete system is gone. The Blazers will be hard to play.

But if it doesn't change, Sabonis will become a shortcoming on the court and be constantly chased.

Tangled, Mike Dunleavy replaced him in the eighth minute.

After the change, the Blazers' offense became even more unstructured. Not individual singles, or individual singles.

At the end of the first quarter, the score came to 17-30, a 13-point difference.

In the second quarter, the situation remained the same.

The 76ers also took the opportunity to expand the score.

The half game ended soon.


At halftime, the 76ers led by 20 points!

In the second half, the Blazers didn't have a good way, and they lost in the end.


28 points! The 76ers beat the Blazers with 28 points at home!

It is rare for Li Nan not to encounter strict defense, and he was very happy to vote.

13 of 18, 35 points, 6 rebounds, 6 assists!

After the game, Li Nan was also named the best in the game.

Li Yapeng also asked, "How is it? Li Nan is great, right?"

He must have scored so many goals.

Yang Mi nodded her head for sure, but she didn't say so, "It's just normal. The main reason is that the opponent is too weak."

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