Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 353: Oh, is it so?

June 12th is coming soon!

On this day, the weather in Philadelphia was very good, the weather was 26 or 7 degrees, the breeze was comfortable, and the sun was just right.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the fans walked into the arena one after another.

In this group of people, there are several faces that are very familiar to Chinese people.

The two men and three women are the heroes and the sister of an agent of the "Han Zhu Ge Ge" cast from last year to the present in China.

Su Youpeng pointed to the tall arena and introduced to everyone, "Look! That is the home court of our 76ers, named Wachovia Center Arena!"

Zhao Wei and Lin Xinru both had a little expectation and excitement in their eyes, but Zhou Jie beside them could not help yelling out:

"Wow! I finally came to the home of the 76ers! I can finally watch an NBA game! No regrets in this life!"

Su Youpeng smiled, "A Jie, look at what you have done! Where is this to follow?"

Zhou Jie rolled his eyes, as if you were very knowledgeable.

The agent sister quickly said, "Well, let's go quickly, the game will start."

Everyone followed the crowd and walked in step by step. The agent sister said to them from time to time, "We are in a very good position today. Fortunately, we have a relationship in the United States, otherwise we can only go to the back. There are too many people watching the finals, it’s hard to get a vote..."

Finally entered the arena.

Su Youpeng involuntarily sighed when the white ocean of the audience came into view.

"Wow! It's spectacular!"

The corner of Zhou Jie's mouth bends. Are you no better than me?

At this time, a familiar voice appeared on the side.

"Brother Yapeng, this arena is just so-so, that is, there are a little more people, it's nothing great. Besides, it feels like a funeral, not lucky at all."

"Hehe, what do you little girl know about in the film. When there are more than 20,000 people in the audience, you will know how good it is."

"Where is our position? If it's too far behind, I won't sit."

"Hey! Why do you sound so uncomfortable with this? It was you who wanted to follow, and I did not ask you to come. Do you dare to abandon your position?"

"Huh! I don't care! Anyway, if the position is not good, I will cry for you."

"Oh~ For the face of your parents, I will let you back today. However, if my position is not good, then there is no good position today."

One big and one small two left, and Su Youpeng behind them also recognized them.

"That's Li Yapeng from "Keep Love Through to the End". Last year, he had a little bit of fire. I didn't expect him to come to catch the heat." The agent's sister also pouted, "However, if you want to say a good position, how could they possibly Is there something better than us?"

The sister of the agent led the crowd to find her place quickly and with great difficulty. In the fourth and fifth row of the second floor stand, the position was not correct, but it was not too close. It is indeed a good position to be able to see the stadium clearly.

There are people who don’t know me around, and no one asks for my autograph to take a photo. It feels very comfortable.

It's like a child chasing stars and listening to a concert, so they feel the same right now.

Just as they sat in their positions, they found familiar figures appearing on the side of the court.

"How can they appear there?"

"Huh, is that the CCTV camera shooting?"

"How could they have such a good position? They must know that Teacher Sun Zhengping is there, so they deliberately went to the heat."

Everyone thought about it, but the facts disappointed them.


On the sidelines, Sun Zhengping interviewed three fans with special identities.

"Dear audience, audience friends, everyone must be very curious about who our three lucky audiences are. Today we will announce for everyone. The first one is classmate Yang Wanli!"

Yang Wanli wearing glasses has flushed cheeks. "Big, everyone, I’m Yang Wanli. I’m a student at Binhe Middle School in Shenzhen. What I am best at is memory. If there are a hundred dalmatians in front of me, I will definitely distinguish them all. Also, I am a classmate of Yi Jianlian, and Yi Jianlian will definitely be as famous as Li Nan in the future!"

Yang Wanli couldn't speak quickly at first, but after a few words, he immediately slid more smoothly.

Teacher Sun Zhengping also smiled, "Haha, classmate Yang Wanli is a schoolmaster, don’t doubt what he said, he can really do it. As for Yi Jian to learn together and want to be like Li Nan, then I have to work harder."

After introducing Yang Wanli, Sun Zhengping also continued to introduce the next two.

"Next, he is our very familiar old friend. I believe people who watch the live broadcast of the game will know him. That's right! He is Li Nan's iron fan, Li Yapeng!"

Li Yapeng smiled at the camera, very handsome, "Hello everyone, I am Li Yapeng, who everyone jokingly calls'Li Nan's number one fan with question marks'. I am very happy to meet you again. Today, I will continue to cheer for Li Nan. !"

"Okay, I hope Yapeng will bring that blessing and cheering from the domestic fans today."

"Yes! I will definitely!"

After introducing the first two lucky audiences, the third lucky audience, Mr. Sun Zhengping, also introduced them emphatically.

"The third lucky audience may not even think of the people of the whole country, because she is our goddess, Wang Zuxian!"

"Hello, everyone, I'm Wang Zuxian!" With long hair and shawl, with a sweet smile, wearing a white No. 9 player, Wang Zuxian appeared in front of everyone. Although it is over thirty, she still looks like a girl.

"'The prestige is light, I like you very much. The white clouds are floating, we can't float.' This poem is really well written. How did you think of writing it like this back then?"

Wang Zuxian put out his tongue shyly, "I have liked basketball since I was a kid, and my father is a professional basketball player. I have always admired players who are good at basketball. Li Nan is my most admired player. In fact, I personally think that the latter sentence Still not so good."

Teacher Sun Zhengping doesn't think No, I think that sentence can’t be written better. This shows that you are a girl who really understands the ball. "

Wang Zuxian smiled shyly.

After the introduction of the three lucky viewers, they also sat down in the first row.

After introducing the three lucky viewers, Mr. Sun Zhengping continued to introduce others.

"There are many domestic and foreign players here today. Look, they are the CUBA champion team this year, students from Huaqiao University."

"They are star players in the LYN training camp. This is Yi Jianlian, who is Yang Wanli's classmate. The one who looks like Teacher Pan Changjiang is Han Jun. This is Chen Jianghua, who is only 10 years old."

"These are the potential newcomers of the CBA, Yao Liang and Liu Wei of the Shanghai team, and Zhu Fangyu of the Guangxi team."

"The front row is our Chinese men's basketball player Wang Dazhi! Hu Weidong! Guidance Gong! And our meritorious coach Qian Chenghai! The young actor Yang Mi next to Coach Qian."

Everywhere the camera passed, everyone smiled and waved at the camera, and the young actor Yang Mi also smiled sweetly at the camera.

Su Youpeng on the second floor stands also cast envy eyes.

The location is so high, and the CCTV camera is really enviable.

"What lucky audience? They must have bought it with money?"

"Sister, why can't you buy it? Spend more money!"

"I think too, but I can't even find anyone."

"Hey, why did the little girl who came with Li Yapeng sit in the first row on the sidelines?"

"Hey, those who seem to be us Chinese, how can they sit in the front?"

"There are brothers Peng, those players seem to be the national team."

"Oh, is it? Haha"

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