Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 281: Can't let go

In the last few days of June, Justin's business suddenly became busier.

Ling Ling Ling~~~

"Hi, hello, I'm Lee's agent, Justin."

"Oh, it's Manager Jerry of the Bulls, hello, hello."

"How are the players in our company? Brad Miller, Ralph Alston, Ben Wallace... they are really great."

"Oh, you are talking about Li?"

"When will I have a chance to meet? I don't know that. Li is on vacation now, and I don't know where he is."

"Is the annual salary ten million? Hey, this is a bit too much."

"Okay, okay, when I get in touch with him, I will definitely tell him."


Ling Ling Ling~~~

"Hi, hello, this is..."

"Oh, of course I know, Coach Rudy, of course I know you."

"Lee? Li is not in the United States, I don't know where he went."

"Lee go to your rocket? Don't you have a glider?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot that he retired."

"Lee joining you will definitely turn the Rockets into a championship team. But, I can't be the master."

"Fine, I will tell him."


Ling Ling Ling~~~


"Coach Nelson? Hello, hello."

"What? You want to sign Lee? Don't you have Michael Finley?"


"Bulls, Mavericks, Rockets, Pacers, Celtics, Lakers, Spurs..."

A few days later, Justin received calls from executives from 12 NBA teams. Someone even called more than once.

"Wow! Even Lukai and the Lakers want Li. Li's attraction is really not that big."

Justin was very happy for Li Nan, but also worried about him.

"So many teams want Lee, where is it better to go? Lee goes to the Lakers to partner with O'Neal, and he will definitely win the championship next year. If you go to Green Kai, you won't be competitive, but it's also a giant. If you go..."

At this time, another call came.

"Hey, hello, this is..."

"Hey, this is Greenberg."

On that end is a familiar old voice!

Without even thinking about it, Justin knew what the opposite was coming from.

Sure enough, Greenberg said directly, "You ask Li, when will you sign the contract?"

The contract was negotiated at the end of the playoffs. The 2+1 contract of 20 million in three years, but it has not been signed.

It's just that Justin can do nothing now. "I can't reach him now."

Hearing the "perfunctory" of the other party, Greenberg said a few more unsavory words, and then he was about to hang up, "Well, then I know."

Toot toot~

The phone was so swiftly that Justin felt that the other side had misunderstood. However, he really can't contact Li Nan now.

For the 76ers, Justin as Li Nan’s agent also has his own views:

Li's contract extension is actually a good choice for the 76ers. However, in the 76ers it always feels like a second master.

Every time Li took a free throw, the fans shouted "Lee Li Li", but at Iverson it was "MVPMVPMVP"! This is not fair!

"If Li doesn't renew his contract in advance, he should be leaving now?"


On the other side, in the office of the 76ers’ boss, smoky,

Pat Cross frowned.

Greenberg said complainingly:

"Larry, you see, they are still playing me. They just don't want to stay. You said. What do we do now?"

"No, he talked to me on the phone the day before yesterday. He promised to stay."

"Then why doesn't he sign now?"

If you don't sign now, the July freeze period will be in two days.

The free agent market opens in July, and there will be a period of freezing and no operations.

In this way, many teams have taken advantage of the situation, and Li Nan may have been poached by others with high salaries. There are so many nights dreams!

Greenberg asked, "Is he still not satisfied with the contract? Still want to mention it?"

Larry Brown shook his head. "No, he has other plans."

"Other plans? What do you mean?" Greenberg's face was puzzled.

Larry Brown said: "He told me the day before yesterday that he thinks the NBA will be shut down next season."

"Shut down?" Greenberg smiled "hen~", he obviously didn't believe it, "No, those guys will compromise soon."

Pat Cross at the side frowned.

This lockout may actually happen.

In the past two years of the Asian financial crisis, the US economy has also been affected. The stock market is turbulent, and many bosses have tightened money.

Moreover, because of the Timberwolves yin and yang contract, the bosses are too jealous of the Byrd clause. If your own players overflow the salary cap and make hundreds of millions at every turn, who can stop them?

Now, the players union is not willing to regress, and of course the team bosses are not willing to give up. But the old man Stern, who originally represented the capital, was a little inactive, and let the situation develop, he must be thinking about something bad again.

Pat Cross knew that this lockout should be coming.

"Oh~ it's all because of profit!"

Pat Cross sighed suddenly, breaking the deadlock. He looked at Larry Brown and asked, "So, Larry, why did you say he didn't sign?"

Larry Brown told the truth, "That guy said that this lockout will be a long time. He has to change places to play through this difficult time."

"The lockout is very long? Change to another place to play?"

Pat Cross smiled suddenly and shook his head.

Shutdown is very possible, but it is very long, it is impossible. After all, no one can give up so much money!

Pat Cross didn't believe it, Greenberg didn't believe it, in fact, Larry Brown didn't believe it either.

The NBA is a business league. It's full of benefits inside.

Who will give up?


A few days later.

On July 1, the NBA officially announced the closure of the hall,

"During the closure period, the team is forbidden to trade players, cannot conduct trial training, and cannot hold talks with players..."

Many rookies who have just been selected by NBA teams, especially those who were signed in the second round, cannot sign as they wish. At this moment, their mood is suddenly bad.

Many free agents are still waiting for the new rules to increase salary ~ ~ As a result, they are waiting for such a thing.

The players were indignant, and they all spoke out in support of the players union and the union chairman Ewing.

"We want a raise!"

"Raise the salary cap!"

The team owners are not willing to give in at all.

"Salary reduction must limit the salary cap!"

"We have lost too much! If this continues, we will lose money and can't afford underwear!"

Everyone thinks that the other party will compromise, that this is only temporary and will pass soon.

No one knows how things will go on.

The labor and management have slowly reached a stalemate...


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