Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 280: idiot!

On the evening of June 24, Vancouver, Canada, the Grizzlies are home to FedEx Arena.

This night, outstanding players from different countries all over the world gathered here, and their lives will be greatly changed because of today.

For everyone, from childhood to adulthood, day after day, repeated hard training, every shot, every dribble, every basketball hitting the ground, countless mornings and evenings, countless sun and wind blowing. How many times did you run with all your strength, how many times did you sweat on the court, and how many times did you jump desperately. All for the arrival of this moment today.

Countless disdainful efforts, countless hard struggles, whether they can be on the highest palace of professional basketball, everything will follow the voice of David Stern.

"In the 1998 NBA Draft, the No. 1 pick, the Los Angeles Clippers chose from..."

David Stern’s voice sounded in the arena again and again, and many young players’ dreams came true.

The first overall pick, the Los Angeles Clippers chose center Michael Olovkandi,

Second overall, the Vancouver Grizzlies chose point guard Mike Bibby.

The third overall pick, the Washington Wizards chose center Reeve LaFrenz.

With the fourth overall pick, the Toronto Raptors chose forward Antoine Jamison,

The fifth overall pick, the Golden State Warriors chose Vince Carter.

The sixth overall pick, the New Jersey Nets chose Dirk Nowitzki.


The ninth overall pick, the Boston Celtics chose Paul Pierce,

With the tenth overall pick, the San Antonio Spurs chose Larry Hughes.

With the 11th overall pick, the Houston Rockets chose Bunge Wells.

With the 22nd overall pick, the Charlotte Hornets chose Ralph Alston.

With the 25th overall pick, the Philadelphia 76ers chose Catino Mobley.

The 50th overall pick, the Charlotte Hornets choose Brad Miller.


As the only player from Asia in this draft, South Korea's Lee Moumou received much attention from the Korean media in the draft.

During the week before the start of the conference, the beautiful host Kong Shuying followed up and reported on Li Moumou's situation throughout the whole process.

After the start of the draft, Li Moumou had been expecting his name to appear in the first round pick, but he did not.

Ms. Kong also encouraged Li Moumou, "Lee Kyu-seop, there are 28 picks in the second round, you must be able to!"

However, when the Chicago Bulls drafted Marseo Gaston in 58th place, Li cried, crying silly, it was the sound of broken dreams.

When Li Moumou lost the draft, Kong Shuying tearfully faced the camera and reported:

"Unfortunately, our player Lee Kyu-seop unfortunately lost. It's a pity. His predicted pick is 59th! What a pity! If we add another team, our player Lee Kyu-seop will definitely be selected for the NBA. It's really too good. Sorry..."

Many fans in South Korea shed tears sentimentally.

"It's okay! We'll come again next year! I believe that next year Li Kyu-seop will surely make his dream come true like Li! Fighting!"


The draft is over.

Some people have dreams come true, the carp jumps over the dragon gate, and since then they become masters; some have their dreams shattered, and their lives fall into the gloom and sad; some are happy; some cry bitterly; some hate God for injustice...

However, things soon became less beautiful...


In the conference room on the 15th floor of the Olympic Building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, New York.

On the oval conference table, two groups of people were sitting clearly.

On one side is David Stern at the head, on the other side is Patrick Eugene.

This is the tenth labor negotiation between the two parties.

David Stern put the facts to reason,

"In the entire season, your salary has reached 57% of the'basketball-related income'. 15 teams in the league are losing money this season. Next, we must control the upper limit of the team's salary..."

Stern clarified a lot of details: the management asked to reduce the proportion of players' salaries, restrict the upper limit of player salaries, and asked to raise the NBA's age threshold...

However, Ewing on the opposite side disagrees.

"No, no, we know this best. Only four teams lose at most. Our players play so hard, we should have taken a little more..."

The NBA can have the current situation, Ewing believes that NBA players have worked hard game after game.

Ewing’s request is to increase the player’s annual salary, raise the team’s salary cap, lower the age threshold, and allow high school players to easily enter the NBA...

No matter what Stern said, Ewing was tit-for-tatly opposing it, and it was entirely based on the players' interests.

The scene suddenly fell into silence, and the two sides stared wide-eyed.

After a while, Stern spoke with a sincere heart:

"The salary of NBA players is much higher than that of ordinary people. You shouldn't ask for more."

Ewing said without thinking, "Yes, we earn a lot, but we spend a lot."


David Stern shot up, and the pens on the table jumped up. He looked at Ewing, who was opposite, with red eyes.


Stern pointed his finger at the guy opposite, but he didn't say anything, turned and left angrily.

The tenth labor-management negotiation broke up unhappy.


In the office, Stern was furious.

"Idiot! Patrick is an idiot!"

Why did the Players Union choose to let Patrick Ewing be the chairman of the Players Union?

David Stern really couldn't figure it out.

Opposite the duck egg with low eyebrows-the joke stood quietly, dare not say anything.

"Duck egg, what do you think should be done now?"

David Stern threw the question to the assistant duck egg again-a joke.

Labor-management negotiations, this is a major event. Duck-dan-you can't neglect the joke at all.

"President, I think I can only wait now."


David Stern fixed his eyes.

Originally, this matter was a matter of labor and management. Those old men are all pressured on my back, and a fool on the other side dared to challenge me.

"Okay! Wait! Then I'll wait!"


Last year, Garnett signed a six-year 126 million large contract ~ ~ the Timberwolves yin and yang contract was fined, this labor dispute is doomed.

Beginning in March this year, the labor and management parties have started negotiations. However, as of now in June, the tenth negotiation has taken place, and there is still no progress.

The fans have always been supportive players. However, now it is a little hard to say.

Some media reported what Ewing said during the negotiations:

"Ewing said: "Yes, we earn a lot, but we also spend a lot."

In this way, American audiences will no longer sympathize with players at all. Rather, I think this is just "a game of profit sharing between multimillionaires and billionaires."

Without the pressure from so many fans, the management became tough and refused to give in. The players union will naturally not compromise for their own interests.

Things are slowly becoming different...

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