Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 268: It's not enough

After winning the Pacers, the 76ers chartered a direct flight to Chicago that night.

It's a bit cold in Chicago at 3 am on May day. The temperature is around 23 degrees during the day and 8 degrees at night. The temperature difference between day and night in the inland is a bit big. Of course, what makes people unlikable more than cold is the howling wind.

Sitting on the bus heading to the hotel, the other teammates were too excited before, and now they all fell asleep like dead pigs.

Li Nan was completely sleepy. Along the way, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Under the lights of the Buckingham Fountain, the white spring water constantly gushes out. On the Michigan Avenue Bridge in the center of the city is quiet, the Willis Building stands tall, and the big blue-grey lion at the entrance of the Art Museum stands tall...

Enjoy it while you are in a good mood.

When I left in a few days, I wondered if I felt that way.

"Hen~" Li Nan also smiled self-deprecatingly.

Unexpectedly, I was really as timid as the report said.

So far, the 76ers have not won the Bulls a few times. He won two of eight games last year and one of four games this year. A 25% win rate, which is a bit embarrassing.

Li Nan naturally had more ideas.

"Lee, what are you laughing at?" Iverson, who was sleeping on the side, suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's raining." Li Nan stretched out his hand out of the car window, feeling the moistness.

Iverson watched quietly, waiting for the following.

Li Nan also knew, but failed to change the subject.

What about Iverson? With a sigh in his heart, Li Nan also said:

"Alan, do you say we can win?"

Iverson froze suddenly, really froze. He didn't expect Li Nan, who had always been confident, would say such things.

"Of course! Of course we will win!"

Iverson's eyes were full of determination. For victory, Iverson is always so confident and persistent.

It's nice to be as thoughtless as Iverson.

Li Nan is the old man's mind, thinking too much.

He was about to say something, but Larry Brown's voice rang behind him.

"go to bed!"

Li Nan and Iverson tilted their heads tacitly.

Larry Brown watched the gradually dense rain outside the car window, and his eyes slowly narrowed...


On May 18, the Lakers and Jazz played in the Western Conference finals.


The Lakers O'Neal scored 6 of 16, only scored 19 points, 8 rebounds, and 7 turnovers; the second highest scorer was the teenager Kobe, who scored 4 of 14 with 16 points.

Seven of the Jazz scored in double figures and Malone scored 29 points and 10 rebounds.

The young Lakers are vulnerable to the old Spicy Jazz!

Last summer, the Lakers were severely humiliated by the Jazz once, and this summer, it seems to be repeating the same mistakes.

However, the 76ers don't have that leisurely attention to others now.

On the 18th, the 76ers rested.

The next day, the whole team appeared in the training hall early.

After a brief joint practice today, Larry Brown called a halt.

Then everyone was called into the meeting room to watch the video!

Said it is a video, it is actually a edited video. The protagonist of the video is Michael Jordan! And his opponents are many top perimeter defenders he has encountered since entering the league.

"Moncliffe, who won the best defensive player twice, Dennis Johnson, who was a six-time defense player, steals King Irvine Robertson, the Pistons bad boys team!"

In 1985, in the playoffs of Jordan's rookie season, facing the then two consecutive best defensive player Moncliffe, he scored an average field goal percentage;

In the 86 playoffs, Jordan faced Dennis Johnson, who defended 6 times, with 63 points per game and shooting average per game;

In the 90 playoffs, Jordan faced historical average steals per game, Irvine Robertson, and averaged shooting per game;

In the 93 finals, Jordan faced second-defense player Dan Marley, averaging 41 points and 50.5% shooting;

In the face of the Pistons’ bad boys Dumars and Rodman, Jordan scored 59 and 61 points in a row, allowing Daly to sacrifice the famous "Jordan Rule". This rule blocked Jordan for three years, but the league issued a malicious foul. After that, Jordan could no longer be blocked.

After reading this, Li Nan didn't quite understand why Larry Brown wanted to play this video.

Jordan is strong enough, is Larry Brown intending to undermine everyone's confidence?

Li Nan sat quietly, he didn't know what Larry Brown was doing?

According to the previous time against the Pacers, they watched the video for a long time, then formulated a defensive policy against Reggie Miller, and finally won the game.

This time, watching Jordan's video, it should be aimed at Jordan, right?

Under Li Nan's curious gaze, Larry Brown finally spoke.

"Everyone has seen it. Michael can't help it! Instead of wasting two people to double-team and wasting the defensive position like the Sonics, it is better to let the whole team fight Jordan alone! As for how to do the whole team Fight with one person? We are like this..."

Everyone watched Larry Brown rehearsing on the drawing board, drawing lines and arrows, listening to Larry Brown continuously explaining.

"The Chicagoans play a triangle offense. This is basketball I don't like."

"Triangular offense is a simple pick and roll, constantly giving strong points the opportunity to create singles."

"What you have to do is isolate Michael Jordan, cut off his passing lane, and let him fall into infinite singles. Let him fight with our team alone."

"Of course, whether you can win or not depends on your offensive ability."

Speaking of this, Larry Brown also looked at everyone, and then asked: "Do you have confidence in the offense?"

No double-teaming! Don't emphasize defense! The emphasis turned out to be offense!

Li Nan was stunned, but the others shouted in unison:


Frank's voice came quickly, "Allen always hits the Bulls casually. The Bulls' inside line is exactly like his home. In the last game, Lee was 12 of 12, so he could score 33 points in that situation. , It’s definitely not a problem to deal with the bulls."

Coleman also said, "And me, my shooting percentage in the penalty area now is absolutely 100%, not worse than Li."

Snow is also unwilling to show weakness, "I definitely have a 40% shooting rate in three-pointers now. Although not as good as Li, I am absolutely reliable."

These guys are getting more and more outrageous.

"Li and Allen must be able to get 30+ easily. The rest of us vote more accurately. Isn't it a matter of minutes to beat a bull?"

"Oh, we still have Dominic. Dominic is not old. He can definitely take Actually I wanted to attack for a long time. I just haven't had a chance. If the coach sends me up, I think I am You can also throw in three or four."


Hearing these words, Li Nan suddenly felt that compared with these guys, he was really a little too inferior.

It may be some small thoughts, or it may be that the elderly think too much.

These guys in front of them, one by one, are confident, as if they are about to win the championship.

Li Nan looked at the smiling old man, he knew that this old man brought everyone.

Since winning the Pacers in the last game, this team has become more confident. He became more trusting in this old man.

It's just that not double-teaming Jordan, isn't this proven in many games?

Although the 76ers did a good job of supplementing defense and assisting defense, it was not enough!

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