Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 267: Difficult this summer

After the game, the Pacers players also greeted each other with the 76ers in style.

Reggie Miller asked the guilt as soon as he came, "Boy, you are so despicable! You pushed me the last ball! It was a foul!"

"Hehe, don't talk nonsense, I just touched you lightly." Li Nan would not admit it.

"Did you take it lightly? It would have pushed me down. If it weren't for you, I would definitely cover you." Reggie Miller was very unconvinced.

Li Nan debunked, "Is it Gai? I think you will knock me to the ground."

Waved his hand, Reggie Miller smiled, "Hehehe, it's not that serious. At most, it just makes you limp when you come down."

"Hi~ I'm so scared." Li Nan patted his little heart.

"Hen~" Reggie Miller smiled slightly, but suddenly changed to a serious expression, which is serious, "boy, beat them!"

How difficult is it to defeat Jordan's bull?

"Difficult!" Li Nan admitted that he was powerless.

Reggie Miller nodded like that, "Indeed, you have no chance of winning at all."

Li Nan suddenly rolled his eyes, and Reggie Miller immediately changed his words:

"However, it's a little harder, but don't make them feel better. If you don't die, let them fade. Even if it's a favor for the black and white Shuangsha over there."

"So cruel? Do you have enemies with them? Or do you have relatives in the Jazz?" Li Nan was puzzled.

"Of course not! I just can't understand them!" This is Reggie Miller's reason.

Li Nan clicked it out, "Can't you understand it? How do I think you're a "hatred of the rich" mentality?"

"Yes, so what!?" Reggie Miller admitted frankly, still a bit proud.

"How?" Li Nan shook his head, "hen~ I don't think so!"

Hearing this, Reggie Miller was suddenly disappointed. The children nowadays are very poisoned by that guy.

At this moment, Reggie Miller suddenly raised a hand in front of him.

"However, you and I are actually the same."

Two hands were squeezed together, Reggie Miller smiled, Li Nan also smiled.



In the news interview after the game, Li Nan became a well-deserved protagonist.

The reporter came up on the issue of lore.

"Lee, what did you think when you last shot this ball? Why did you step back?"

Li Nan didn't hide his thoughts, "because I just want to take my destiny in my own hands."

What reporters are good at is catching the wind and catching the shadows, taking out of context. Li Nan said that, of course they have their own ideas.

A reporter asked soon.

"Li, do you mean something?"

What if it means something? Why do you want to explain it to you? You want to go yourself.

"Hehe," Li Nan didn't answer this, but said, "The next question."

Some reporters also picked up immediately.

"This game only took 12 shots and scored a game-high 33 points. Do you have a lot of dissatisfaction with your shots?"

It's another sharp question.

Li Nan responded as they wanted: "Yes, I am very dissatisfied!"

Many long guns and short cannons were aimed at this place immediately, dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at Li Nan.

At this time, Li Nan's mouth was also crooked, "I strongly condemn the Pacers, their defense is too much! To force me not to shoot is really too much!"

Many people twitched the corners of their lips. It turned out to be dissatisfaction. Lee, are you the title party?

Finally, a young male reporter asked, "Lee, what do you think about the Chicago Bulls, the opponent in the next round?"

Li Nan didn't answer, but instead asked, "Dude, are you a reporter in Chicago?"

"No, I'm from Indiana." The reporter didn't know why.

Li Nan asked again, "Then you support us to win, or Chicago wins?"

"Uh~this~" The male reporter paused briefly, and Li Nan interrupted him directly.

"You hesitate, then I know. You definitely want to watch our two teams fight to the death, right? It's better to lose both, right? It's best if neither team wins the championship. , Right? Man, I'm really familiar with your routine."

Li Nan thought so, but the young reporter quickly argued:

"You~ (nonsense

Li Nan also refused to give a chance and interrupted directly, "How did I know, right? Of course I know. That's what Reggie Miller told me. He just couldn't understand the Bulls winning, nor could he understand us. The 76ers win. What he most wants to see is to lose both sides and finally get the Utah Jazz in the West."

Li Nan avoided talking, answered the question, and directly brought the topic to Reggie Miller.

The reporters at the scene also caught up with something...

Soon, news reports came.

"China's Li reappeared! The 76ers broke into the Eastern Finals!"

"12 of 12, 33 points! Lee made history!"

"Lee: I want to take my destiny in my own hands..."

"The new generation of archers completely compares the older generation of archers."

"Reggie Miller supports the Jazz to kill the Lakers before entering the Finals."

"Reggie Miller wants to see the Bulls and 76ers lose out!"

"Lee avoids talking about the Chicago Bulls, which is timid."

"The 76ers dare not challenge the Bulls at all!"

The media is raging, and there are all reports...


In a large office, smoky, the old man in suits and leather shoes, with his legs folded, leaned comfortably on the sofa.

The old head of the station glanced at the data that had just come out, and kept going to the head, "Okay, okay! Very good!"

Three "good" in a row, that is really good!

"Come, you guys have a look too."

The data sheet was quickly circulated to everyone present, and then they nodded in applause.

It didn't take long for someone to propose it first.

"The next Eastern Finals, we can also operate it. Flying Jordan vs Philadelphia Gemini, this is absolutely very attractive!"

Someone immediately seconded:

"Yes, that's a good idea."

"I agree! It's just a few more games, it won't affect the overall situation."

"The matchup in this series is definitely much better than the semifinals."

Everyone talked a lot, but some people kept silent.

The old head of Taiwan also looked at that person with a smile.

"David, tell me, what is your opinion?"

David Stern was silent for a while, then stood up suddenly.

"I object!"

The three words "I", "anti" and "right" are utterly loud.

The office that was still lively just now quieted down quickly.

The old men are not happy!

The old man squinted his eyes, and then said faintly: "David, aren't we doing this to give you more money? Don't forget, you still have very important things to do this summer."

Very important things, Stern certainly knows what it is.

It's time to negotiate the labor agreement again.

These big brothers and the players' union, that Stern can't afford to offend.

However, this time, Stern was hardened. He said coldly: "Don't force me!"

The first time I saw Stern with such an attitude, the old men were also silent.

But they are looking at Stern, with a little "how can you force you" teasing in their eyes.

The scene was silent, and no one spoke.

After a long time, the elder Tai stood up, walked to Stern's side, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, you won! You are the president, you have the final say!"

After speaking, the old man turned and left. One after another, the other old men followed out.

In the office, David Stern was soon left alone.

Stern was sitting on the sofa with his fists clenched and let out a heavy breath. "Huh~~~"

Although it was only a small victory, David Stern was all comfortable at the moment!

However, he knew that the road behind was even more difficult.

It's hard this summer...

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