Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 252: Your defense is too bad

In April, the last ten games, the competition was fierce.

The 76ers have 12 opponents left.

There are league leaders like the Bulls and Lakers, there are strong playoff teams like the Nuggets Sun Wizards, and of course, there are also teams like the Clippers and Bucks.

However, no matter who the opponent is, the 76ers will fight every game.


In the first three games, the 76ers lost two games.

92-94, Iverson missed a lore, the 76ers lost the Suns by 2 points.

86-87, the 76ers were beaten by the Wizards Webber three-pointer.

Two very depressing games.

However, the 76ers soon found their way back from the Pistons who had fallen behind.

111-85, the 76ers beat the Pistons by 26 points!

However, the loss of the two games caused the 76ers to fall again. The Hornets took away the fourth place.

And the sixth Eagles are only one game short of the 76ers!

This is the case for the April game, and one step may change the fate of the team.


On April 6, Denver, it was cloudy with occasional sunshine.

The Nuggets, this is the 76ers' fourth opponent this month.

Although the 76ers were here a day earlier, they still felt a little discomfort.

This is the plateau!

Like the Utah Jazz on the plateau, the Denver Nuggets' home court is also a bit strong.

Denver’s home stadium is 1,609 meters above sea level, which is 300 meters higher than the Jazz’s 1,300 meters home stadium. It is the highest home stadium in the league.

The Nuggets, currently ranked eighth in the East, have 26 wins and 10 losses at home in their first 70 games.

The teams that come here have to pay more or less, and it is not so easy to retreat.

Many people came to the McNichols Stadium, the home of the Nuggets. Of course, the Nuggets' home attendance rate is very high this season.

It's really exciting that the team can turn into a playoff team from last year's slump.

The regular season is drawing to a close, and more fans will be there.


Before the game, Wang Dazhi also paid close attention to Li Nan.

"Xiao Li, how does it feel to be here? Will it be rebellious?"

"It's ok, basically no different."

It is less than two thousand above sea level, which is nothing to Li Nan.

Wang Dazhi still didn't forget to remind, "Xiao Li, my brother reminded you, please be careful later, don't make a mistake if you don't pay attention, it will scare people to death."

"Hen~no, don't worry." Li Nan has been to higher places.

"Really, Xiao Li, when I first came, I was just as careless as you, but I almost couldn't breathe later. I told you, do you have to be careful to know? You..."

It is rare for Wang Dazhi to be a host, and he really cares for Li.

As a result, Li Nan suddenly said indifferently, "Don't worry, I am not you."

"I~ why do I want to kill you so much?" Wang Dazhi was anxious, but Li Nan smiled openly.

Before the game started, the two men talked and laughed, but as soon as the game started, the two changed immediately.

On the field, the Nuggets are still the last lineup, and their play style is also familiar.

With serious eyes, Wang Dazhi singles Coleman with the ball in the high post.

After Coleman lost weight, his movements became more flexible and he was stronger than Wang Dazhi in strength.

However, Wang Dazhi is following the skill line, not insisting on you.

Two hits, and then suddenly a left turn, changed to a right-handed dribble, strong jump.

Coleman fell behind slightly, Wang Dazhi opened a hole and went straight to the basket!

Ben Wallace immediately defended him and blocked his way.

Wang Dazhi smiled softly and threw the ball to the basket to help fly Dean Garrett behind Ben Wallace.


"Xiao Li, can you see it? This is my home court!"

Wang Dazhi is more confident!

This is what Li Nan is very happy to see.

However, he has to take the victory in this game!

On the offensive end, Li Nan started the long-distance running mode. He is really flexible. With the help of his teammate's off-the-ball screen and the opponent's player's screen, Li Nan kept running around and running.

Counterpoint Danny Fortson is a muscular man, he is not good at speed, and he really has nothing to do with such a running guy.

An open opportunity appeared, and the outside lead was delivered immediately.

Catch the ball, take advantage of the situation, shake your wrist, and say goodbye to basketball with your fingertips.


A middle distance is still in color.

"Dazhi, your defense is too bad."

Li Nan also smiled and sent Wang Dazhi a sentence.

"Our defense is bad? Yours is not good too?" Wang Dazhi retorted.

Li Nan hooked up, "Really? Then try it."

Try it out.

Wang Dazhi attacked again.

Coleman is still single-to-single, it's over again.

However, for the first time, Li Nan blocked Wang Dazhi's path forward.

Before Li Nan pressed for it, Wang Dazhi also passed the ball to Danny Fordson who had an open space beyond the three-point line.

Danny Fordson hesitated, then raised his hand and threw the ball.


Danny Fortson opened his eyes in disbelief!

"Can this be touched too?"

Li Nan ignored Fordson's shocked eyes. After catching the ball that was scratched, the 76ers have already fought back!

Defensive counterattack! This is a style of play that the 76ers like very much recently.

Iverson made a fast break alone and made an easy layup.

His fast break is too fast. It's easy to make people wonder if he really participated in the team's defense.

Turning around, Li Nan said to Wang Dazhi again, "Dazhi, you really can't do it."

Wang Dazhi has nothing to say, he just wants to teach this arrogant little Li a good meal.

However, the 76ers' defense did not allow Wang Dazhi to get what he wanted.

Coleman slowly adapted to Wang Dazhi's style of play. By relying on it and increasing physical resistance, Coleman took a lot of advantage.

Wang Dazhi was consumed a lot here in Coleman. Although he broke through in the end, there are still people waiting for him behind him, and his passing route is even more focused.

As long as Wang Dazhi breaks through or plays the pick-and-roll, the 76ers immediately form an encirclement, cutting off his contact with others.

This is very similar to defending Nash.

The Nuggets played a bit Although Jim Burheim changed a small point guard to hold the ball, he still couldn't beat the 76ers' defense.

The Nuggets' own "zoned defense" defense was messed up by Li Nan's running position, and was also beaten by Iverson's breakthrough.

Beep beep! ! !

The game is over.


The 76ers defeated the Nuggets by 22 points.

The game data;


Wang Dazhi, 16 points, 5 assists, 4 rebounds, 5 turnovers.


Iverson, 35 points, 4 assists

Li Nan, 31 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 blocks.

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