Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 251: April Fool's Day

In Philadelphia, Wachovia Center Arena, the boss's office is filled with smoke.

Knocking! Knocking!


Greenberg hurried in.


The boss, Pat Cross, exhaled comfortably before asking, "What did you say over there?"

General Manager Greenberg said, "Boss, they refused."

Pat Cross frowned. "Did you say any reason? Is it the price or the age?"

Greenberg said angrily and truthfully, "There are prices and ages."

"That~" Pat Cross was about to say something when the door knocked again.


Larry Brown appeared here.

"Ahem~~" The old man didn't like the strong smell of tobacco, but he sat down on his own.

Pat Cross glanced at Greenberg, who immediately understood.

"Ahem," Greenberg coughed and cleared his throat, "Larry, Lee’s contract issue~"

"Cough~~" Larry Brown coughed again, then raised his hand, "This is not in a hurry."

This is not the first time Greenberg has raised this issue with Larry Brown, but Larry Brown is still so careless.

Owner Pat Cross also hurriedly said, "No, no! Larry, this is really anxious. Lee must sign first! Otherwise it will be too dangerous in the summer. We can't take this risk."

However, Larry Brown is still the same. "Don't worry, he won't leave."

Pat Cross couldn't help asking, "You are so confident?"

Larry Brown made no secret of it, "Of course!"

Pat Cross narrowed his eyes.

"Larry, to tell you the truth, Li just rejected our 7-year contract extension of 60 million yuan."

Hearing this, Larry Brown frowned slightly. I have said no rush or rush, you have to hide such a moth from me.

In fact, Larry Brown had already talked with Li Nan. He knew Li Nan's thoughts. By the summer, he was confident that Li Nan would stay.

But now...

"Hen~" Larry Brown shook his head with a smile.

"What, do you think there is a problem with this contract?" Pat Cross was a little dissatisfied.

Of course there is a problem, and the problem is not small.

"Even Howard can get hundreds of millions of contracts, why can't Lee? And~" Larry Brown paused.

Greenberg asked hurriedly, "And what?"

"That kid doesn't seem to care much about money, he cares more about length of time. Compared to a 7-year long contract, he may prefer a three-year short contract. And it is the kind with player options." Larry Brown is Know that Li Nan is a person with ideas.

Iverson seemed rebellious, but he was a loyal guy. While Li Nan looked easy to get along with, he was actually an assertive guy.

Larry Brown knew that Li Nan would not stay in one place for long. After all, there is no room for two tigers.

Don't care about money too much? Is this still an NBA player? Rich or not? Has a mine in his house?

Pat Cross asked again, "Then what should we do?"

"Don't worry, just wait. The Chinese are all people who know how to report. Li will not leave until we win the championship."

It's "I won't go if I don't win the championship", and it's the "three or four years time limit". Does this mean the 76ers will be able to win the championship within a few years?

"Championship?" Pat Cross didn't believe it, but he looked forward to it...


On April 1, just after dawn in the morning, Li Nan's cell phone started ringing non-stop.

Frank's very weak voice came, "Captain, I have eaten my stomach in the morning. I may not be able to go today. Remember to ask me for a leave."

Li Nan was also speechless for a while, what's so fun about this? "Yes, then don't come tomorrow."

"Don't, Captain, I know I was wrong." Frank also drove away quickly.


Just like a blessing call for the Spring Festival, I just hung up one, and another one came.

This time it was Iverson.

"Lee, did Tayala go to your place? I searched all night, but I couldn't find her. Tell me, is she with you?"

Iverson's voice was a little hoarse and a little tired.

If it hadn't been for a scoff, Li Nan would have almost believed it.

"Oh~ Alan, I didn't expect you to be so boring. I heard Tayala's smirk, so what kind of pretense?"

The little **** the other side was also immediately unhappy, "Oh, father Li, you are not funny at all. Can't you pretend to be fooled and coax me?"

If you want to, Li Nan also quickly enters the play. "Alan, what happened to Tayara? When did she disappear? Did she hide in the box and accidentally lock herself up?"

Li Nan's voice was very anxious, full of worry.

The little **** the other side laughed, "Oh, Dad Li, you really hate it, why are people so stupid?"


What Li Nan didn't expect was that Wang Dazhi, the boy, also went to the village to follow the customs.

"Xiao Li, I'm in love." Wang Dazhi's voice was a little ostentatious.

However, Li Nan didn't believe it at all.

Ha~~Li Nan yawned, and then asked casually, "Who is it with? Five girls?"

Wang Dazhi was impatient, "Hey? Why don't you believe me? I'm really in love."

Li Nan also joked earlier, "You will not be Kate Winslet, right?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Wang Dazhi seemed to be surprised.

Li Nan also revealed, "When you were in New York, you yelled Rose in the middle of the night, and I heard it in the next room. Also, your English name is Jack! Do you think I know?"

"Wow, I have always loved her so much? I can bond with her, this is really a fate bestowed by God." Wang Dazhi continued to feel shameless.


Wang Dazhi after the rookie game, why is the pigskin so thick?


It was also on this day that the media broke the news suddenly.

"At the end of the season, Michael will announce his retirement."

"This summer, Michael Jordan and the Bulls will disintegrate."

"The Bull General Manager has already found Jordan's is China Li!"

"China Li refused to renew the Philadelphia 76ers early! The Philadelphia Gemini will fall apart this summer."

"China's Li Xia family has been decided! It turned out to be..."

"The lion speaks loudly, and Chinese Li wants to get billions in contracts."

There are reports on Jordan and the Bulls, Li Nan and the 76ers, and others and other teams.

"Drexler will retire after this season."

"O'Neal is invincible inside. Next season, the zone defense will be legalized."

"This season's regular season MVP has been decided by default, that is Shaquille O'Neal."

Many media reported joke news today.

No one knows how true or false it is.

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